Year 3 Home Learning 22nd January 2021 - FUN FRIDAY

Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 3:41pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day, it was fantastic to see how well you did with your arithmetic questions and lots of you practised using a number line – amazing!

Friday 22nd January 2021


Today we are going to have FUN FRIDAY!

I know you have been working so hard at home – I have seen amazing work on Seesaw and so many of you have been going on Sumdog every day.


In school, we are going to try to be active today. We are going to have an extra 5 minutes outside (hopefully) at play time, and an extra 10 minutes at lunch time. Why don’t you do the same at home?


On Seesaw today, please send me a photo of something happy – it can be a photo of yourself or something you have done that made you smile.



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings:

there, their, they’re, here, hear, see, sea, too, two, blue, blew


Write the long date: Friday 22nd January 2021

Write the title: Homophones practice  


Split your page into 10 shapes.

Fill each shape with a different spelling word – make sure they are all spelt correctly. Use different colours for each shape.



Long date: Friday 22nd January 2021

Title: Can I write a story?

Make up a story about anything you want, you could choose a character or setting from a book you are reading at home and use them. Or you could write a silly story. Or you could write the story of your favourite film. It can be ANYTHING that you are interested in.

Illustrate it with colourful pictures when you have finished.



Capital letters and full stops

Perfect spelling

Beautiful handwriting


To make it even better:

Add a simile

Include a question

Use an exclamation mark

Start a sentence with a conjunction – if, when, because, even though, so that



Times tables

Listen to the 8x tables rap. Do silly dances and call out the numbers in silly voices.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Statistics Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 18th January – 24th January
  • Homophone Challenge: 18th January – 24th January



Times tables game

Cut up 24 pieces of paper.

On 12 pieces write out times tables questions from 1 x 8 up to 12 x 8.

On 12 pieces write the answers from 8 up to 96.



Put the cards face down on the table.

Choose two cards.

If they match, keep them.

If they do not, put them back.



Share the cards between yourself and somebody at home.

Play snap – shout a silly word if they match.



If you can remember your login details for, log on and have a go at the next lesson. - YCTNBX


Or choose an animal that lives in the Amazon Rainforest and make a PowerPoint about it including pictures and facts.


Get active

Follow the link.

Double click on Year 3 and 4.

Double click on the street dance video.

Watch the video and try to learn the dance.


Golden Time

Do something fun at half past 2:

Play outside, draw and colour a picture, make up your own game, make a PowerPoint about something you love, type up your favourite writing from the week.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
