Year 3 Home Learning 26th January 2021

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 3:25pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Monday and enjoyed some snow as well as your learning. 

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

We enjoyed the beautiful weather in school and played in the snow at play time and lunch time. We found the maths quite tricky, it was much easier when we wrote out our times tables and remembered to write our answers above each part of the question. Rushing did not work.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Write down your working out.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your Geography and Art, please put the two pieces of Art from Monday and Tuesday next to each other so I can see how different they are.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 7 of you have been on the grammar and spelling challenge, one of you has already completed it, wow. 6 of you have been on the related facts challenge and 1 of you has already completed it. Well done.


Things that made me smile on Monday (you could write your own list too)

  • The beautiful weather.
  • The snowmen the children in school made at play time.
  • Your amazing art work that you sent me on Seesaw – so bright and colourful.


Tuesday 26th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody at home everything you know about one of the characters.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings. Some are near homophones which means they have slightly different pronunciation.

quiet, quite, bare, bear, sun, son, new, knew, night, knight


Write the long date: Tuesday 26th January 2021

Write the title: Homophones Sentences

Copy the sentences and fill in the gap with the correct spelling.

  1. The library was very … (quiet, quite)
  2. The brown … growled at the man. (bear, bare)
  3. The … was so bright I needed sunglasses. (sun, son)
  4. The brave … rescued the princess (night, knight)
  5. I wore my … dress to the party. (new, knew)


  1. The library was very quiet.
  2. The brown bear growled at the man.
  3. The sun was so bright I needed sunglasses.
  4. The brave knight rescued the princess
  5. I wore my new dress to the party.




Follow the video on Seesaw to practise your handwriting.




Read pages 201 - 208 of Mr Stink. They are attached to this blog. Some parts are written in capital letters. This is because the characters are shouting, see if somebody at home can read this bit out loud with you.  


Long date: Tuesday 26th January 2021

Title – Can I use adjectives?

Today you are going to write a description of the Prime Minister’s house, Number Ten Downing Street. Try to use lots of adjectives to describe the house. I have attached some photos and good words on the same PowerPoint as the Mr Stink pages. Some of these are not really Ten Downing Street, but might help you to come up with some ideas.

Paragraph 1 – Talk about the outside.

You could start with: 

As Mr Stink and Chloe stepped out of the limousine, they looked in front of them at Number Ten Downing Street.


Paragraph 2 – Talk about the room where they have tea.

You could start with:

They were led through a never-ending corridor and taken into a huge dining room with shiny golden walls.


Paragraph 3 – Talk about the bathroom.

You could start with:

Mr Stink had eaten egg sandwiches before setting off, you know what that means. He needed to go to the toilet. It was just as fancy as he expected it to be.



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Adding a simile

Adding a question

Adding an exclamation mark

Starting a sentence with a conjunction


Times tables

Play on Hit The Button three times.

Practise the 8x tables.

Try to improve your score each time – my record is 36/36.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Related Facts Challenge: 25th January – 31st January
  • Grammar and Spelling Challenge: 25th January – 31st January



Count out loud in 5s:

From 0 to 60.

From 60 to 0.



Watch this video about related facts. Pause the video where you need to.

Complete the worksheet and use the answer sheet to check when you have finished.

Write out your times tables to help you with any tricky questions.


Geography and Art

Below is the link to a video about a favela in Rocinha, Brazil. A favela is a slum on the outskirts of a large city. Normally lots of people who don’t have a lot of money live in a favela.

I have attached some pictures to this blog of the favela. I would like you to create your own piece of art showing the favela. This time, you are not going to use colour – it is going to be black and white. This is to show how different life is for the people who live by Copacabana Beach compared to the people who live in the favela. They live in the same city but have very different lives.

  1. Draw your buildings, remember there are lots of them close together and they are on a hill.
  2. Draw the trees and hills.
  3. Use newspaper scraps to fill in the picture. Tear strips off and use them to fill in the buildings.
  4. Or if you would prefer, colour in black and white. You can do patterns like Romero Britto if you want to, but only in black, grey and white this time.

Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
