Year 3 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:40pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a lovely half term and managed to find the time to relax and enjoy yourself. I am looking forward to a fun week of learning, I hope you are too. I am also looking forward to seeing all of your work again on Seesaw, I have missed your messages over the past week.

Please send me a photo of your writing today, I can’t wait to hear from you all again!


Monday 22nd February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about what you have read so far.



Today I would like you to have another practice of the spellings from before Half Term. You will be tested on them tomorrow.

Write the long date: Monday 22nd February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Practice

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear


Write out your spellings down your page. Get a coloured pen or pencil and draw a circle around the parts of each word that you find tricky and need to remember.

Do this two more times, so you have written each word three times.



Tomorrow you are going to write a news report all about the landing of the Perseverance Rover on the Jezero Crater on Mars. I have been very excited following the story on the news.

Below are links to two videos all about the mission, watch both videos. After, watch them again but pause and write down information that you can use tomorrow when you write your news report. I have attached a sheet with the information I would like you find out.

If you are like me, and find it all very fascinating, you can watch more videos and read news reports to find out more – just check with your parents first.


Watch this video up to 2 minutes 36 seconds.


Watch this video up to 2 minutes 9 seconds.


Be very careful with capital letters and copying spellings from the videos!


Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for perfect spelling and capital letters.

I will choose some of the really good ones to share so please let me know on Seesaw if it is OK to share your work with the rest of the class, to help them with writing their news report tomorrow.



Times tables

Tomorrow you are going to be tested on the division facts for the 2x tables.

Cut up a piece of paper so you have 12 pieces. Write the following numbers on them:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24.

Shuffle the cards and face them down in front of you, set a timer for 1 minute.

Turn over a card and divide the number by 2, say the answer out loud.

See how many you can do in 1 minute.

Play two more times, can you improve your score?



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February

Shape Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February




Count out loud in 10s:

From 12 to 122.

Back from 122 to 12.

From 214 to 354.

Back from 354 to 214.


Number Facts

Write down or tell somebody all the pairs of numbers which make 9. Try to do it as quickly as you can.

Here is an example: 1 + 8



Today you are going to be practising measuring.

Watch the video, pause where you need to.

Complete the worksheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check.

Some of the questions ask you to use a ruler, if you don’t have a ruler you can skip those questions and write out your 2x tables instead.




I would like you to make a picture of a planet. It can be of Mars, a different planet, or a made-up planet.

Draw round something circle, like a plate, to draw your planet. Decorate your planet in whatever colours and patterns you want, you can look at pictures to try to make it realistic or you can use your imagination. Decorate the sky around the planet.

The children in school will choose out of paint, felt pens, crayons, torn up scraps of paper and pencil crayons. So you can use whatever you have at home.




Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. The new challenges start on Monday.

In school  tomorrow, we are going to be using flour and cocoa powder in our Science lesson. If you want to do the lesson too you will need flour and cocoa powder. The lesson will be explained in tomorrow’s blog.



Have a wonderful day, smile lots J

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
