Year 3 Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 12:47pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a lovely weekend with your family and are looking forward to another fun week ahead.


Monday 8th February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about what you have read so far.



Write the long date: Monday 8th February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test  


Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice.

  1. station
  2. fiction
  3. motion
  4. nation
  5. education
  6. action
  7. injection
  8. caption
  9. fraction
  10. competition

Bonus question: 11. careless



You are going to be writing a story about a baby animal. There is an example story to give you ideas, you just need to change parts to make it your own.

Please download the writing task PowerPoint and turn the sound on, the PowerPoint will explain the task.

If you want to, you can draw a picture to go with your story.

Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for perfect spelling and capital letters.



Times tables

Write the short date: 08.02.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your 4x tables in a mixed up order.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 89 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 2s:

From 0 to 30.

Back from 30 to 0.

From 234 to 254.

From 1 to 31.




Today you are going to have some more practice with adding, it might be helpful to think about or watch the video again on Seesaw from last week about bridging ten.

Then watch this video, pause where you need to.


Complete the worksheet and then use the answers to check. You can draw empty number lines or base ten symbols to help with the questions if you want to.



Today you are going to be looking at some of the great achievements of the ancient Egyptians.

Watch this video and see if you can spot anything amazing that the ancient Egyptians did:

Ancient Egypt video 

Even though they lived thousands of years ago, they managed to do some very impressive things! They built the pyramids at around the same time that Stone Henge was built in Britain.

More informatian and your task are on the PowerPoint attached.



This week we are celebrating Dance Week with a whole school dance project. Mr Mears will teach us our routine (see video) and we hope to see everyone take part in school and at home.

Have a practice of the dance in preparation for making a short video later in the week. I will be asking you to have a little practice each day. By Thursday, you can send your dance videos to your class Seesaw (through the inbox). 10 seconds per child is more than enough footage as we will be using these clips to create a whole school video.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. The new challenges start on Monday.

Don’t forget to collect a yellow dictionary from the school office when you can.



Have a wonderful day J start the week with lots of smiles, always take the time to do something that makes you feel happy! Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.


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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
