Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 4:09pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good Tuesday.

Today I would like you to send me a photo of your maths work and a video of yourself reading some or all of your rover story.


Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next in the story.


I would also love if you could read out all or some of your rover story and send me a video on Seesaw. Focus on making it sound very exciting. You might want to get other people in your house involved to help with sound effects. You could even have some exciting space music playing quietly in the background:



Please watch the video which will be on Seesaw in the morning.



Here are your spellings for this week. They all have the /ow/ sound in them spelled with ou.

mouth, around, sprout, sound, shout, cloud, hound, round, found, proud.


Say the words out loud.

Find the meaning of any words that you don’t know.


Write the long date: Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Write the title: /ow/ sound spelled ou

Write out your spellings in your best handwriting.



Write the long date: Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Write the title: Speed Writing

Set a timer for 10 minutes and then write about anything you want for 10 minutes. It is still important to remember capital letters and full stops, beautiful handwriting and perfect spelling.


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button three times.

Practise division facts for ÷ 4



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 1st March – 7th March

Times Tables Challenge: 1st March – 7th March



Count out loud in 1s.

From 387 to 410.

From 995 to 1015.

Back from 104 to 90.


Number Facts

Set a 30 second timer.

See how many pairs of numbers you can say or write which make 6.

Like this:  1 + 5


After 30 seconds, repeat for pairs of numbers which make:





Today you are going to be choosing the best method to add.

You will choose between partition into tens and units or bridge ten.

I have attached a sheet for you to complete, and there will be a video on Seesaw in the morning to explain the activity.

Please send me a photo of your maths work so I can check.



Follow the link and complete the music lesson.




As you know, it is Lent at the moment. I hope you are doing well with your Lenten Promise.

As well as making Lenten Promises, Lent gives us the chance to think about how we are living our daily lives.  During Lent it is good to think about the needs of other people. Jesus explains this in his teaching called ‘The Beatitudes.’

I have attached The Beatitudes to this blog.


Write the long date: Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Write the title: Can I describe ways we can think about others during Lent?

Please read The Beatitudes and then write your own list which will help you to think about the needs of others during Lent.

You could start each line with:

You will be blessed when…

Here are some words from The Beatitudes which you might want to use:

Generous, share, friends, comfort, treat others, kindness, patience, respect, forgive.

You can also draw some pictures to show ways we can think about the needs of others.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your maths and a video of yourself reading your rover story.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.



Have a happy smiley day.  J

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
