Year 4 Blog Friday 12th July 2024

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 9:21am

Welcome to your Friday blog





Next week, please bring an item of food to sketch, for example:

  • a packet of biscuits
  • a tin of something (eg beans, tinned tomatoes)
  • a packet of something (eg pasta, rice, couscous, crisps)
  • a piece of fruit or a vegetable
  • a bread item (eg crumpets, bagels)
  • cakes or other sweet treats etc

If everyone could bring at least one item in, we will have a variety of food items to sketch. Thank you.


Home practice


Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  If you find any words you are unsure of, look them up in a dictionary or ask an adult for the meaning.



We have been revising the possessive apostrophe rule in class, therefore there are no spellings to learn this week.                         



This week, please practise counting in 100’s

For example, start at 0 and count to 1500 and back again

0   100   200  etc                         1500    1400    1300   etc

For example, start at 245 and count to 1845 and back again

0   245   345   etc                        1845   1745   1645  etc


Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


Sumdog challenges

  • A maths challenge to add and subtract metric units


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘garage’ session


In English, we discussed the features of a non-chronological report.  Following this, we labelled the features in our books so that we can refer to them later. In preparation for writing our own non-chronological on a topic of our choice, we then created a planning document with ideas for our subheadings and contents. We also started to write our reports and will finish these next week.


In Maths, we learnt how to measure, draw and compare the length of different objects. We then converted between metres and centimetres using two decimal places to write centimetres in the unit of metres (eg 34cm = 0.34m).   In addition, we used our knowledge of multiplying by 100 and 1000 to convert between m and cm and km and m.   


In RE, we learnt about the life of St Oswald and were surprised to learn that he was once a king and died when he was only 38 years old!


In PSHE, we learnt how stereotypes can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others. In addition, we considered what strategies we could use to challenge stereotypes.


In Art, we sketched food using different mediums, for example, pencil, graphite, oil pastels and handwriting pens. Have a look at some of our sketches in our gallery. Next week, we will be sketching food items onto sheets.


This week we also watched the school production of Bugsy Malone on Monday morning, and took part in Tough Kidder on Wednesday afternoon. You can see some pictures of us taking part in Tough Kidder in our gallery. We had great fun getting wet and muddy. In addition, we took part in a special retirement assembly for Mrs Winter. During the assembly, we sang 'I got a little dog' beautifully - Mrs Winter and her family thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. On Friday morning, we watched a 'Rock Steady' concert.  Wow – we were so impressed by everyone who took part!

Have a super weekend

The Year 4 team

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
