Year 4 Blog - Friday 12th May 2023

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 12:46pm

Year 4 Blog

Friday 12th May 2023

Another very busy week in Year 4! Here’s a brief overview of what we have been learning:

In English, we investigated contrasting settings. We read two descriptions of the grotto of the fire fiend and considered how the words and phrases described the setting. We also explored noun phrases and had great fun writing sentences which included interesting adjectives.    

In Maths, we subtracted two numbers with one decimal place using the formal written method. We needed to be confident with our number facts and this is something which some of us need to practise a little bit more. We also started our new topic - 2d shape.  We started by identifying acute and obtuse angles and understanding what these words meant.  (An acute angle is less than a right angle. An obtuse angle is larger than a right angle, but less than a straight line.)

In RE, we learnt how the Holy Spirit gave courage to Peter and John. We hot seated Peter and John, and this helped us to understand how the Holy Spirit confirmed their faith in Jesus and gave them the courage they needed to speak out about the Good New, even when they were threatened.

In French, we produced the grand finale of our Matisse project.  We described our picture in French, remembering to put the adjectives after the nouns and make them agree. (A feminine noun needs a feminine form of the adjective etc). Well done Y4 - these will be on display now to show everyone your amazing French!

In PE, we continued with our striking and fielding topic.  We learnt how to bat off a tee and then played mini games of ‘cricket’ which involved all the players on the batting team running and all the fielders throwing and catching to each other.  This ensured everyone was actively involved in the game.

We also perfected our hymns and words for the parent assembly.  We all worked really hard to make sure we could be heard clearly, didn’t rush when we were speaking and knew exactly when we needed to speak.  Well done to everyone in Year 4 you were fantastic.

Thank you also to everyone who came to our Parent Assembly, we hope you enjoyed it.


Home Practice


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes each evening.  Look carefully at any descriptions – what makes them descriptive? Can you use any of the words in your own writing?


Next week we will be revising apostrophes for possession, including singular and plural, therefore there will be no words to learn.  We will be practising this each day in class and you will be tested on this rule next Friday. (19th May 2023).


This week, please practise counting in 9’s

Start at 0 and count up to 108 and back again

0   9   18    etc             108   99   90 etc

Start at 20 and count up to 146 and back again

20   29   38   47          146  137   128   119   etc

(TIPS - When counting up, add on 10 and take one away

When counting down, subtract 10 and add one back on)

Times tables

You will be tested on your tables target next Wednesday (17th May 2023). Please practise every day. Remember you can practise your tables playing Hit the Button and

Please also practise the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ on

Sumdog challenges

You have been set 2 challenges on Sumdog:

  • An acute and obtuse angles challenge, including comparing and ordering angles
  • A times tables challenge based on all the times tables

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  Little and often is the key to success!


Another app for practising tables and number facts is One Minute Maths from White Rose.  It is free to download from the AppStore and PlayStore. There are lots of excellent games you can play which will help you brush up your mental maths skills.  Please do your best to access this fabulous free resource!  Knowing your tables and number facts off by heart is crucial and will help you in many different areas of maths.

The Year 4 Team

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your First Holy Communion Celebrations.  

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
