Year 4 Blog Friday 14th February 2025
Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 10:00am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
As it is the half term holiday, there is no home practice set. However, please keep reading every day as this really does help to unlock your learning. You could also practise your tables using TTRockstars, Hit the Button and
In English, we learnt how to write and punctuate sentences which included fronted adverbials. You can see some photos of our ‘human sentences’ in our gallery. We also finished our class novel The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips – a book we have thoroughly enjoyed reading – and we wrote a book review of the novel to recommend it to other readers.
In Maths, we built on our understanding of the number system extending it further into hundredths. We learnt how hundredths are represented as a fraction and as a decimal (for example 0.01 = 1/100) and the equivalence of tenths, hundredths, fractions and decimals.
In RE, we watched a film about the life of St Damien of Molokai. Following this, we gave examples of how St Damien showed the virtues of faith, hope and love throughout his lifetime. In our final lesson of this topic, we created a poster to show how Jesus loved and ways that we could show love in our everyday lives.
In Science, we recapped the meaning of ‘viscosity’. We then carried out our ‘viscosity’ experiment. We made predictions about which liquid we thought would be the most / least viscous and then raced liquids against each other, recording our results in a table. You can see some photos in our gallery.
In History, we finished our PowerPoints detailing some of the legacies left behind by the Romans. We made sure that they included lots of information and some pictures, as well as a hyperlink and some animations.
In PSHE we discussed ‘keeping safe’. We considered how we can decide if something is risky and what signs to look out for. In addition, we were presented with different situations and discussed whether they were low, medium or high risk, and how we could reduce or remove the risk.
In PE, we added a transition to our ‘action word’ dance routine. Whilst doing this, we were able to demonstrate an unusual movement and keep in time with others, as well as work together to improve and rehearse our dance. Have a look at some pictures in our gallery.
In Art, we created our ‘pocket gallery’. We used the boxes we had made as plinths and placed objects/artwork on them. Then, we placed the figures we had created in our gallery and made it look as though they were inspecting the artwork. Have a look at our gallery to see our finished creations.
The Year 4 team