Year 4 Blog Friday 5th July 2024

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 12:35pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

Home practice


Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  If you find any words you are unsure of, look them up in a dictionary or ask an adult for the meaning.



These are your spellings for next week:

unfortunate           unlikely                  unbelievable          disagree      disappear

dishonest              independent           inaccurate           inactive          recreate

revisit                   redo                      submerge               submarine      subway                           



This week, please practise counting in 11’s

For example, start at 0 and count to 132 and back again

0   11   22  etc                         132   121   110   etc



Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


Sumdog challenges

  • A spelling challenge based on the words above
  • A maths challenge to consolidate rounding


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘garage’ session


In English, we read more of the class novel and then wrote questions about what we had read. We needed to ensure that we wrote ‘open’ questions which needed a thoughtful explanation / answer, rather than a yes or no answer. We also recorded ourselves asking the questions to our partner and answering them in full sentences.


In Maths, we learnt how to draw and measure lines accurately. In addition, we learnt how to convert measurements between cm and mm.


In RE, we finished our ‘Building Bridges’ topic with a beautiful worship led by some children in Year 4.


In History, we learnt about Ancient Greek gods and goddesses and what they are known for. We looked at pictures of different gods and noticed that they had symbols associated with them. We then chose our favourite 3 gods or goddesses and made our own ‘top trumps’ cards which rated their skills or characteristics.  


In Geography, we finished our double page spread about rainforests. We are very pleased with our work and feel that our research has helped us to learn a lot about rainforests.


In Science, we investigated how sounds were made by carrying out different experiments. We discovered that sound is made by vibrations.


This week we had our last Yoga session with Katie. We practised balances with a partner and Katie was very impressed with how successful we were.  


What's your favourite thing about weekends? - CBBC - BBC

Have a super weekend

The Year 4 team

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
