Year 4 Blog Friday 7th February 2025

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 12:54pm


Welcome to your Friday blog

Home practice


Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Can you spot any apostrophes when you are reading? If so, are they used for contractions (a letter or letters are missing) or to show possession?



This week we have been learning how to use an apostrophe for singular possession therefore there are no spellings to learn. You will however be tested on the apostrophe spelling rule next Wednesday as we have been practising it in class.



This week, please practise counting in 100’s  

For example, start at 568 and count to 2068 and back again

568    668    768     etc                      2068    1968   1868  etc



Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘Battle of the Bands’ session – boys v girls


Sumdog challenges

  • A maths challenge based on negative numbers
  • A maths challenge based on 10, 100 and 1000 more and less


In English, we learnt what an adverbial phase is and how to identify one in a sentence. Next week, we will be learning how to write and correctly punctuate sentences which include fronted adverbials.


In Maths, we returned to place value this week, starting by rounding 4 digit numbers to the nearest 1000.  In addition, we correctly placed numbers on a number line with multiples of 1000 marked, but not labelled, and labelled positive and negative numbers on a number line. 


In RE, we familiarised ourselves the religious vocabulary of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and ordered the different parts of the Sacrament. This week, we also learnt when the Sacrament of the Sick is used and explored how the Sacrament brings God’s strength to those who receive it.


In Science, we explored the properties of liquids. We considered how they:-

  • change their shape
  • flow and pour easily
  • keep the same volume
  • made a puddle, not a pile
  • show a level surface

In addition, we discussed the meaning of the word viscous (how thick and sticky a liquid is) and planned a ‘liquid race’ which we will carry out next week.


In History, we continued creating our PowerPoints detailing some of the legacies left behind by the Romans. We included lots of information and some pictures. We will attempt to finish these next week.


It was Children’s Mental Health week this week, so our PSHE topic was ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. First, we discussed the things that make us happy, activities we love doing and things that make us laugh. Then, we talked about the things that disgust us or make us feel fear. Following this, we understood that we have a variety of emotions and now know that it is OK to ask for support.


In PE, we added a transition to our ‘action word’ dance routine. Whilst doing this, we were able to demonstrate an unusual movement and keep in time with others, as well as work together to improve and rehearse our dance. Have a look at some pictures in our gallery.


In Art, we finished making our ‘plinths’ and prepared the pictures of ourselves, so that they stood up unaided.


Enjoy Your Weekend.Vector Flat Funny Cartoon Stock Vector - Illustration of  childish, children: 148858609

The Year 4 team

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
