Year 4 Home Practice Friday 26th November 2021

Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 3:54pm

Year 4

Home Practice 26th November 2021


Welcome to this week’s blog. Here’s what we have been learning in school this week ….

In English, we enjoyed hearing the last chapter of ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’. Following this, we wrote a summary of the story in 100 words! It was quite tricky as we needed to think carefully about which words to use and stick to the facts of the story, rather than providing lots of description. We had to write and edit our work and are proud of what we achieved!

In Maths, we learnt how to create our own pictograms, and how to interpret data and use information presented in a pictogram. We also learnt more about the formal written method of addition. Initially, we revised the expanded method and used base 10 symbols to help with our learning. We then learnt how to use the compact method when adding 2-digit numbers. Additionally, we have been practising our tables and counting in 9’s and 25’s.

In RE, we have designed our own book called ‘Preparing for Jesus, God’s gift to the world’. The book describes and gives reasons for the actions of Christians during Advent. We have included signs and symbols of Advent, how a Christian family prepares for the coming of Jesus, as well as some Scripture. Year 4 should be very proud of their books which have all been beautifully presented.

In Science, we continued learning about electricity. We had pictures of circuits and had to predict whether they would work or not, then we tested them to see if we were correct. Then we tried to explain why they would not work and how to fix them.  There are definitely some budding electricians in Year 4!

In History, we learnt more about the Roman Empire and why the Roman Army was so successful. In addition, we marched across the playground keeping in time together!

In PE, we refined our freeze frames and linked some of them together with a transition.  Each of the freeze frames and transitions linked either to using an electrical device or the way in which it moves. In addition, as tag rugby was rained off this week, Year 4 played ‘Bench Ball’ inside!

During our French lesson, we used bi-lingual dictionaries to look up words that will help us understand a French cartoon next week. One of the words was malheureusement (unfortunately) - so they weren't the easiest to pronounce! Well done year 4 for having a great try!


Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Make sure you discuss the story and the characters.  Find the meaning of any new words too.  Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding. 

Times tables

You have been given your own individual times table target.  Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next week, on Thursday (2nd December 2021). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately?  

Remember - you can also practise your tables playing ‘Hit the button’.   


This week, please practise counting in 9’s and 25’s – draw a line and some marks on it like I do in class. You could write the numbers down as you count up.  When you count down, cover the numbers up, say the number, then reveal what you have got written down to check you’ve said the correct number.

Count in 9’s

For example, start at 0 and count up to 108 and back again (this will help with your 9 times tables)

0   9   18   27  etc                     108   99    90   etc

Do this a few times to help you learn them!

Count in 25s

Start at 0 and count up to 325 and back again

0   25   50   75     etc           325   300   275  etc

Start at 500 and count up to 475 and back again

500   525   550      etc             475   450   425    etc


The spellings this week explore words with the ‘s’ sound, spelt ‘sc’ which are Latin in origin. Please practise your spellings each evening at home.  You will be tested on them next Thursday (2nd December 2021). We have discussed different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could also use ‘Look say cover write check’.

science        scientist      scene           scenery        scent

scissors       scientific     disciple        crescent      descend

ascend         scenic          scented       muscle         fascinated  

You have been set 2 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A spelling challenge based on the spellings above
  • A times table challenge based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables

Please make sure you log on and have a go! Many of you are still not accessing Sumdog on a daily basis. Little and often is the key to success!

Number bonds

Please continue practising your number bonds / addition skills playing Hit the Button

The game you will play will help with your number bonds and quick addition skills. For example:

8 + 6               you could partition this into         8 + 2 + 4 = 14

This is because 8 + 2 is a pair to 10, then add the 4 to 10

Click on the link above, then on Play Game.

Click on Number bonds

On the left-hand side you will see the words ‘Up to 20’

Click on Addition within 20

See how many you can get correct in 1 minute. Then have another go and try and beat your score.

Maths and spelling training

This week we would like to introduce Maths and Spelling Training. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths. Your tailored training is available in your tasks tab.

Spend some time training on Sumdog so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
