Year 5 blog - 24th January 2025

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:09pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

controversy  convenience   correspond   criticise  curiosity   definite   desperate  determined  develop  dictionary  disastrous  embarrass  environment  equipment  especially  exaggerate  equipped  special


Count out loud in:

5s up to 125 and back again                                            0,5,10,15 …

70s from 0 to 490 and back again                                  0,70,140 …

9s from 99 to 142 and back again                                  99,108,117…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.   All children have been encouraged to practise on this week’s ‘gig’ that has been set on ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ app.



Maths practise based on multiplication – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge – practise sheets have been sent home and there is a practise test on Sumdog

 We have had another great learning week in Year 5.

 In English, we wrote a letter as the character Jim, from our novel. We also practised where to put commas in sentences in order to clarify meaning.

In Maths, we explored various different ways of multiplying using different numbers, but still arriving at the same answer. Secure knowledge of all times tables is critical to this, so well done to everyone who has completed extra practise this week to help achieve this. 

This week in RE, we retold the story of The Good Samaritan and discussed how the parable shows virtues of love, hope and charity.   

In computing, we continued with our powerpoint presentations about The Vikings. We learnt new skills such as creating text boxes over images and altering the artistic effects of a picture.

We developed our charcoal art skills this week and produced two pieces of work for display in the classroom. Fantastic work Year 5!

In PE, we developed dance sequences - there were some extremely creative interpretations of various scenarios! We ended the session by practising our happy breathing.

This linked to our Happy Mind session, when we also self-reviewed our character traits and journalled about how we could strengthen some of them.

Finally, we ended our week by learning more about volcanoes and where the tectonic plate boundaries are in the world.

Volcano Facts for Kids | Volcanic Eruption | Teaching Wiki

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
