Year 5 Blog Friday 12th July 2024

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:38pm

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

Please remember to bring a shoe box and a cereal box into school next week for our DT project. If you have any spares, please also bring them.



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. 



Here are your spellings this week. They don't follow a rule or pattern so you just need to practise lots.

Try splitting the words into chunks to help you.

aggressive          awkward          category          committee          hindrance          government         environment          existence          embarrass          disastrous          criticise          marvellous          mischievous          twelfth          prejudice 


Times Tables

Remember to practise your tables on Times Tables Rockstars. Everybody's current target is division facts. 



Spelling Challenge

Maths Competition


We have had a brilliant week in Year 5. There have been lots of exciting things happening. 

On Monday and Tuesday we sang the songs in Bugsy Malone to support the Year 6 children with their end of year performance. Everybody was amazing.

On Wednesday afternoon we all took part in Tough Kidder. We all gave it our best shot and loved getting a bit wet and muddy. 

On Thursday we celebrated Mrs Winter's retirement. We had a special assembly where each class performed a song. We did a performance of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It was so energetic and fun, Mrs Winter and her family loved it. 

On Friday we were lucky enough to watch a concert of all the children who have taken part in Rock Steady this year. We were blown away by the musical talent. 

In between all of these exciting things, we have been reading parts of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban and will be writing about it next week. We have been calculating the area of shapes in maths and also using nets to make 3D shapes. In PE we had a Year 5 tennis and rounders tournament where everybody worked so well as a team and had a fantastic time. 

Have a happy weekend! 





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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
