Year 5 Blog Friday 14th July 2023

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 8:19am

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

We have had a super week this week, lots of exciting things going on. 

On Monday and Tuesday we played instruments and joing in with singing song from the musical Oliver to support Year 6 with their performance. It was very hot and took a lot of practice but we did a great job! 

Oliver! (Musical) Plot & Characters | StageAgent

In maths we have been learning about Roman Numerals. 

Roman Numerals Chart, Converter Tool, Info, Origin, Modern Uses | UNRV

We learnt what the different letters represent and how they are used. We followed 3 rules when writing roman numerals:

  1. If a smaller numeral comes after a larger numeral, add the smaller number to the larger number.
  2. If a smaller numeral comes before a larger numeral, subtract the smaller number from the larger number. 
  3. Do not use the same symbol more than three times in a row. 

In English we have been practising identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. We have also been using different sentence types and different punctuation to describe settings from Harry Potter. 

Noun - person, place, thing

Adjective - describes or modifies a noun or pronoun

Verb - words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist)

Adverb - modifies or describes a verb, adjective or another adverb

Is Diagon Alley A Real Place? How to Visit the Inspiration for 'Harry  Potter's Best Marketplace

On Friday we enjoyed Super Learning Day. We were split into two groups and moved around the school to take part in different exciting activities with different teachers. Here are some of the things we did:

Karaoke / festival 

Natural art using weaving

Worry dolls and bracelet making


See us in action here. 


Home Practice


Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes



Please continue to practise the Year 5 and 6 spellings. They are attached to this blog. 


Times Tables

Please practise your own tables target or the 7x tables. 



Spelling Challenge

Times Tables Challenge

Maths Competition 

Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
