Year 5 Blog Friday 24th November 2023
Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 11:02am
Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog.
We have had a super week this week.
As you know, this week we did our RSE lessons. We talked about changes that males and females go through during puberty including physical and emotional changes. The children were extremely mature and sensible, and asked lots of questions. The children said they felt happy to learn about the changes they are experiencing or will experience in the future, and said that it was good to know that it is all normal.
In English we continued reading our clas novel Room 13, we have nearly finished now and it is getting very exciting. We have really enjoyed this book and can't wait to find out what our next novel is.
This week we have been focussing on starting our sentences in different ways so that our writing is more interesting for the reader. We found sentence starters in some books and pieces of writing and then tried to use these in our own writing. Here are some that we came up with:
Adverbials of time
At the stroke of midnight,
Adverbials of place
The abandoned house...
Out of the darkness...
Somewhere in the distance...
Adverbials of manner
In maths we have been using bar charts, tables and line graphs to answer questions. We know that before answering questions we need to first look at the graph to learn:
What is it about?
What steps are the axes counting in?
In science we planned and carried out a fair test to investigate the amount of friction on different surfaces. We chose 5 different surfaces and measured how far a toy car could travel on each surface.
In order for our investigation to be a fair test, we knew we could only change one thing, and everything else would have to stay exactly the same.
We then made our predictions by stating which surface we thought would produce the most friction and which surface would produce the least and why.
We carried out our investigation in groups, recording our results in a table. Finally we wrote a conclusion where we stated whether our not our prediction was correct and how we could make the investigation more accurate. We also spoke about anything that surprised us.
Everybody did an amazing job at working scientifically.
In PE we did some rugby skills and also some handball skills. In rugby we learnt how to throw and receive a swing pass, and then we played some games to put our new learning into practice.
Home Practice
Next week in maths we are going to be measuring and identifying different types of angles. Please go on the Visnos website to have a go at measuring angles and deciding if they are acute, right angle, obtuse, or reflex.
Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Please write down any sentence starters that you find interesting to share with the class.
Here are your spellings this week. Please practise every day.
incredible incredibly sensible sensibly reliable reliably respectable respectably aggreeable aggreeably enviable enviably awkward vegetable competition
Count out loud forwards in 1s from:
-7 to 17 -7, -6, -5, ...
-1 to 21 -1, 0, 1, ...
-51 to -31 -51, -50, -49, ...
Times Tables
Please practise your tables target every day. Make sure you know the related division facts too.
Times Tables Challenge
Spelling Challenge
Maths Competition in teams: Gryffndor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin