Year 5 Blog Friday 28th June 2024

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 8:04am

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Look at different ways the author starts sentences. 



Please continue to practise the spellings from last week. 

descent        principal         bruise          sacrifice          existence          disappoint        disobey          dissent          principle        misbehave          inactive          mislead          incorrect        country    trouble



Count out loud in:

10s from 56.9 to 156.9                    56.9, 66.9, 76.9, ...

100s from 458.22 to 1458.22          458.22, 558.22, 658.22, ...

1000s from 9076 to 19076              9076, 10076, 11076, ...



Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Max N who was our rockstar last week.



Maths - Shape and Measures Practice 

Spelling - Prefix Practice 


We have had a very exciting week in Year 5.

We have loved our English lessons this week where we have been discussing, planning and writing our own letters to the Prime Minister. We have some fantastic ideas of things we would like to change in this country. 

In art we started to learn about fashion design. We watched some videos of different fashion designers and identified their inspiration. We then came up with ideas for our own outfit that was something to do with the Euros - football kit, a dress in the colour of a country flag, tracksuit, etc. We painted some different backgrounds which we will use next week to create our designs. 

In maths we have started our new topic about geometry. We identified regalar and irregular shapes based on their sides and angles. You can practise this on this week's Sumdog challenge. 

In RE we discussed the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes help us to live our best lives. We made posters which included our own ideas for the Beatitudes. 

On Thursday we had an amazing day for Super Learning Day. We took part in lots of different exciting activities with different teachers around the school. We loved meditation and some of us even fell asleep. How relaxing. We also enjoyed learning about Hawaii and performing a Hawaiian dance and working up a sweat in our skipping challenges. We challenged ourselves to see who could make the highest towers using spaghetti and marshmallows. The Spanish fans we made helped us to cool down after a fun-filled busy day. 

We also had our Sports Day on Friday. It was wonderful to see everyone putting 100% effort in, encouraging each other and showing good sportsmanship.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
