Year 5 Blog Friday 3rd May 2024

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 3:30pm

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice


Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Look at different ways the author has started sentences.



Here are your spellings this week.

various          disappear          pressure          vicious          expectation          innocent          delicious     incredible          horrible          occupy          queue          symbol          forty          identity          develop

Practise every day using a range of strategies, for example:

Dot to dot

Look, cover, say, write, check

Trace, copy and replicate

Words without vowels

Pyramid words



Count out loud in:

10s from 25 to 125 and back again                    25, 35, 45, …

100s from 301 to 1,301 and back again             301, 401, 501, ..

1000s from 7,983 to 17,893 and back again     7,893   8,983, 9, 983   …



Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day. Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.



Maths Competition - PNE v Blackburn Rovers

Spelling Challenge 


We have had a great week this week, made even better by a little bit of sunshine.

In English we continued reading our class novel Varjak Paw. We have been learning about subordinating conjunctions. We used this video to help us remember what a subordinating conjunction does, and some examples. Have fun singing and dancing along at home.

 Grammar song

In maths we have been multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and using these skills to solve problems, including converting between measures such and centimetres and metres.  

In RE we enjoyed re-enacting the conversion of Saul to Christianity. We thought about the feelings and experiences of the different people who were there.

We started our new geography topic all about Europe and Greece. We recapped the continents by singing our beloved continents song.

Continents song


Have a super weekend! 

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
