Year 5 Blog Friday 7th June 2024

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 8:40am

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog


As part of a whole school project, we are going to be completing a piece of writing called – My Special Place. Please have a think about your special place at home in preparation for our writing in school. Your special place could be a room in your house, a place you have been on holiday, etc. You could share ideas with people at home and draw or look for pictures.

Please also bring your favourite fiction book into school next week to have a look at in our English lessons. 



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes.

Please bring your favourite book into school on Monday – we are going to spend next week looking at how to write a good first chapter.   



Here are your spellings this week.

necessary          prejudice          environment          competition          changeable          dependable          herd          guessed          aisle          guest          heard          isle          island          compliment

Try to use the strategy of writing the words without vowels and then rewriting with the vowels.

necessary          n_c_ss_ry



Count out loud in:

Quarters from 0 to 2 and back again          one quarter, two quarters, three quarters, one whole, …

Fifths from 0 to 2 and back again                one fifth, two fifths, three fifths, four fifths, one whole, …

Thirds from 0 to 2 and back again               one third, two thirds, one whole, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Elliott who was our rockstar last week.



Maths Competition – individual

Spelling Competition – individual


It has been a great week in school this week. It is clear that everybody is now getting ready for Year 6 – excellent role models at all times.

In English we finished reading our class novel Varjak Paw. We started to think about a sequel to the novel and are looking forward to writing the first chapter of our very own sequel.

In maths we have been using a protractor to measure and calculate angles. We recapped the names of different angles including acute, right angle, obtuse, and reflex.

In RE we have been looking at the Ten Commandments. We spoke about reasons why Christian’s still follow God’s Law so many years later. We also compared which of the commandments we all consider to be the most important.

In geography we examined different maps of Europe to learn about different countries. One map told us which countries have the highest annual income. We spoke about what it would be like to live in a country which has a high income in comparison to a country with a low income.

In PE we had a practice of the relay race ready for Sports Day next week. We also practised some tennis skills and played a really fun game. Everybody was so kind encouraging others.

Have a happy weekend.

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
