Year 5 Blog Thursday 19th October

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 8:19am

Happy Half Term!

What an amazing first half term we have had in Year 5. We have done so much learning and have settled so well into Year 5.

This week we finished reading our novel Goth Girl. We wrote our own epilogue for the story to tell the reader what the characters are doing a year in the future. 

We have also been looking a poetry this week. We read a poem called - Please Don't Feed the Animals.

Please do not feed the ostriches


or the polar bears


Do not offer the wombats


or the rattle-snakes


Remember that piranhas

are not allowed bananas

or partridges


Never approach a stork

with things on a fork

or the bustard

with a plate of custard.

No leopard

likes anything peppered

and meerkats

dislike Kit Kats.

Remember that grapes

upset apes

and meringues

do the same for orang-utans.

Most importantly– do not feed the cheetah

your teacher.

We practised performing this poem thinking about actions and which words to emphasize. We then made a list of nouns for precision. These are specific names of things e.g. Poddle instead of dog, Black Mamba instead of snake, Siamese instead of cat, etc. We found that these made the poem interesting and funny. We then used these nouns to write our own poem following the same structure as the model. Finally, we performed our poems using actions. They were incredible! 

In maths we have continued looking at different methods to add and subtract. One of the methods we have practised this week is counting on to find the difference. This was a bit tricky but we did lots of practice. 

Using Open Number Lines to Promote Number Sense | Made4Math

This week in our French lesson we completed the rest of our Review sheet, which included the vocabulary for sports, hobbies and the weather. The children had to write down and say which was their favourite sport, which hobby they like, which hobby they love and what the weather was like today. Year 5 have worked hard this half term recapping a lot of vocabulary and completing both review sheets. Next half term, we will be ready to have some new sessions about ‘emotions’ (after we’ve learned about French Halloween!).

In music we learnt a new rap, Fresh Prince of Bel Air. We learnt more about strong beats, clapping along to the song Crazy GlueWe made a video of our final performance of Sailor Sailor on our recorders. 

Happy Half Term – Saint Gregory's Bath

Have an amazing, happy, safe half term. 

You all deserve a rest you have worked so hard!

Please try to keep up with the reading and Sumdog is still available to practise spellings and times tables. 

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
