Year 5 Friday 8th October 2021
Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 5:57pm
Welcome to the Year 5 class blog
What a week we have had! The children have remained hard working and enthusiastic throughout the week, impressing me with their dedication. They have carried out a water resistance experiment, written an exciting newspaper article and worked so hard on subtraction in Maths.
This week in year 5
We have looked closely at subtraction this week. The children have used various methods including number lines, partitioning and column method to subtract whole numbers and numbers with up to 2 decimal places. Their enthusiasm to complete different sums has been amazing.
In English the children have completed a newspaper report relating to the last chapter in Goth Girl. They have identified the different feature of a newspaper report and then planned and completed their own. We have had some snappy headlines and even some puns.
In History we have been researching Greek Myths and different Greek Gods and Goddesses. The children have read different myths and read about different Gods and Goddesses and chosen their favourite to write about. We will be looking at myths in more detail in English leading up to half term.
In DT we have finalised our Greek feast plans and look forward to preparing and eating it on the last week. More details of our Greek day will follow.
In RE the children led a lovely Collective Worship to celebrate all we had learnt in the first topic and we have begun to explore our new topic ‘Life Choices’. The children were able to reflect on our first topic and really thought about the ways they could make a difference.
In PE the children continued to develop skills in netball. They learnt techniques for effective shooting into the net and began to understand the importance of marking players on the opposite team in order to try and intercept the ball. The children are really starting to show increasing control and looking for opportunities to outwit the other team.
In Science we had a great time learning about water resistance. The children carried out an experiment with salted and unsalted water to see which would provide buoyancy for the greatest weight and they made tinfoil boats and tested which shape of boat created the least water resistance. They were very sensible given the excitement of water in the classroom!
Don't forget to look our photos in the class gallery.
Home Practice all relates to this week's learning - These are the tasks to be completed
Reading - You all have a Home Reading book for year 5 so reading every night for 15-20 mins is essential. You also have a Reading Journal/Diary that must be completed and signed.
You can change your reading book on any school day (book bags to be left on Mrs Mulgrew's desk)
Spellings (words ending with ible, ibly, able and ably). We will look at these in more detail in school next week, they should be practised at home, ready for the test on Friday.
comfortable, enjoyable, sensible, terrible, horribly, impossibly, reasonably, valuable, possibly, understandably
Counting - the children are really enjoying the counting challenges in class, why not set them challenges at home. This week give them a number and ask them to count forwards by 9 or backwards by 9 for the next 6 numbers. We have been practising this by adding 10 and then taking away 1 or if completing subtraction, subtracting 10 and adding 1 more. Example 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86 or 137, 128, 119, 110, 101, 92, 83.
Sumdog challenges
Please ensure your child logs onto Sumdog and completes these challenges, all log ins and passwords have been sent home. If lost send in a note and i can re-print them.
- Times tables have been set to reflect class targets
- Maths - the children have been set a number of addition and subtraction calculations using 4 digit numbers
- Spellings - able, ible, ably and ibly
The children have worked really hard this week and have been trying their best to be good friends to one another.