Year 5 Friday blog 28.03.25

Date: 28th Mar 2025 @ 4:11pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

referring  referred   referral  preferring  preferred   transferring  transferred  reference  referee  preference   transference   different   suffering  differing  suffered  conferring  offered  offering



Count out loud in:

9s up to 108 and back again                                               0,9,18,27…

60s from 300 to 840 and back again                              300, 360, 420 …

15s from 850  backwards to 575                                  850, 825, 800 …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables.  Well done Year 5 with all the super effort to win last week’s TTRS competition. There is a new session set for this week.  


Maths practise based on geometry– individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge – practise sheets have been sent home and there is a practise test on Sumdog.


Sumdog have just launched a new fluency booster that is automatically available when your child signs into the app. This feature will direct you to skills that your child needs to improve on to boost their number fluency and will automatically update to meet their fluency needs.


We advise that your child spends at least 10 minutes a day on their booster feature as well as completing the maths focus and times tables challenges. 


Golden Assembly stars

Bella  – star of the week

Agatha  – Superstar writer

Leo H – special mention for his science knowledge in the STEM session

Florence, Eliza M, Zachary M – super learners for spelling

Xabier  – bookworm

Leo W – marvellous mathematician

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Year 5 have had another rich and varied learning week in school.

 They have been working in teams to create newspaper front pages this week. Everyone had a specific job to do and they all enjoyed making news!

In Maths they have been investigating how to reflect shapes using grid sheets. The class have also been carrying on with extended times tables work ,as well as arithmetic.

This week in RE, the whole class wrote an acrostic prayer about heaven and had some super discussion about what heaven is! They also attended parish mass, along with stations of the cross.

 BAE systems came to visit Year 5 this week and everyone was lucky enough to find out more about STEM, as well as experiment with programming robot vehicles.

Finally, the class enjoyed a trip to Judge’s Lodgings to discover more about life in Victorian times. They spent time in a Victorian schoolroom, learned how to set the table of a grand house as a servant and tried out some Victorian toys. Well done Year 5 on a very successful day!

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
