Year 6 Blog - 11th October 2024
Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 11:56am
Welcome to the Year 6 weekly blog.
Year 6 have had an exciting end to their week after their taster day at All Hallows today!
This week in Year 6
In English, we have continued being inspired by the novel ‘Wonder’ by R J Palacio. We thought carefully about how different characters percieve August. We have also been inspired to create some poetry based on the themes from the novel - we were especially proud of our palindrome poetry, which is a special type of poem that reads two different messages when you read from top to bottom and bottom to top!
This week, we have learned how to use the grid method to multiply up to a four digit number by a two digit number. We also learned how to multiply mentally using a compensation strategy.
In RE, we have explored the Nincene Creed, and discussed how Catholics can make a common statement of their faith using this creed. We were then inspired to create some poetry about ‘A world where everyone is equal’ by considering the ways in which all human beings have innate dignity and equality.
For PSHE this week, we explored strategies that we can use to be assertive and stand up for ourselves. We created some amazing posters about our strategies!
In Art, we learned all about scaling up. We have begun to create larger drawings of dogs, so that we can turn them into a 3D model!
In Computing, we learned all about what a data packet is, so that we could understand how computers transfer data and files between each other. We made our own messaages and broke them down into packets - just like a computer would.
For French this week we continued looking at how to read and say the time. We practised 'Il est heure' and learned 'et quart, et demie and moins le quart'. We matched clock faces to sentences.
Home practice
Please complete the following tasks by next Wednesday:
Reading - Use your home reading to read every night for 30 minutes. You also have a reading diary that must be used for the title of the book and any challenges chosen.
Books may be changed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Spelling -
existence |
explanation |
familiar |
foreign |
forty |
frequently |
government |
guarantee |
harass |
hindrance |
identity |
immediately |
individual |
interfere |
interrupt |
language |
leisure |
lightning |
mischievous |
restaurant |
Please practise these spellings this week, which are from the Y5 and Y6 spelling list.
All spellings are on Sumdog to practise for our test next Friday.
Maths Challenges:
This week I would like you to practise counting in decimal steps of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.25.
Draw a line with some marks on it. You could write the numbers as you count up or down, then double check it to make sure you have said the correct numbers.
Start with different numbers and count up 10 numbers then back again in 0.1:
5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, etc
and in 0.2:
6.5, 6.7, 6.9, 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.7, etc
Times Tables: This week there are 100 times table questions to practise on Sumdog!
Maths Task: This week's learning is to practise questions about multiplication, which will help Year 6 to apply their learning from class this week. For further Maths work, please visit the 'Maths Training' section, where your child will be able to push their learning further with the skills that Sumdog has given them.
Have a happy weekend Year 6!