Year 6 Blog - 13th September 2024
Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 1:40pm
Welcome to our first blog of the year!
Year 6 have worked really hard during their first full week of school. All of the children have transitioned well into our class routines and have been working hard during their lessons. I would like to congratulate each of the children for their brilliant letters of application for responsibilities around school; they were all so wonderful that Mrs Wood has given each child two jobs this year! I am looking forward to seeing all of our Year 6 working hard to support the school as ambassadors, eco team members, school councillers, sports captains, liturgy team, housepoint team members and much more!
Thank you to everyone who completed a summer holiday challenge, it was lovely to see the children enjoying and embracing the outdoors this summer.
We also celebrated our first mass together on Thursday with the rest of KS2. Well done to all the children who read and helped at the mass.
This week in Year 6
For English, we have been reading 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross Mckenzie. This week, we have been thinking about the character of Daniel and what we can infer about his thoughts and feelings. Everyone worked hard to apply their inference skills by writing a diary entry in role. We were all very proud of our hard work! As a class, we also debated if the character of Lucien Silver would be good or evil. We had to find evidence from the text to support our answers.
This week we have continued to improve our place value knowledge in Maths. We have learned how to partition numbers up to 10,000,000 and also how to round whole numbers and decimals. As the week has progressed, we have become more confident at applying our knowledge and showing resilience for our deeper learning tasks!
We have started our new RE topic this week, with a focus on the second story of creation. Together, we have explored the symbolic meaning of the story and understood what important message it teaches us. We have learned that this story teaches us that we need to live in a community with each other. We also discussed that we are stewards for creation and how we have a responsibility to look after the environment.
In Year 6, we are really enjoying our Science topic, which is all about classification. We have learned about a famous scientist, Carl Linnaeus, who created a way to classify animals into different categories. We used Seesaw to create a biography to learn all about his important work.
For PE, invasion games is our new theme for the next few weeks. Year 6 have worked hard on improving their throwing and catching and begun to apply these in a game of netball.
We have also begun our new Art topic, which is all about making a 2D drawing into a 3D drawing. We have explored the work of artist Lubaina Hamid and shared our opinions on their work!
In Geography, we explored what a mounrtain was. We have also used atlases to locate the seven summits, which are the highest mountains on each of the continents.
Home practice
As mentioned in meet the teacher, homework has been set for this week. Please complete the following tasks by next Wednesday:
Reading - Use your home reading to read every night for 30 minutes. You also have a reading diary that must be used for the title of the book and any challenges chosen.
Books may be changed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Spelling -
Please practise the following spellings this week from the Y5/6 spelling list:
programme |
pronunciation |
relevant |
marvellous |
All spellings are on Sumdog to practise for our test next Friday.
Maths Challenges:
Counting: This week we have had to count in tenths to complete our rounding work. Try to count in decimal steps of 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5. You could do this out loud or write it on a piece of paper.
You could draw a numberline, like we have done in class this week. Can you count up and down in decimal tenths? How far can you go?
Times Tables: This week I would like the children to practise their 3, 4, 5 and 6 times tables. There are 100 questions to answer on Sumdog!
Place Value: This week's learning is to practise questions on rounding numbers. For further Maths work, please visit the 'Maths Training' section, where your child will be able to push their learning further with the skills that Sumdog has given them.
Thank you to everyone who came to Meet the Teacher on Thursday evening. The presentation is attached at the bottom of the blog.
Have a great weekend Year 6!