Year 6 Blog - 8th November 2024
Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 11:35am
Welcome to the Year 6 weekly blog!
To help with our Art project, we would really appreciate it if the children could bring in any spare, strong cardboard that you have at home for recycling. This is so that we can make our dogs into 3D sculptures next week!
This week in Year 6
In English we have started our new novel, Private Peaceful. We have used our inference skills to explore what the themes of the book could be from the front cover and explored the meanings of words 'private' and 'peaceful'. We have also written from the perspective of different characters in the story.
This week, we have continued to learn how to complete a division by chunking. We have divided four digit numbers by two digit numbers and also learned how to divide by partitioning.
In RE, we have started our new topic 'Prophecy and Promise'. We have shared the story of the Annunciation in both Matthew's and Luke's gospel and compared the intent of each author in their writing.
This week, we have started 'My Happy Mind' as a school. Our first topic is called 'How to meet your brain'. We have learned this week about three parts of our brain called Team HAP. This stands for:
- H – Hippocampus - Like a scrapbook storing all your memories and things you learn.
- A – Amygdala - Takes control and keeps you safe when there is danger. Fight/flight/freeze.
- P – Prefrontal Cortex - Helps you to make choices, concentrate and solve problems.
For outdoor learning day, we shared the poem 'The Green Man'. We made our own 'green men' in forest school, using the leaves that we could forage!
In Computing, we began to learn about 3D modelling and used Tinkercad to help think about perspective of 3D shapes.
Home practice
Please complete the following tasks by Wednesday:
Reading - Use your home reading to read every night for 30 minutes. You also have a reading diary that must be used for the title of the book and any challenges chosen.
Books may be changed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Spelling -
vicious |
conscious |
malicious |
suspicious |
fictitious |
infectious |
nutritious |
cautious |
precious |
ambitious |
ferocious |
gracious |
spacious |
scrumptious |
vivacious |
fictitious |
delicious |
tenacious |
superstitious |
pretentious |
Please practise these spellings this week. The rule to practise is looking at -cious and -tious endings.
All spellings are on Sumdog to practise for our test on Friday.
Maths Challenges:
This week I would like you to practise counting in 0.5 and 0.05, like we have done in class together.
Draw a numberline and choose a starting number, Count in 0.5 or 0.05. How far can you go?
Times Tables: This week there are 100 times table questions to practise on Sumdog!
Maths Task: This week's learning is to practise dividing a four digit number by a two digit number.
Have a wonderful weekend Year 6!