Year 6 Blog Friday 15th March 2024
Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 1:38pm
A very busy week, well done for working so hard Year 6.
Home Practice
Please read for up to 30 minutes every night, this will improve the speed at which you read and your understanding of the text. If you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look it up in the dictionary. Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial.
Please practise these spellings (Y5/6 Word List) for your test on Friday. A sheet will go home every Thursday/Friday with the spelling list on.
Spellings (15.03.24 – 22.03.24):
relevant secretary
restaurant shoulder
rhyme signature
rhythm sincere
sacrifice sincerely
Counting/Number Games
Have a go at this counting game!
You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 22.03.24.
Log in at
If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.
Follow this link:
Thursday 21st March Family Bingo 6.30 - 8.00pm (tickets available from the office).
In English, we worked on direct speech (inverted commas) and indirect speech (reported speech) linked to what the characters in our book might have said. Also, the children wrote some fantastic ideas for a sequel story, using modal verbs and adverbs of possibility.
In Maths, we were dividing decimal and large whole numbers using both mental and written methods (chunking).
The Japanese students delivered a fantastic lesson all about toys in Japan on Thursday afternoon. Year 6 had great fun playing with the toys and they learnt a few Japanese words too!
Last Freddy Fit session for Year 6, we had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the loud music and high energy lesson.
In RE, we discussed and wrote about the qualities of good friendships and things that might spoil those friendships with a focus on class unity.
Year 6 Team.