Year 6 Blog Thursday 6th April 2023
Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 2:07pm
Welcome to the last Year 6 blog this spring term. We are so pleased with everyone’s effort throughout the term! This week, we led a church service based on Holy Week and were invited to church again by Father, where we learnt more about the stations of the cross, and what it means for Christians.
Also, Year 6’s learning this week:
- In Maths, we learnt that algebra means ‘the reunion of broken parts’, what algebra symbols mean and how to solve them. We also improved our learning on how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.
- In English, we used our Skellig story to help learn how to answer reading questions of retrieval and inference using the text as evidence.
- In PE, we completed our orienteering unit with an intra competition in pairs trying to find the points hidden around the school grounds.
- In History, we learnt how the Maya were so successful, with clever farming and building structures using limestone and obsidian as their main resource. We summarised our findings in the style of a historian.
For the Easter holidays, I have included a ‘Suggested Revision Guide’ that has extra home practice sheets to use as you please. All documents have been given to you in a folder.
The Easter holidays are to rest, relax and enjoy time with your family. The documents I have included in the folder are for those who wish to do some extra practice during the two weeks, for just a small amount of time each day. It is not a requirement to complete everything but little and often of reading, maths revision, grammar and spelling revision will go a huge way when you return on Monday 24th April. Please bring in any work and revision in on that day so I can advise on what to do next.
Enjoy your Easter break!