Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 3:37pm

Tuesday 2nd February 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to Tuesday. I hope you are keeping well and enjoying the tasks that have been set. Remember to set yourself a target for today – something small to achieve by the end of today (helping the family with tea, cleaning/tidying a room, completing all the work).

Here are today’s tasks:



Watch this video, A Journey Through Musical Emotion and think about the different ways that music can change how we feel and express ourselves. Research shows that people feel more positive after singing to music so either use one of these songs If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out - Cat Stevens and Express yourself - Labrinth.  

Or simply find a favourite song and have a good sing out loud (just ask the adult in the house first).



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that stamina. It is so important that you keep this your number one priority.  

Reading activity for today:

  • Look at the apostrophes in the text. Write down 10 words which has an apostrophe, and explain why it is there.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on puns and wordplay. Make sure you slow down each of your letters to make them form correctly. This week focus on having all your letters the same size (so each ‘a’ is the same as every other ‘a’)


Spin pins into nips.

Snap pans into naps.

Mix spit into tips.

Turn parts into traps.

Switch post into stop.

Whisk dear into dare.

Carve hops into shop.

Rip rate into tear.



There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week, -gue / -que

  • Write out two lists, one for all the gue words and one for the que words. Say each word out loud – can you hear why it has a gue or a que spelling?


Writing task

Can I write a diary entry as Hatty?

Read chapter 21.

I have sent the lesson introduction on Seesaw which explains today’s task.


Maths – Calculating with Fractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in 15s from:

725, 950, 1620, 700, 237

  1. Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 answer targets):
    1. Mix of 2, 4, 8 times tables
    2. Multiply by powers of 10 and fractions (the more you practise with multiplying by fractions, the easier Thursday’s lesson will be)
  2.  Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I add fractions with different denominators?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, Adding fractions questions and answers

  1. Maths challenge – More adding fractions (explained in the video)




Firstly, have a go at this Odd One Out activity from Explorify. How many similarities can you see between these blackbirds? How are they different? Which one would you say is the odd one out? There is no right or wrong answer here as long as you can justify your choice.

Unusual blackbirds - Explorify (

When you have looked closely and discussed the points above, scroll down and read the Background Science section. We have touched on variation within a species in lessons 1 and 2 but will come back to it later in this topic of Evolution and Inheritance.

Last week, we looked at plant adaptations that help them survive. This week we are going to look at how some animals are adapted to their environment. In your book, write today’s date and the learning objective:

Can I explain how animals are adapted to their environment?

Choose 2 of these animals that you would like to research. Find out how each is adapted to its environment.

Otter,       Camel,       Elephant,    Desert Scorpion,   Arctic Fox.

In your book, for one animal, draw (in pencil!) a large picture of the animal and label it, explaining its adaptations. For your second choice, write a factfile explaining your research.


The headings you should use in your factfile are:

Name of animal: This is your heading so make it bigger and bolder than the rest of your text.

Picture (draw or print one):

Habitat (where it lives):

Diet (what it eats):

Life span (how long it lives):

Adaptations:  This section must be the most detailed!


Try to use all the words given below for your chosen animals. You need to put the words into sentences and may not necessarily need the words in the order I have given them.


Otter - webbed feet, propeller tail, whiskers, nostrils, ears, oily skin, quick, feet pads,


Elephant- trunk, tusks, tail, ears, slow, big, rough skin, teeth,


Camel -  hump,  water,  fat,  desert,  arid,  food,  feet,  nostrils, eye lashes,  temperature , store (They do not store water in their humps!)


Desert Scorpion – nocturnal, burrow, heat, control their metabolism, exoskeleton, sharp claws, venomous.


Arctic fox – fur, insulation, seasonal camouflage, foot pads, sense of smell, teeth, claws, body shape.


Finally, please reread your work to check it makes sense and that your spelling, punctuation and handwriting are of the same high standard that we would expect in school. I’d love to see your work on Seesaw.

Well done!



Files to Download

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Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
