Year 6 Home Practice - Friday 11th June 2021
Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 4:53pm
Welcome to our first blog after the May half term. Year 6 have had a great time buddying with the infants at lunch times and coaching the Year 2’s with various games. Every single Year 6 has received a glowing report from the lunch time staff.
- Each child has come home with information about Borwick Hall. Please return the reply slip, the medical form and the photo consent form by Monday 14th June.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have been recapping our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages and how they can relate to each other as equivalences.
- In English, our story of The Lost Magician has our main characters on different quests, where we discussed each character's dilemma and what they would do.
- In PE, we have completed our first practice of Year 6 Sports Day and learnt how to support the other classes when the Year 6’s become the ‘Sports Captains’ for each year group.
- In Music, we have now practiced every song for the production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and have also started learning new songs for our World Music Day, with African drums.
- In French, we have been practicing a new song for our Leavers Assembly.
- For Science (and PSHE), we continued our discussion of the effects and risks involved in taking legal (eg caffeine) and illegal drugs using guidance from the PSHE Association. Once again, we stressed the importance of talking to a trusted adult about any questions or worries the children have.
- In Computing, we have used the app, ‘Clips’, on the iPads where we created an video between an interviewer and an evacuee.
- Finally in History, we learnt about real life accounts from young evacuees and what happened to them. We then wrote a letter as an evacuee to our parents and published them on the new laptops.
Well done to everyone who is continually changing their book every week. Reading is the single most important thing we should do every day.
These are the days when you can change your reading book:
Monday – Dodgems
Tuesday – Roller Coasters
Wednesday – Big Dippers / The Waltzers
These are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 30 minutes every day.
Please complete the ‘Reading Challenges’ you have been given by answering them in your Reading Journals.
- Sumdog challenges:
- Mix of all times tables (100 correct answers needed):
- This will be great to continue to know these times tables fluently.
- Fractions to Mixed numbers and reverse (100 correct answers needed for this week):
- Use your times tables knowledge to convert fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.
- Spellings (45 correct answers needed):
- Spellings with the pattern, ce
(absence, advice, arrogance, balance, ceiling, cemetery, confidence, December, difference, influence, nuisance, produce, received, resemblance, sacrifice)