Our blogs

Year 3 Friday Blog 24th January 2025

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:24pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog.

Watercolour Rainbow Clipart, 12 JPGs, Vibrant Rainbow Images, Printable Watercolor Clipart, Wall Art,Digital Download,Junk Journals,Graphics image 1

Home Practice 


Continue with your daily reading. The children are really enjoying picking their own books and changing them lots. 10 minutes every night will make all the difference.

On Sumdog this week we have set a times table and bumper maths challenge to practise all our number learning so far. A little practice with these every day will help your children become fluent in their number facts.

Continue to practise your counting. This week, try counting forwards and backwards in 8s.

Your home spellings this week all end with -ly. We will test the children on these on Friday.


comically dramatically frantically loudly crossly quickly kindly sleepily happily angrily simply slowly quietly gently humbly

Spelling at home tips.png

This week in Year 3

This week in our Galilee to Jerusalem branch we have been learning about the Epiphany and how Jesus revealed himself. We read the scripture from Matthew about the Baptism of Jesus and learned about other times Jesus revealed himself to us.

In English we have been retelling the story of Orion and the Dark, planning the story and using sentence openers to move the story forwards. The children have been working extra hard on their presentation this week, making their writing look beautiful on the page. Well done Year 3!

AWN.com | Tim Lamb and Christine Bian Talk 'MacGyvering Our Way to  Survival' on 'Orion and the Dark' - Mikros Animation

In Maths this week we have been revisiting the grid method for multiplication and solving word problems. It is important that we all know our times tables fluently. Practise these on Sumdog. We have changed the answering system from multiple choice to typed answers. Have a go.

In Geography this week we explored North America and its physical and Human features. We revisited the definitions of these and learned lots of new facts.

Cartoon Map. North America. Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, and Stock  Illustration. Image 36880684.

In History this week we were learning the differences between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We found out that bronze was an alloy made from tin and copper and was much stronger than Stone Age weaponry.

Ages Ago (Stone, Bronze & Iron Ages) | Konflux Theatre in Education

In Science we have been looking at reflections and how these differ from sources of light. We also found out that light travels in straight lines.

Have a lovely weekend


The Year 3 Team

Year 2 Blog- Friday 24th January 2025

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 11:38am

Elmstead Primary School - Year 2

Welcome to your Friday Blog!

Home Practice

Reading: In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (31.01.25):

braver      bravest     ruder   rudest      larger     largest      riper     ripest   cuter   cutest                

Sumdog: Complete the number/place value challenge. 

Counting: Count in tens forwards and backwards.

Start from zero but also from a different one-digit number. For example, 3, 13, 23, 33 etc.

See how far you can get!

Follow the link below to play 'Hit The Button' and do a bit more practise on your 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.



The Barnabus Project: Amazon.co.uk: Fan, Eric, Fan, Terry, Fan, Devin:  9780711249455: Books


We continued to learn through the story of  'The Barnabus Project'.

We used the text to find out more about Barnabus' character and why he is a failed project.

We wrote a description of the lab where Barbabus is trapped.

We also created our own word bank which helps us to spell our words correctly and reminds us what we are writing about.

We are all trying so hard to make our writing look beautiful on the page.


We have been learning the rules for adding er and est to words ending in e,

for example brave ,braver ,bravest and large, larger and largest.

Count 10-100 | Count by 10 Song | The Singing Walrus


This week we have been completing asessments.

We started our new leaning about place value and counting on and back in 10s.

We have also been investigating and discussing the patterns in the 2,5 and 10 times tables.

Properties of Materials Word mats


We discussed last week's investigation about the properties of materials.

As a class we drew conclusions and recognised why materials had different uses according to their properties.



We discussed feeling safe by answering these key questions:

  • When do you feel safe?
  • Where do you feel safe?
  • Who makes you feel safe?
  • We discussed the special people whose job it is to help us feel safe. 
  • John the Baptist added – Bible4kidz


The children created a brilliant fact file about John the Baptist, his life and mission.

Free Vectors | Child doing gymnastics 09_2 Forward roll


During gymnastics sessions, the children have been performing jumps, balances, rolls and travelling. They have made up their own sequences with a clear start/finish and smooth movements between.


รูปภาพHave A Great Weekend – เลือกดูภาพถ่ายสต็อก เวกเตอร์ และวิดีโอ3,410 |  Adobe Stock








Year 5 blog - Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 4:11pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

infectious   subheading    conscience   official    conscious    interact   impatient   irrelevant   refresh

disappoint  misbehave  interrelated  inactive  illegible  antisocial   unable   autograph   vicious


Count out loud in:

4s up to 108 and back again                                            0,4,8,12 …

25s from 0 to 425 and back again                                  0,25,50 …

7s from 49 to 147 and back again                                  49,56,63…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.  Please access Times Tables Rockstars to practise. 



Maths practise based on fractions – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge

 We have had a super learning week in Year 5.

 In English, Year 5 have been writing about the kind of lives children faced in Victorian times. We have also been practising using exciting and descriptive sentence openers.  

In Maths we have been continuing to learn about fractions and how to simplify them and how to write thousandths as fractions. Well done to everyone who also completed extra maths revision sheets at home. 

This week in RE, we have been spending time discussing how we could live out Jesus’s greatest commandment: to love God with all our hearts, our souls and our minds. Everyone wrote a personal letter to God to explain how they were going to live their lives for God and there were some fantastic ideas. Amazing!  

In computing we have started to create powerpoint presentations about The Vikings, linking in with our current history topic.

We have also started to use charcoal in art, practising skills that could be scaled up for set design

Finally, we have been learning more about our solar system and how the earth orbits the sun. Great work Year 5!

Year 3 Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 3:47pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik

We have had a jam packed week of learning!

Home Practice

Keep changing your books regularly and read for at least 15-20 minutes every night! 

Well done to everyone who completed their Sumdog challenges and even had some time to practise on the Sumdog Training. Three new challenges have been added today. Remember, little and often every night will benefit your children with their learning in school.

Try and do a little counting at home as well. This will promote number fluency and understanding. There are lots of counting games here at ictgames.com that we use in school. You will also find lots of counting songs on YouTube.

We have given out your home spellings to practice for next week's test. In our spelling lessons this week we have been revisiting our spelling strategies. We have been breaking our words into syllables to help us spell more accurately and using what we already know to spell new words.

Your Spellings this week are from the year 3/4 statutory spelling list.

fruit, grammar, guide, guard, heart, height, imagine, increase, interest, length, group, heard, history, important, knowledge, library

This week in year 3

In RE we are really enjoying learning about the three wise men and what happened to them on their journey to visit the baby Jesus. We made some puppets and recreated the story.

3 Wise Men Pictures | Free Download Clip Art | Free Clip Art ...

We have loved reading Orion and the Dark. This week we focused on non-fiction writing, looking at darkness and light and created some fantastic non-fiction reports on the dark. We explored our Whizz Pop Bang magazine to see how non-fiction reports are laid out and then shared our work with Year 2. Check out our gallery!

In Maths we have been learning how to use x10 to help us solve tricky problems. We have also revisited our partitioning model to multiply 2 digit numbers. Well done Year 3!

In Geography we conucted a map study of all the countries in North America and then recreated their some of their designs. We talked about the importance countries place on their flags and what the colours and pictures represent. Next week we will look at the human and physical geography of the continent. See our gallery!


In PE we started our Superheroes dance topic. We learned how to put emotion into our dances and showed fantastic teamwork to create our performamces. Super dancing!

Super Heroes Clipart Images – Browse 16,759 Stock Photos ...


Have a restful weekend

11,900+ Row Of Spring Flowers Stock Illustrations, Royalty ...

The Year 3 Team



Year 1 Blog - Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 12:58pm

Welcome to your Friday blog!


Home Practice

Sumdog challenges

Maths - Recognising coins

Phonics - Sounds learnt this week


Counting - Count in twos up to the biggest number that you can.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!

Please remember to bring book bags in each day.



We continued to read 'Dragon Post'. We designed our own dragons and wrote letters explaining what they got up to!


Some of us have been comparing the or and aw sounds and the ue and ew sounds.

Some of us have been learning that a 'y' can make the igh sound in cry and an ee sound teddy. Also, that 'ou' can make an u sound in touch and an oo sound in soup.


This week we have been using various coins to make amounts. We focused on using the 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p coins and how we can add them together to make amounts. For example to make 4p, we could use two 2ps.

The children enjoyed playing the 'Toy Shop Money Game' on Topmarks. If you would like to play it at home, here is the link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money 


We sang two songs this week: Shine Jesus Shine and This Little Light of Mine. We talked about how both of these songs are showing that Jesus is the light of the world.

We then designed our own candles in preparation for Candlemas.


We explored different materials and identified their pros and cons. We decided that felt would be a perfect material to use when making our medal.


We started to learn about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom.

Forest School

We had a discussion about being safe around the fire. We watched Mr Corbett light a fire and remembered what is needed to get a fire started. We each toasted a marshmallow, taking care to watch it at all times so that it didn't burn!
We also had time for our own play and made potions, invented games, found mini-beasts and dug.
We took great care around the daffodils and crocuses which we noticed are starting to grow.

Year 4 Blog Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 8:22am

Welcome to your Friday blog

Home practice


Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Can you summarise what has already happened and predict what you think will happen next?



These are your spellings which will be tested next week – please practise them

quarter        question       recent         though         regular

reign           remember    thought       sentence      separate

special         through       straight       strange        strength

various         suppose       woman          women          therefore



This week, please practise counting in 12’s  

For example, start at 12 and count to 144 and back again

0    12   24  etc                         144    132    120  etc


Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘Battle of the Bands’ tournament – Boys v Girls


Sumdog challenges

  • A spelling challenge based on the words above
  • A maths challenge based reading, writing and converting time


In English, we wrote a formal letter to Mr Tregenza (grandfather in the novel) to persuade him to leave his home in Slapton Sands. We tried our best to use vocabulary which was both formal and persuasive, and enjoyed using our ‘posh’ voice to rehearse our sentences as we were writing as Lord Somethingorother!


In Maths, we learnt how to read the time and write it to the nearest minute. We also learnt how to tell, write and match analogue and digital times. Please try and practise telling the time at home with an adult as this is an invaluable life skill.


In RE, we continued with our Galilee to Jerusalem topic and learnt about the Christian belief of incarnation. We discussed ‘God like’ and ‘human’ traits and then produced a piece of work to show our understanding that Jesus was fully God and fully Human.


In Science, we consolidated our electricity learning with a Kahoot quiz.


In our ‘Our Happy Mind’ lesson, we discussed character strengths and how we can recognise these in others, and in different situations.


In History, we learnt why the Roman Army was so powerful and successful, and produced a poster to try and drum up some new recruits! You can see some photos in our gallery.


10 Other Ways to Say "Have a Great Weekend" (With Examples ...


The Year 4 team

Reception Blog - Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 3:54pm

Chinese Flag - Waving Chinese Flag - CleanPNG / KissPNG

Welcome to Reception's Friday Blog!


This week we learnt the sounds x, y, z and zz.

Drawing Club

This week in Drawing Club we read Supertato, Run, Veggies, Run.

We drew our own robot vegetable and drawn our own sports day race.


This week we used the language fewer and more to describe different amounts.


This week we discussed how we welcome and show love to everyone in our words and actions, just as Jesus does.

Expressive Art and Design

This week, we created our own Supertato using real potatoes, play doh and other materials.

Understanding the World

This week we learnt about hospitals, doctors and nurses.

An Occupational Therapist and a Surgeon came to talk to us about their jobs.

We started to learn about China. We found it on a map and learnt about the Dragon Festival.

My Happy Mind

We continued with our topic, celebrate.

We discussed how we can show love and kindness to one another.

Forest School

This week we worked in our log circle area. We played a game of 'Duck, Duck, Goose' to get us warmed up and paying attention.

We then explored the logs, we found many mini-beasts. We also had a go at making obstacle courses.

We spotted some snowdrops growing and had a discussion about them.


Year 2 Blog Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 12:50pm


Ocker Hill Infant School - Y2

Home Practice

Reading: In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (24.01.25):

having   making     using    shining   taking        hoping        loving      moving       living     coming         

Sumdog: Complete the measure challenge. 

Counting: Count in twos forwards and backwards. See how far you can get!

Follow the link below to play 'Hit The Button' and do a bit more practise on your 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.


The Barnabus Project: Amazon.co.uk: Fan, Eric, Fan, Terry, Fan, Devin:  9780711249455: Books



The children have been learning about capacity and volume this week and they know that the units we measure these in are called

millilitres (ml) and litres (l). They have also been reading different scales on measuring containers

and solving problems involving capacity/volume.

Reading Scales on a Measuring Jug


We carried out an investigation to find out about properties of materials.



We read the story of John the Baptist (Luke 3:2-6, 10-17).

The children produced some beautifully illustrated storyboards retelling how John Baptised Jesus at the river Jordon.

Animated Video: Jesus Was Baptized


Our new topic is all about architecture and during our first lesson we explored how to draw/design buildings.

The children drew the Taj Mahal and were very proud of their finished products.

Taj Mahal - Wikipedia

Forest School

We used the digging tools safely in our nature area. We were very careful to not step on the daffodils and crocuses which have started growing.



This term we will be learning about the weather, climate and seasons.

We discussed the seasons and recapped ordering the months of the year correctly.

Practise the months of the year at home and make sure your child knows the date of their birthday and any other significant dates.

Free Vector | Months of the year template design


Have a Good Weekend Vector Images (over 250)


Year 6 Blog - Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 10:45am

Year 6 (old) – Burghfield St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Welcome to the Year 6 weekly blog.


This week in Year 6


All about the characters in the play: Macbeth.By Darren |  shakespearehitherfield5c


In English we have continued with our learning on Macbeth. We have written a letter in role as Lady Macbeth and as the ghost of King Duncan! The children all worked hard to use Shakespearian vocabulary and get into role as each character. 



Pie Chart

This week, we have learned all about statistics. We have worked hard to calculate the value of different segments on a pie chart and reason with our answers. 


Jesus Feeds Five Thousand: A Reflection - LetterPile

In RE, we have continued learning about the miracles that Jesus performed. We appraised different artworks of the healing at the pool and created a miracle mind map all about the feeding of the 5000. 



In Computing, we investigated what makes a good website in preparation for creating our own web pages. 

In Science, we learned all about how our hearts work and found out what the different parts of the heart are called. 

For Art, we started our new topic all about colour. We created some beautiful responses to our focus artist's work in our sketchbooks!

Homework - Kristina Stevenson's Classroom - SSD Public Website at Salem  School District

Please complete the following tasks by Wednesday


Reading - Use your home reading to read every night for 30 minutes. You also have a reading diary that must be used for the title of the book and any challenges chosen. 


Books may be changed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. 


Spelling - 

Spellings this week are from the Y5/Y6 and the Y3/Y4 statutory spellings. 

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but you could also ask someone to call the words out and spell them out loud. Other ideas include, breaking the words up and writing them down in different colours (accommodate). You could look for words within words (accompany) or think of your own ways to remember the word, for example, spell it aloud using a mnemonic or tune.






















SATS Revision: 

Today, the children have been given a login for SATs bootcamp. This is a fantastic website, which will really help with the children's SATs revision: https://www.yearsix.co.uk/sats-boot-camp/

Please complete the following topics for next Thursday

Maths - Topic 2: Subtraction  

English - Topic 5: Other Punctuation 



Have a great weekend Year 6!

Have a great weekend weekend | Premium AI-generated image


Year 5 Blog Friday 10th January 2025

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 4:06pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

official   special  artificial  partial   confidential   essential   martial   crucial   torrential  racial 

prudential   beneficial  presidential  social   glacial   commercial   initial   partially


Count out loud in:

4s up to 108 and back again                                            0,4,8,12 …

40s from 800 to 1200 and back again                            800,840,880 …

9s from 81 to 180 and back again                                  81,90,99…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.   



Maths practise based on fractions – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge

 We have had a great first week back in Year 5.

 In English, we wrote complex sentences using simile starters and subordinating clauses. We also started our new class novel called 'Street Child' and explored some of the characters within it.   

In Maths, we started our new topic about fractions and although we found this tricky, we tried our best with this. 

This week in RE, we discovered the meaning of The Beatitudes and explored how they link to the Ten Commandments. We discussed how both The Beatitudes and Commandments guide us on the right path through life.  

We also thoroughly enjoyed watching the brass quartet that came in to perform for us this week. We then got an opportunity to try out a wide range of brass and woodwind instruments as well as learn how to create a drum loop on the music technology bus that visited us.

In art, we started learning about set design in theatres and we explored some of the terms and materials used in set building.

Finally, we started our new topics about earth and space in science, and volcanoes and earthquakes in geography. We will continue them in the weeks to come.

A fantastic start to Spring term Year 5 – well done!

Year 1 Blog - Friday 10th January 2025

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 4:04pm

Welcome to your Friday blog!


Home Practice

Sumdog challenges

Maths - Capacity and Place Value

Phonics - Tricky words

Phonics 2 - Sounds learnt this week


Counting - Count forwards and backwards to the biggest number you can!

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!

Please remember to bring book bags in each day.



We read the beginning of the story 'Dragon Post' which is all about a little boy who writes letters to his friends asking for their advice about his dragon.

We wrote a character description of the dragon and wrote about what we would do if we had our own dragon.


Some of us have been comparing the oi and oy sounds and the oo and ue sounds.

Some of us have been learning that the 'a' can make both an o sound and an ai sound. Also, that the 'e' can make an ee sound.


This week in our learning we looked at capacity and volume. We focused on the labels of full, half full and empty.

Then, we started our money unit. We identified different coins and made each value using 1p coins.


We read about the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple when He was a baby. We identified Simeon, Anna, Mary and Joseph in the story and then wrote a speech bubble recognising what Simeon and Anna said when they saw Jesus.


We identified different materials and went on a material hunt around the classroom.


We started our gymnastic unit. We focused on straight shapes and caterpillar travelling.


Reception Blog - Friday 10th January 2025

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 2:08pm

Winter Scene Stock Illustrations – 333,248 Winter Scene Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Welcome to Reception's Friday Blog!


This week we have been learning the sounds j, v and w.

Drawing Club

This week in Drawing Club we have been reading Supertato. We have been describing the evil pea and drawing our own supermarket chaos.


This week we have been recapping numbers 6-10.


This week we have continued with the Nativity story, looking more at the visit from the Kings. We learnt how far they travelled and how they followed the stars. We then made our own crowns and star artwork.

Expressive Art and Design

This week, we have been printing with vegetables.

Understanding the World

This week we have started our new topic, People who help us. We made list of all the different people who can help us, like the Police, Doctors etc…

We have also been talking about the season of Winter. We have been on a winter walk to spot signs of Winter (there have been many signs this week!) and we have done some winter art.

My Happy Mind

This week we have started our new topic, celebrate. We have been reading the story Charlie’s Rainbow Adventure and talked about helping people.


We talked about never giving up when we find things tricky.

We listened to a story about this, then made our own obstacle course to have a go with.


Year 3 Friday Blog 10th January 2025

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 10:48am

We’ve had a fantastic start to the Spring Term in Year 3! Happy New Year, and welcome back. It’s been lovely hearing about all the exciting things you got up to over the holidays.

25 Changes for 2025: What's New in France This Year? - FrenchEntrée

Home Practice

Please continue to read regularly with your children and remember to change reading books when needed. Regular reading is key to improving fluency, comprehension, and fostering a love of books.

In maths, we are practising counting in 8s. Fluency in these number facts will give the children the confidence to tackle more complex problems.

We have set three Sumdog challenges this week:
- The 8 times tables
- Addition and subtraction
- This week’s spellings

Remember, Accuracy + Speed = Fluency

Spellings for this week have been sent home and include words from Key Stage 1. Colours and Numbers!

Practising a little every night will make a big difference!

This Week in Year 3


We began our new book *Orion and the Dark* by Emma Yarlett. It’s a beautiful story about a little boy overcoming his fear of the dark. The children wrote wonderful letters to the Dark as Orion, expressing their fears and seeking comfort. Their writing was thoughtful and creative—well done, everyone!

Orion and the Dark: New DreamWorks film now on Netflix! : Emma Yarlett:  Amazon.co.uk: Books


In maths, we learnt a new method called the compensating strategy which can help with addition and subtraction. This strategy requires great focus, and the children showed brilliant effort and problem-solving skills. Keep up the hard work!


Our new topic, “Galilee to Jerusalem,” began this week. We explored the story of the Magi in Matthew’s gospel. The children enjoyed discussing the journey of the wise men and the gifts they brought for baby Jesus.

Religious Education


We’ve started our new topic about North America! This week, we learnt about the countries on the continent and began exploring their unique features. The children showed great curiosity and asked lots of insightful questions.

North America Flag Map – Simply Canvas Art


On Thursday, we had a special visit from Lancashire Music Service. The children had the opportunity to try out brass instruments—a fantastic experience! Check out our gallery to see some wonderful photos of the session.

Brass Instruments for Needle Felted Characters


We’ve had a brilliant start to the term, and it’s wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm for learning. Have a lovely weekend!

Rainbow Doodle by Marc Johns from Tattly Temporary Tattoos

The Year 3 Team.


Year 6 Blog - Friday 10th January 2025

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:32am

Year 6 Revision Guide – Addvance Maths

Welcome to the Year 6 weekly blog and Happy New Year! 

It has been lovely to have all of the children back in school this week after the Christmas break. Year 6 have settled back in well and worked hard this week! 


This week in Year 6


Macbeth eBook by William Shakespeare - EPUB | Rakuten Kobo United Kingdom


In English we started reading 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare. We explored the key characters in the play and thought about whether we think Macbeth will be a good or an evil character. We worked hard to retell the scene where Macbeth meets the witches for the first time from the perspectives of different characters. 


Want to Master Angles? These Are The 5 Basic Rules of Angles You Must Know

This week, we continued with our angles topic. We learnt that the interior angles of a triangle total 180° and used this fact to reason with. We also learnt that vertically opposite angles are equal and that alternate angles are also equal. 



The Lenten Lessons of Cana | Catholic Answers Magazine

In RE, we started our new topic 'From Galilee to Jerusalem'. We learnt about the first two miracles that Jesus performed: turning water into wine and healing an official's son. 



In History, we started our new topic all about crime and punishment. We focused on chronology and learned that the type of crimes committed, and the punishments for them, have changed over time. 

In Science, we started our new topic all about our bodies. We learnt about the circulatory system and created some fantastic comics to explain how this system works in our bodies. 

We had a visit from the music bus this week! We really enjoyed learning about different instruments and we are looking forward to learning how to play brass instruments this half term. 

Homework - Kristina Stevenson's Classroom - SSD Public Website at Salem  School District

Please complete the following tasks by Wednesday


Reading - Use your home reading to read every night for 30 minutes. You also have a reading diary that must be used for the title of the book and any challenges chosen. 


Books may be changed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. 


Spelling - 

Spellings this week are from the Y5/Y6 and the Y3/Y4 statutory spellings. 

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but you could also ask someone to call the words out and spell them out loud. Other ideas include, breaking the words up and writing them down in different colours (accommodate). You could look for words within words (accompany) or think of your own ways to remember the word, for example, spell it aloud using a mnemonic or tune.






















SATS Revision: 

Today, the children have been given a login for SATs bootcamp. This is a fantastic website, which will really help with the children's SATs revision: https://www.yearsix.co.uk/sats-boot-camp/

Please complete the following topics for next Thursday

Maths - Topic 1: Addition 

English - Topic 1: Basic Punctuation 



Have a fantastic weekend Year 6!

Weekend Rundown: Feb 1st – Feb 3rd | 96.1 BBB


Year 2 Blog Friday 10th January 2025

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:08am

Welcome Back! – St William of York RC Primary School

Home Practice

Reading: In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (17.01.25):

tries    lies       libraries        cherries        cries         flies    berries     hobbies     replies       babies

Sumdog: Complete the time challenge. 

Counting: Count in tens forwards and backwards, but start on a number between 2 and 9, not 0!

For example, 2, 12, 22, 32, 42 or 6, 16, 26, 36. See how far you can get!

Follow the link below to play 'Hit The Button' and do a bit more practise on your 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.




Lily & the Snowman, A Heartwarming Animated Short About the Magic of  Storytelling



We have been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock this week. We now know the times for o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and can solve time problems.

Ask your child to tell you the time, see how much they remember!

How to read a clock to tell time | DoodleLearning


We started our new learning about everyday materials and their uses.



We celebrated Epiphany on Monday 6th January.

The children heard the Epiphany story and rewrote it beautifully in their own words. They also painted and decorated a scene of the Wise Men following the star.

Sunday Readings in Brief: Epiphany – JAMBO KENTAN



We learnt about how to be safe around medicines.


My Happy Mind

Our new topic is, Celebrate.

The children learned about different character strengths. They picked out their own strengths and some they had spotted their friends doing.

Programmes - myHappymind


This term, we will be learning about changes in technology.

The children looked at various pictures of old technology and wrote what they thougt it might be used for and how it helped society.

How the internet changed society | Newbury Electronics Blog

Year 4 Blog Friday 10th January 2025

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 8:21am

Welcome to your Friday blog

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year

Home practice


Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Discuss what you have read with an adult. Can you find out the meaning of any new words in a dictionary?



These are your spellings which will be tested next week – please practise them

famous         various         jealous         serious        obvious

poisonous     dangerous    enormous     glamorous     vigorous

outrageous   curious         hideous        humorous     mountainous

courageous            spontaneous           tremendous



This week, please practise counting in 11’s  

For example, start at 11 and count to 132 and back again

0    11   22  etc                          132    121  etc

Then have a go at counting up in 11’s from a different number, for example 54 or 79

54   65    76 etc        

79    90    101  etc                         


Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘garage’ session


Sumdog challenges

  • A spelling challenge based on the words above
  • A maths challenge based on doubling, halving and related facts (times tables)


In English, we started our new novel – The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips. We began by thinking of the similarities between this novel and Kensuke’s Kingdom, also written by Michael Morpurgo. In addition, we were introduced to the main character (Lily) and we thought of lots of words to describe her personality.


In Maths, we consolidated our learning about chunking. Many of us found this tricky as we are not confident with our tables or number facts. Knowing these off by heart would be beneficial in lots of maths areas. We also learnt how to divide by 10, and described the effect of dividing a 2digit number by 10. Have a look at our gallery.


In RE, we started our new topic – Galilee to Jerusalem. We began the topic by listening to Matthew 16: 13-26 - Peter’s profession of faith. Following this, we retold the story using speech bubbles.


In Science, we continued learning about electricity by making our own switches. We had to make sure we used appropriate materials and made a complete circuit.


In our ‘Our Happy Mind’ lesson, we started the ‘Celebrate’ module. We discussed the 5 main character strength groups

  • love and kindness
  • bravery and honesty
  • learning and exploring
  • friendship and teamwork
  • loving life and our world


In Music, we were introduced to brass instruments and were lucky enough to try out lots of different instruments. We were also visited by the ‘Music Bus’ (mobile music vehicle) in which we played the ‘drums’ on an ipad. Have a look in our gallery.


In Geography, we discussed the causes of flooding, the impact and how it can be prevented. This was quite topical given the recent weather and rainfall.


We started our new topic ‘photo editing’ in Computing. We learnt how to rotate and crop pictures using the BeFunky app.

Hope You Have A Good Weekend GIFs | Tenor

The Year 4 team

Year 5 Blog - Friday 20th December 2024

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 2:51pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog


Please keep reading over the Christmas holidays!


We have had a jam packed week...


 We finally completed our ‘Room 13’ novel and really enjoyed the dramatic ending!


We worked hard on long division calculations – we will consolidate this learning in the New Year.


Everyone took part in the practical lesson on simple machines which included trying out the pulleys and levers in class as well as building gear mechanisms.


We ended our monotypes art unit with some printing onto collage. We also made calendars and Christmas cards.


We created some fantastic videos in Year 5 this week. We worked in threes to film, edit and import content into video. The results were amazing!


Finally, we ended the week by reflecting on the joyful mysteries, including the Annunciation and the Nativity, and baby Jesus was laid in the manger in our crib.


Year 5 have been outstanding this term - thank you to all of you! We will see you back in school on Monday 6th January 2025

Year 3 Friday 20th December

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 2:17pm

Welcome to the final blog of this term

We've had a lovely last week of term in Year 3!

On Monday, we were visited by the All Hallows Roadshow in church. 

On Thursday, we attended the Christingle service beautifully led by Year 6. 

We also spent the last week creating some super Christmas cards, finished our rocks and soils topics and made some fantastic 3D sculptures. Check out our galleries to see some of our learning from this week. 


We would like to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.

Over the holidays, remember to keep reading.

Thank you for all your kind gifts and messages. 


The Year 3 Team

Year 1 Blog - Friday 20th December 2024

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 1:01pm

Welcome to your final blog of 2024!


Reading - Please keep reading over the Christmas holidays!



We continued to read the story 'The Robin Who Stole Christmas'. We asked the robin some questions, we wrote a list of the bad things that the robin did and we wrote an apology letter to Santa from the robin.


Some of us have been comparing the ee and ea sounds.

Some of us have been learning some new high frequency words.


We played lots of different maths games including a Christmas crack the code.


We finished reading the Nativity story. We wrote in a speech bubble, identifying what the angel said to the shepherds in the fields.

Forest School

We used the sticks to make different objects. Some of us made wands and walking sticks.


Thank you for everything this term! We will see you back in school on Monday 6th January 2025.


Reception Blog - Friday 20th December 2024

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 12:24pm

Merry Christmas Stock Illustrations – 1,536,925 Merry ...

Welcome to Reception's Last Friday Blog of 2024!


This week, we recapped the sounds we have learnt this term, using them to write words!

Drawing Club

In Drawing Club we drew the Nativity Story.


In our maths lessons, we recapped all our maths games.


This week in RE, we learnt about the Advent Wreath.

Expressive Art and Design

We enjoyed making our junk model vehicles and evaluating them.

My Happy Mind

To finish the topic about our brains, we made our own brain hats.

Christmas Fun

We loved Christmas jumper day and our Christmas Lunch


A big thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Stay and Play, we hope you enjoyed it.

We also watched the All Hallows Roadshow, which was fantastic!


We hope that you all have an amazing Christmas and New Year with your loved ones. We will see you in 2025.

The Reception Team

Year 4 Blog Friday 20th December 2024

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 4:49pm


Welcome to your last blog of 2024


What a fantastic last week of term we’ve had! It’s been busy and lots of fun!

On Monday, we enjoyed watching the All Hallows Roadshow in church. We loved joining in with the singing, as well as watching the dancing, and listening to the musicians.

On Tuesday, in DT, we created our ‘iron models’.  We were all very impressed with our products – each one included an electrical circuit with a light bulb which lit something up!

On Wednesday, we looked fabulous in our Christmas jumpers, swapped Christmas Cards and enjoyed a Christmas Dinner. We also made Christmas Cards and calendars.

On Thursday, we created a final piece of artwork and put the finishing touches to our cards and calendars. In addition, we attended the Christingle service in church led by Year 6.

On Friday, we had our final Golden Assembly and we celebrated the stars of the term.

Thank you for all your gifts and cards.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and relaxing Christmas and New Year. Thank you for your support during the term – it is very much appreciated.

We look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday 6th January 2025.

Wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year : Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen

The Year 4 team

Year 6 Blog - 20th December 2024

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 11:53am

Year 6 Maths | Swaythling Primary School

Welcome to the last Year 6 blog of 2024!


Aldridge Parish Church : UNDER 18s : Children : Bible Reading

This Week in Year 6

We have had a really exciting and busy week in school before the Christmas break!

On Monday we enjoyed watching the All Hallows Road show. It was great to see all the talented pupils performing and inspiring us. 

On Tuesday we had a special treat, as we were able to watch a performance of 'A Christmas Carol' in school. We had a Q&A session with the actors afterwards and were complimented on our fantastic questions! 

On Wednesday we made some amazing protest Art. We decided on a cause we were passionate about and created a poster inspired by the work of Shepard Fairey. We also enjoyed Christmas jumper day and our Christmas dinner in school. 

On Thursday Year 6 worked hard to rehearse and lead our Christingle service in Church. Well done to all of the children - you were wonderful! 

On Friday, we had our final Golden Assembly of the term and enjoyed watching Holes as a Christmas treat! 

Homework - Kristina Stevenson's Classroom - SSD Public Website at Salem  School District

Home Practice


There is no Sumdog being set for the Christmas break, so you can have a rest and come back fresh and ready for the exciting learning in January!


BUT please keep reading as much as possible!


The Year 6 team would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year. Thank you for your support during the term, it is appreciated! 

We look forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year! 

Happy Merry Christmas Background. Cute Merry Christmas Vector Design  Illustration With Flat Style, Cute Christmas banner, greeting card Merry  Christmas Day. 4669374 Vector Art at Vecteezy


Year 2 Blog- Friday 20th December 2024

Date: 17th Dec 2024 @ 9:52am

Welcome to your last blog of 2024!

We have had a brilliant week in school.


We finished writing our own books. We took great care with our handwriting, spelling and punctation.


We finished our learning about money. We learnt how to add together two amounts when we had to cross the tens boundary, for example,  29p + 42p. We used Base 10 equipment to help us to find the answer.

On Monday, we really enjoyed watching the All Hallows Roadshow  in church.  We joined in with the singing and were very impressed with the musicians, dancers and singers.

On Wednesday, we all looked fabulous in our Christmas outfits and we enjoyed our Christmas lunch.

On Thursday,we were in church for the Christingle service, which was beautifully led by the Year 6 children.

On Friday, we had our final Golden Assembly of the term where we celebrated all the stars of the term.

Black Nativity returns to the Marcus Center 'For the Culture,' celebrating  Black life | WUWM 89.7 FM - Milwaukee's NPR

We wish you all a happy and holy Christmas.

Thank you for all your gifts and cards.

Thank you for all your great support.

The Year 2 Team.

Year 2 Blog- 13th December 2024

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 4:30pm

Year 2

Home Practice

Reading: In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Spelling: No spellings this week. 

Sumdog: Complete the 2, 5 and 10 times table challenge. 

Counting: Count in halves forwards and backwards.

For example, 1/2, 1, 1 and 1/2, 2, 2 and a 1/2, 3, 3 and a 1/2. See how far you can get!

Follow the link below to play 'Hit The Button' and do a bit more practise on your 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.



We have been doing assessments this week.


The children have been learning about printing and repeated patterns.

They really enjoyed printing christmas patterns.

Indian Wooden Printing Blocks Set of 6 Christmas Designs - Etsy


D.T Day was a great success. The children worked so well to make their Tudor houses.

Great attention to detail was shown and a lot of D.T skills were used, like cutting, glueing, folding and measuring.

9 Tudor houses ideas | tudor house, great fire of london, the great fire

Forest School:

We went into the nature area. Some of us had a go at making a Christmas tree decoration. Some of us chose our own learning. There was great teamwork, resilience and imagination shown.


Thank you for coming to see our Nativity.

All the children performed brilliantly.

Nativity Cartoon Images – Browse 147,175 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock


We were all so excited to watch the rehearsal for the Rock Steady concert.

There are so many talented musicians and singers at St. Oswald's

Premium Vector | Kids rock band. Children music concert, young musicians  quartet, playing instruments guitar and drums, vocals and keyboards and  sing on scene. Girls and boys stage performance vector cartoon concept


Have a lovely weekend,

Year 2 Team.

The Third Sunday of Advent....Joy — Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic  Primary School

Year 5 Friday blog 13th December 2024

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 4:12pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

vicious   conscious   malicious   infectious   suspicious   fictitious  nutritious  cautious   precious

ambitious  gracious  spacious  vivacious  delicious   tenacious   rhyme  rhythm  library


Count out loud in:

5s up to 135 and back again                                            0,5,10, 15 …

40s from 800 to 1200 and back again                            800,840,880 …

9s from 81 to 180 and back again                                  81,90,99…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.  Everyone will be doing a mixed times table test next week.



Maths practise based on multiplication and division – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge


 We have had another lovely week of learning in Year 5.

 In English, Year 5 completed their fantastic bat reports. We have nearly completed Room 13 and discovered what’s inside the mystery room.

In Maths we delved into common factors of numbers and the multiplication factors of larger numbers.

This week in RE, we discussed why David’s skills and characteristics as a shepherd made him suitable to be selected by God to be a king. This led us on to investigate what leadership qualities are and how we can develop them.

Christmas activities have continued this week with our Christmas biscuit making day. The children did an amazing job, producing tasty biscuits in colourful packaging to give as gifts. 

Finally, we all enjoyed watching the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ panto and the Rock Steady show this week. Many of Year 5 took part and showed impressive musical skills. Well done!

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk