Our Golden Stars in Year 1 03/12/21
Class: Year 1 Year: 2021 - 2022
We had so many golden stars in year 1 this week!
Milo is our star for working extremely hard in class and setting the perfect example to all. Elena is our super writer for practising her letters. We had two mathematicians - Jack and Joshua W as they both were able to understand some tricky subtraction questions. Spencer is our first bookworm for independently choosing to read dinosaur books and Willow was also a bookworm for reading brilliantly with Mrs Anderson. Tiffany is our super learner for always putting her hand up in lessons. Sid and Sienna were given a special mention for their beautiful Advent wreaths in R.E. Rueben was also a special mention for joining in with our Dick Whittington production. Louie is our daily miler as he has tried really hard this week.