Year 3 English - Journey to Jo’burg
Year 3 Art - Storytelling with clay final pieces
Year 3 Art - Alice Kettle Sketchbooking
Eco Team - bird feeders
Year 3 - Science, More Magnets
Year 3 - Art, Story telling with clay
Year 3 Computing - Creating media
Year 3 Science - Magnets
Year 3 Art - Story Telling through Sketching
Year 3 PE - Gymnastics
Year 3 Art - Calendar collage
Year 3 - Computing Stop Motion Animation
Year 3 - PE Dance
Year 3 History / Art - Cave Art using collage and stencil
Year 3 Art - Drawing with Scissors
Year 3 Maths - Multiplication
Year 3 Art - Painting with scissors
Year 3 DT - Mechanisms
Years 1 and 2- Forest School- Bird Feeders
Year 3 Freddie Fit
Year 3 / Year 6 Art - Evaluating our Artwork
Year 3 Art - Charcoal Scenery
Reading VIPERS - Question Stems
YEAR 3 - PE - Invasion Games
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402