Year 3 Art - Christmas Card Prints
Year 3 Christmas Dinner
Year 3 Maths - 3D shapes
Year 3 Science - Rocks and Soils, Dirt pudding
Year 3 Art - Printing
Y3 PE - Handball
Year 3 - 3D Shape Nets
Year 3- Forest School-Christmas Decoration
Year 3 Art - Painting with scissors - Matisse
Year 3- Forest School-Leaves
Year 3 - Science Sorting rocks by appearance
Year 3 / 4 Freddie Fit
Year 3- Forest School- Natural Art
Year 3 Science - Investigating skeletons
Year 3 - Computing - Animation
Year 3 PSHE / Online Safety
Year 3 English - Story telling with Year 2
Year 3- Forest School-Forest Eyes
Year 3 Art - Charcoal Self Portraits
Year 3- Cooking Things On Sticks
Year 3 RE - Creation and Covenant
Year 3- Forest School-Fungi Hunt
Year 3 - Charcoal sketching
Year 3- Forest School- Apple Crisp
Year 3 PE - Invasion games
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402