Year 5 English - reading our persuasive letters to Year 6
Reading VIPERS - Question Stems
Year 5 PE - throwing and catching skills in netball
Year 5 Maths - rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000
Year 5 Science - planning and carrying out a fair test using paper aeroplanes
Year 5 Art - thoughtful mark making
Year 5 English - matching new vocabulary to its definition
Year 5 Golden Time - toasting marshmallows
Year 5 Science - investigating forces
Super Learning Day
Year 5 DT - testing out our frame structures with Reception
Year 5 Tough Kidder
Year 5 taster day at All Hallows
Year 5 Boxercise
Year 5 DT project - making cam toys for Year 1 to play with
Year 5 Sports Day 2023
Year 5 Geography: mapwork for The Eurovision
Year 5 celebrating the Coronation of King Charles
Year 5 English - finding the meaning of vocabulary in The Highwayman
Year 5 Spring 23
The Learning Times Spring 2023
Year 5 History trip to Judge's Lodgings
Year 5 World Book Day
Year 5 Science - planting our potatoes ready to observe their life cycle
Year 5 Science - Presenting our research about space.
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402