Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 15th January 2021

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 2:30pm

Friday 15th January 2021


Good morning Year 6. Thank you to those who have sent in their work via Seesaw; it has been great to know how hard you have been working. If you have not sent anything in yet and you are having any trouble with how it works, please contact school so we can assist you.

Well, we have made it to Friday! As you know, I always say it is the best day of the week as after these tasks, you should look forward to chilling and having fun with your family this weekend.

Right, here are the final tasks of the week:



Read for 30 minutes. Now is the time to build up reading stamina by reading for longer. Some of you do this already, which is great, but it is important that we all do it every day.

Reading activity for today:

  • Think of 5 questions you would like to ask one of the characters (or the author, if it is a non-fiction book).


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


Every day this week we are going to focus on our number 1 class target, Handwriting, which must be joined. Each day, I will give you a poem to copy in your neatest handwriting. This week focus on staying on the line.

Breakfast for One

Hot thick crusty buttery toast

Buttery toasty thick hot crust

Crusty buttery hot thick toast

Cristy thick hot toasty butter

Thick hot buttery crusty toast

Toasty buttery hot thick crust

Hot buttery thick crusty toast -

With marmalade is how I like it most!



There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week – cial / -tial.

  • Today is the spelling quiz. Hopefully you can get someone to quiz you on the 15 spellings, in random order. Then ask them to come up with 3 sentences for you to write for your dictation.


Writing task

Can I write a character description of Hatty?


  1. Today read chapter 10 (72 – 81) where we learn more about Hatty.
  2. Hatty becomes one the main characters in the story so from these extra chapters we are aiming to write a character description (as a paragraph) of her. To help, use the Impression List I attached to yesterday’s blog. Based on what you have learnt about Hatty, write down 5 main impressions (they could be opposites, like mean and kind, but you are simply basing your knowledge on Hatty’s first impressions in the story.
  3. I did the same for Edgar and came up with these:

mean, rude, obnoxious, seems to dislike Hatty, observant (quick to notice things)

Then, using these words, I based my character description on Edgar’s behaviour.

Edgar is the third eldest boy of four children who live in the big house. He seems to be the least favoured character as the book describes Edgar as being Tom’s least favourite. This is quite evident as he begins to treat Hatty very rudely with quick remarks and negative comments towards her. He shows he is mean with strong words such as, “Spy and tell-tale," and “Don’t give pert lying answers!” He is quite observant, but in a negative way, as it mentioned he ‘had brown eyes that moved around remarkably quickly, missing nothing’. This makes me believe he uses this skill to keep watch of any adults while he is making wrong choices.

  1. Now you try to write something similar but for Hatty. This understanding of the character will us next week when we write from her perspective. Remember to include:
    1. descriptions of her personality
    2. any evidence for them
    3. your opinions of Hatty
    4. (bonus – any physical features, which means what she looks like)


MathsFractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting. Today let’s practise counting in 1s. Add 1 to these numbers, ten times: 5.4, 8.2, 16.4, 73.05, 62.27

(5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, 10.4, 11.4, 12.4, 13.4, 14.4, 15.4)

  1. Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 question target for this week):
    1. 9 times tables
    2. Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions
  2. Main lesson. The objective for today is:

Can I place fractions on varying number lines?

Today’s learning is a collection of this week’s fractions which enables you to push your fractions knowledge further. Watch the video carefully, Fractions on a line, which works through intervals on a number line. It explains how to find intervals using the number of intervals between numbers and then dividing by that number. It will make more sense once you see the video, but we have looked at this before.

Later in the video, it will ask you to place fractions on a number line so use these tips to help:

0  _____________I____________I____________I_____________  1

    • Look at the numbers that it shows you on the number line (it could be 0 and 1 which is simply 1)
    • Count how many gaps, or intervals, there are (I counted 4)
    • Then divide by this number to find each interval (therefore 1 divided by 4 intervals equals ¼ - each interval is ¼ ).

It is important that when you are stuck in Maths, use what you know and try to work out the question step by step – the video will help in doing this and I suggest to watch certain parts a few times to let this learning sink in.

  1. Maths challenge – Challenge Fractions on a Number Line. These questions will push your learning. Just remember that you may need to convert each fraction to help you place them on a number line.



In today’s lesson, we are going to sketch the Chichen Itza pyramid temple that we researched about in yesterday’s lesson. So let’s split this into 3 tasks:

  1. Look at a picture of the Chichen Itza (either on the internet or on the PowerPoint from yesterday’s lesson) and sketch it without any practice or over thinking – let’s call this ‘Sketch number 1’.
  2. Watch the clip from YouTube How to draw the Chichen Itza Follow the example step by step. You will notice the artist starts with the top, then the main shape, then the detail (he defines it with a black outline but you could use your pencil but with a bit more force on the paper). We will call this ‘Sketch number 2’.
  3. Challenge - Draw the Chichen Itza one last time but do not follow the video. You may copy from your ‘Sketch number 2’ picture but the main challenge is to sketch it without taking your pencil off the paper THE WHOLE TIME!


Good luck – you may try this challenge again and again if you wish. Each time you try, you will improve.

Happy sketching!


You made it. It's the end of the week! Give yourself a treat for completing everything. I think I might have some chocolate this weekend - just a little. Enjoy your weekend with your family and stay safe.


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Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
