Year 6: Blog items

Year 6 Home Practice - Friday 30th April 2021

Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 4:02pm

Welcome to another Year 6 blog. This week we have welcomed back our Sports Clubs which include Football training on Tuesdays, Tennis on Wednesdays and Hockey on Thursdays. The new

Year 6 Home Practice - Friday 23rd April 2021

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 3:51pm

Welcome back to our first blog of the summer term. It has been great to see everyone again and on a week with amazing weather too! Year 6 have come back well rested and have worked hard, earning them extra time on the field at Friday lunch time. This week we have enjoyed celebrating St George

Online Safety - 21st April 2021

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 1:29pm

5 little-known social media mark... - News - What Mobile

Using social media websites is among the most common activity of today's children and adolescents. Any website that allows social interaction is considered a social media site, including social networking sites such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; video sites such as YouTube; and blogs. Such sites offer today's youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason, it is important that parents become aware of the nature of social media sites, given that not all of them are healthy environments for children and adolescents. - From the American Academy of Pediatrics

Below you will find two guides. One for Snapchat and one for Sadfishing. 

For more guides and explainer videos, join us at National Online Safety and explore the range of resources to keep updated with developments in social media and much more.

Year 6 - Happy Easter

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 2:55pm

Welcome to the last Year 6 blog this spring term. We are so pleased with everyone’s effort over a tricky term but now is the time to get rested, hopefully get out more (as the weather improves) and prepare yourself for an active last 12 weeks in Year 6.


Our learning in Year 6 this week:

  • In PSHE, we discussed our challenges and hopes for Year 7 and how we can use the strategies we have learnt over the last few weeks to combat any challenges that might affect our mental health.
  • Once again, do not forget to see our new Online Safety - 31st March  blog where we have teamed up with the National Online Safety which provides many resources for children, staff and parents.
  • In Maths, we have been working out the perimeter of squares, rectangles and triangles, as well as learning how to use quicker multiplication and division strategies for larger numbers.
  • In English, we have completed the novel, Skellig, which has very challenging themes throughout and discussed what we thought about the book in a short book review.
  • As it has been Holy Week, we have read the story of what Jesus went through and discussed the possible reasons of why Judas betrayed him.
  • In Art, we have all completed our mosaic Mayan masks, which you can see on our Year 6 gallery page.
  • In PE, we have completed the topic of invasion games for Hockey and Netball where we used our ‘character’ skills of teamwork, resilience, patience and respect to help us all work together in mini teams.
  • In Music, we have been continuing our practising B, A and G chords on the recorder.
  • In Science, we investigated different ways (using an app, smart watch or checking our pulse) to measure our pulse rate before and after exercise.
  • Finally in History, we conducted our own gameshow of ‘Who Wants to be a Mayaniare’ based on all the learning from our topic, The Mayans. The children did very well as nearly eveyone became Mayanaires!


Well done to 97% of you for changing your book this week – a great end to the term!


I have not set up any Sumdog challenges for the Easter holidays as you all deserve a break. There is only one thing I ask you to do every day, if possible, and that is to …


Have a super Easter Break!

100+ Happy Easter Wishes | Symbols of Rejuvenation

Online Safety - 31st March 2021

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 1:11pm

Internet Safety

This week we are having a look back at our wellbeing week and how we express ourselves online. Below you will find a guide on Expressing yourself safely online and a guide to using Youtube. 

We have also included the #wakeupwednesday guide from on RecRoom. This is a new online platform with an age rating of 9+. We haven't yet seen any of our children use this platform but it is always good to be informed on new developments.

Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.


Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 26th March 2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 12:32pm

Welcome to another Year 6 weekly blog. This week, thanks to Mrs Cookson, we organised an Athletics Intra Competition between Year 5 and 6 which included relay races, javelin, speed bounce and long jump. Everyone did extremely well and should be very pleased with themselves for giving it their all. Year 6 also worked hard being officiators for the boys and girls track and field events.  


Our learning in Year 6 this week:

  • In PSHE, we discussed ways to help a fictional person on how to deal with change by using strategies to improve their mental health. (Do not forget to see our new Online Safety Update 24th March blog where we have teamed up with the National Online Safety which provides many resources for children, staff and parents.)
  • In Maths, we have been learning how to work out the area of squares, rectangles and compound shapes.
  • In English, we have continued reading our novel, Skellig, and dived deep into understanding the characters more, learnt about the English poet and painter William Blake, and written a balanced argument for and against home vs school education.
  • In RE, we discussed and acted out freeze frames of ways we can be selfless and spread to joy to others through our actions.
  • In Art we created super mosaic Mayan masks.
  • In PE, we have completed the Year 5/6 Athletics Intra competition, which you can see the pictures of in the Year 6 gallery.
  • In Music, we have been practising B, A and G chords on the recorder.
  • In French, we wrote prepositions of where the Easter Bunny was hiding.
  • Finally in History, we started our own ‘Who Wants to be a Mayaniare’ quiz based on all the learning from our topic, The Mayans.


Well done to 90% of you for changing your book this week. Remember that reading should be your number one priority every day.

These are the new days when you can change your reading book:

Monday – Dodgems

Tuesday – Roller Coasters

Wednesday – Big Dippers / The Waltzers


These are the tasks to be completed:

  • Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 30 minutes every day.

Please complete the ‘Reading Challenges’ you have been given by answering them in your Reading Journals.


  • Sumdog challenges (which will end next Thursday):
    • x11 and x12 Times tables (100 correct answers needed):
      • There will be times and divide questions of the 11 and 12 times tables.


    • Area of rectangles (100 correct answers needed):
      • These questions have a mixture of finding area of rectangles and the length of rectangles from areas given.


    • Spellings (45 correct answers needed):
      • This week’s words have unstressed vowels that can be tricky to remember:

(category, separate, definite, difference, desperate, reference, temperature, jewellery, company, interest, secretary, stationery, voluntary, miserable, factory)


Online Safety - 24th March

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 12:22pm

Thank you to all who joined our Online Safety platform last week. To join, simply follow the link below and follow the instructions provided. 

We all have an important role in keeping our children safe in an ever growing online world.

Below you will find three new guides on WhatsApp, Fortnite and a Share a Smile online, linked to last week's Comic Relief theme.



Year 6 Home Practice - Friday 19th March 2021

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 3:38pm

Welcome back to our first Home Practice blog since the full return back to school. It has been great for everyone to see their friends and get back into a routine. On Friday we celebrated Red Nose Day wearing red, which you can see the pictures of on our Year 6 gallery page.


Our learning in Year 6 this week:

  • Since our return, we have been learning about mental health through PSHE on how to keep ourselves in a more positive mind-set. Along with PSHE, we have an Online Safety blog on each class page which explains how we have teamed up with the National Online Safety which provides many resources for children, staff and parents. You can follow this link, Online Safety to explore.
  • In Maths, we have been learning how to plot and translate coordinates outside and working on some of our subtraction strategies to help us solve questions quickly.
  • In English, we have begun our new novel, Skellig, by investigating the main characters (Michael, Mina and the Creature). We have also analysed David Almond’s writing style and mixed it with our own in creating the next part of the story.
  • In RE, we created our own Lenten prayer which explains the meaning behind the ashes and how Lent can be a time to start trying new things.
  • In Art we have looked closely at Mayan patterns, and created our own with pencil, charcoal and pastels.
  • In PE, we have been preparing for the Year 5/6 Athletics Intra competition that will be held in school, during school time. We have also been working together on creating paired gymnastic routines.
  • In Music, we have been continuing our practise of Boomwhackers and how to play the recorder.
  • In French, we have explored compass directions and a map of France, spoken and written about the location of towns, rivers and mountains.
  • Finally, for Science, we have investigated a lamb’s heart and physically modelled how the circulatory system works.


Well done to 80% of you for changing your book this week. Remember that reading should be your number one priority every day.

These are the new days when you can change your reading book:

Monday – Dodgems

Tuesday – Roller Coasters

Wednesday – Big Dippers / The Waltzers


These are the tasks to be completed:

  • Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 30 minutes every day.

Please complete the ‘Reading Challenges’ you have been given by answering them in your Reading Journals.


  • Sumdog challenges:
    • x3, x4, x8 Times tables(100 correct answers needed):
      • There will be times and divide questions of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
    • Coordinates (100 correct answers needed):
      • Some of these questions have coordinates in all four quadrants, which is something we will look at in more detail on Monday.


    • Spellings (45 correct answers needed):
      • This week is a recap of prefix learning of dis-, un- and im- words

(disadvantage, disappear, disappoint, discovered, dishonest, unacceptable, unachievable, unbelievable, uncomfortable, unforgivable, immature, impatient, impolite, impartial, impossible)


Online Safety

Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 2:44pm

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at St Oswald's.

Here you will find a range of resources to keep your child safe online.

We have teamed up with National Online Safety to provide resoures, guides and training for all our staff and parents.

Below you will find a link to enrol to at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

We will also regularly post guides for social media and gaming platforms as they become more commonly used by your children.

This week you will find guides on Children's Mental Health, TikTok and Gaming Streamers and Influencers

Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 5th March 2021

Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 8:20am

It’s Fabulous Friday 5th March 2021!


We have all made it! Our last remote learning Friday (hopefully).

As you know, Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!




For a minimum of 30 minutes.


Spelling Quiz


Don’t forget to have a spelling quiz today. Try to you can get someone to quiz you on the 15 spellings, in random order.


Complete the number activity – Maths, Paper Scissors


See the attached document at the bottom of the blog, Maths, Paper, Scissors for how to play



Finish anything off


If there is anything you need to complete, you can do that today and upload to Seesaw for any help or feedback.



Do not forget to see the Friday Catch Up video which has been sent through Seesaw.


Get some rest before Monday. We all cannot wait to see you.

Have a great weekend!

Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 4th March 2021

Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 10:25am

Thursday 4th March 2021


Good morning everyone. It’s World Book Day 2021!

World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity. Our mission is to  give every child and young person a book of their own.


As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, I just want to remind you that you can send in a picture of you (dressed up or not) holding up one of your favourite books. If you do, please send in a message with your photo of why it is your favourite – the best message will receive a £10 voucher from Moving Works!

Today is potentially your last day of Home Learning so I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped to keep your learning moving forward.

Here are your final tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Draw a cartoon strip of the main events from the book.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on seasons through the year. This week focus on forming each letter correctly, which we have done before but this is something we will do in detail next week when you are all back so practising this is a going to help.

The Visitor

Cold fingers clawed the face of earth,

Bold winter strutted round,

Bare branches trembled in the wind,

Their leaves mulching the ground.

Dancing snowflakes chuckled in the

Prancing north-east breeze,

Algid river stood still, crippled,

Aged women coughed and wheezed.

Sheep shivered in the snow-bound wasteland,

Steep and icy were the paths.

In the houses, people huddled,

Skin slowly cooking round the hearths.

Then it happened, one clear morning,

When the bite of cold was sore,

That there came a gently knocking

At the weatherman’s cottage door.

He got up and shambled out to

See, his heart began to sing,

By the door, a young girl smiling,

‘Hi,’ she said. ‘My name is Spring.’



The spellings for this week, long ‘y’ sound

  • Make a pyramid with each word to really focus on every letter.
  • e.g.                









Writing task

Can I create my own mini story called, The Library Adventure?


Today is World Book Day where we can all dress up and celebrate some of the best loved characters. How many can you mention in just one minute?

Any of those your favourites?

If you had to choose one, who would it be?

This character you have chosen could be the start of a new story. 

Look at the Pobble picture called, The Greatest Library, at the bottom of the blog.

Here is a library, but not just any old library, the books in this library are the most interesting as once opened, they come alive, creating new stories to be opened and read and experienced.

Think what your favourite types of books are. If you could choose one of your books to come alive, which one would it be and why?

If you could be a character in a book, who would you like to be?

Here is a story starter for you to continue:


The books had minds of their own…


This was no ordinary library.


Books about knights and castles would gallop all over the library, bravely and boldly ordering the other books around. The books about thieves would sneak around, lurking behind bookshelves in the shadows. Books about wild animals would occasionally roar and bite other books. The ones containing stories set in the winter would often shiver, covering their neighbours with snow and frost.


Lucy loved this place like no other. Reading was the most exciting thing in the world here: everything she read seemed to come alive out of the pages…


Your task is to create a story following any of these prompts:

  • You or any other character can be the one in the ‘greatest library’ about to read a book
  • Introduction = The book comes alive with you (or the character) being sucked into that book’s story.
  • Main = The adventure begins
  • Ending = This part is completely up to you but it could be:
    • main character is now stuck in the book forever
    • main character saves the day
    • main character solves a quest and returns home
    • main character decides to stay in this world forever


Maths – Division Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forward and back in steps of 250 and 750

7 000 , 15 000 , 5 400 , 64 000 , 97 200

  1.  Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I follow the success criteria of long division?
      1. Write out the times tables of the divisor
      2. Look at the first two digits and take the largest chunk possible
      3. Take that away from the answer
      4. Continue taking large chunks in multiples of 10 or 100
      5. Make sure you finish at zero
      6. Add up the chunks to find the answer

There is a Seesaw video for today’s lesson which will help in answering ‘Long Division’ sheet.

  1. Arithmetic 19 – 36. See the Arithmetic video for guidance on some of the questions.



Can I illustrate and label Pakal the Great?

Follow this link to the BBC website to find information on Pakal the Great, who reigned as King for 68 years.

  • Using any of the illustrations from the website, draw Pakal the Great in your book (think middle of the page so you can label him).
  • Label him with facts that you have learnt. These questions may help
    • Where did he live?
    • How long did he rule for?
    • When did he die?
    • What did he accomplish?
    • What did Ruz, the Mexican archaeologist, find in the sarcophagus?
    • Any interesting facts?
  • Send it to me via Seesaw




Watch the video sent through Seesaw which explains the Climate Crisis PowerPoint at the bottom of the blog and the task to complete.

Your task:

You are in charge of your own cocoa farm. Your farm is about to be struck by one of the climate challenges from the PowerPoint. Try to answer the following questions:

  • What is your challenge?
  • How will this challenge affect your farm?
  • Will this challenge affect your basic needs?

(You can use a computer to conduct further research if you prefer)


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Division of 2/3 digit numbers                          (200 target)
    2. Fluency with division facts                      (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘long /y/ sound’                         (45 target)


Excellent work Year 6. Congratulations. Make sure you celebrate in some way for all the effort you have put in. 


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 2:41pm

Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to our last remote Wednesday. Half way through the week is always good to check in on how you are organising yourself this week. Ask yourselves these questions today:

  • Have you been reading every day?
  • Have you started or even finished any Sumdog challenge?
  • Are you going to tick everything off by Thursday or spread it out to Friday?

(Knowing how well you have been doing enables you to plan out the rest of the week)

Do not forget that Reading, English, Maths, French, Music and RE are on the blog today so spreads these activities out or do what you can.


Tomorrow is World Book day where you can dress up at home in one of your favourite characters. Whether you dress up or not, please send in a picture of you holding your favourite book with a message of why it is your favourite. I will be doing the same and I will send my picture to you in the morning.

Here are today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Draw a picture of your favourite part of the book. Write what is happening in the picture and why you chose this.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on seasons through the year. This week focus on forming each letter correctly, which we have done before but this is something we will do in detail next week when you are all back so practising this is a going to help.


Out of the paper bag

Comes the hot breath of the chips

And I shall blow on them

To stop them burning my lips.


Before I leave the counter

The woman shakes

Raindrops of vinegar on them

And salty snowflakes.


Outside, the frosty pavements

Are slippery as a slide

But the chips and I

Are warm inside.



The spellings for this week, long ‘y’ sound

  • Today, create another mini story with the spellings words.
    • e.g. There was once a cycling hyena who absolutely loved to multiply numbers. He would identify figures in the street and rhyme whilst doing it. One day, the hyena qualified for the Cyclone Cup, a prestigious award once occupied by a python.



Writing task

Can I use a variety of nouns, verbs and adjectives to describe an evil character’s appearance and actions?


Read pages 44 – 50, which are on one of the videos I have sent through Seesaw. 

Watch the main video sent through on Seesaw which explains how to complete today’s objective.

The example of descriptions for an evil character are attached at the bottom of the blog.

Also, the picture I used to describe my evil character is at the bottom of the blog under 'Wanderer picture for introducing evil character'.


Maths – Division Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forward and back in steps of 25 and 75
  1.  , 400 , 1 400 , 170  ,  630
  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I explain and use long division?

There is a Seesaw video for today’s lesson as well a White Rose video here, Long Division , which explains how to solve the sheet, White Rose Maths Division. Please watch the Seesaw video first.



Today we are continuing the topic of ‘Pulse and Metre’. Follow this link, Exploring 4 beats and 2 beats in a bar, to Oak National Academy for today’s lesson.



Bonjour! Let’s recap the weather phrases once more. You should be getting good at these by now!

Confession time – in school last week, we didn’t finish all the work so we’re going to do the second half of the sheet this week. If you didn’t manage it all either, click here and download lesson 5 with audio.

We’re going to do the left hand side of slide 3 in school, writing our own sentences using seasons, weather and expressions of frequency. If you’ve already done this, well done to you! You could take a piece of paper, fold it into 4 sections and copy one of your sentences into each section and add a picture to illustrate it.  If you upload the photo, I will print it off and add it to our display.

If you’re ready to move on, have a go at slide 4. I’ll be very impressed if you can do sections B and C!

Très bon travail. Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine!



Can I explain how people can live out the Our Father prayer in our daily lives?


Watch the Seesaw video named ‘RE. Our Father prayer’. There is a copy of the Our father at the bottom of this blog for you to print or copy and paste electronically.



Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Division of 2/3 digit numbers                  (200 target)
    2. Fluency with division facts                      (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘long /y/ sound’                         (45 target)


Congratulations as we are now half way through the week!

Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 2:36pm

Tuesday 2nd March 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to Tuesday.

Well done to those who have started this week’s Sumdog challenges and posted some work through Seesaw. Remember, as always, do not hesitate to contact me about anything regarding learning. So many of you did yesterday as I am here to help during your final week of remote learning.


Here are today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • How does/did the book make you feel? Explain.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on seasons through the year. This week focus on forming each letter correctly, which we have done before but this is something we will do in detail next week when you are all back so practising this is a going to help.

Still Winter

Ambushing snowdrops,

Beheading buds,

Drowning daisies

In sudden floods,


Old Mr Winter

Won’t let go,

Arthritic fingers

Dipped in snow.


Grey mist clinging

Like old news,

Badger talking

One more snooze.


Blackbird singing

In freezing rain,

Screech Owl calling;

Night again.


Cold rat feasting

On the scrap-heap,

Frosty paw-prints,

Earth half-asleep.


All things hoping

Spring comes soon,

Snuggle under

Frosty moon.



  • The spellings for this week, long ‘y’ sound
    • Play the Window Game that I explained in a video before half term. Just to remind you:
      • top left = copy neatly x3
      • top right = say each letter out loud x3
      • bottom left = non-dominant hand x3
      • bottom right = blind writing x3


Writing task

Can I use a dictionary to investigate new vocabulary from Aladdin?


Read pages 37 - 43

Watch the video sent through on Seesaw where I explain how to describe Aladdin’s personality.


The New Vocabulary to Define sheet is attached to the bottom of this blog.




Maths – Division Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forward and back in steps of 200 and 400

1 600,    4 700,   16 000,  145 000,   876 700

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use chunking to solve large division questions?

See the video on Seesaw which explain how we use the division chunking method to help you complete the Chunking Method sheet.

  1. Maths challenge Division with Digit Cards – See the Seesaw video for an explanation of the challenge with the attached sheet at the bottom of this blog.




Today we are going to start a topic called Exercise, Health and the Circulatory system.

Download the Powerpoint and work through it. There is a choice of two tasks on the last slide.

Your poster can be done on a computer or in your book. There is a choice of  cartoon strip templates in the resources.




This lesson focuses on the difference between wants and needs, and to identify what all humans need to live a decent life.

Task 1:

Think of these questions and note down any of your responses:

  • What do you need to happy and healthy?
  • Of those things, what are the most important?
  • Of those things, what are the least important?

There is a difference to wants and needs. A need is something a person needs to survive and a want is something that is nice to have.

Task 2:

Use the ’12 Wants and Needs cards’ at the bottom of the blog to divide into two categories: needs and wants.

From your two lists, are there some that we can live without?

Task 3:

Select the needs cards that you might need to pay for e.g. healthy food, medicine.

Not all people in the world have enough money to meet their basic needs. Without enough money, it can be difficult to lead a healthy and happy life. Many of the farmers who grow cocoa for our chocolate are not paid enough money to meet their basic needs, even though they work hard.

Read Theresa’s story, on the PowerPoint, which shows how Fairtrade can help farmers and workers to meet their basic needs.

Then think about what can be done to ensure that all farmers and workers get their basic needs met.


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Division of 2/3 digit numbers                  (200 target)
    2. Fluency with division facts                      (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘long /y/ sound’                         (45 target)


Well done. Another day completed!


Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 1st March 2021

Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 12:42pm

Monday 1st March 2021


Good morning Year 6 and welcome to the start of the last week of home learning. The pupils in school, the teachers and I are super excited to see you next week so do what you can – you are so close to the end, keep going!

Here are the last Monday’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Which character in your book are you most like and least like? Explain you answer.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on seasons through the year. This week focus on forming each letter correctly, which we have done before but this is something we will do in detail next week when you are all back so practising this is going to help.

December Moon

The moon has come out too soon,

it’s still the middle of the afternoon

and the day shows no signs of darkness.


What is the moon doing,

sneaking into the sky when it’s light?


What is the moon playing at?

Couldn’t it sleep?

Has its alarm clock rung too soon?


Do we see the moon this early

in June or September?


Or does December bring a special moon,

a let’s-get-these-nights-over-soon moon,

a can’t-wait-for-Christmas-to-come moon?



The spellings for this week, long ‘y’ sound

  • The spelling sheet is attached at the bottom of this blog.
  • Sumdog spelling challenge starts today. 


Writing task

Can I write as Aladdin in present tense?

Read page 27 – 29. Stop at page 29 then watch the video sent on Seesaw which explains today’s task.

The BBC bitesize link mentioned in the video is here, Past vs Present tense

After completing the task for today, continue reading pages 30 – 36.


Maths – Division Week

Warm up your brain: Counting forward and back in steps of 40 and 60

540, 820, 2650, 7000, 14 650

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use mental strategies to solve division questions?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, ‘Mental Division’

  1. Maths challenge Missing Numbers – explanation on the same video. The sheet is at the bottom of the blog.




Can I solve the noughts and crosses challenge using different tactics?


For today’s task, read the Noughts and Crosses challenge , which explains how to set up a large noughts and crosses using paper, hoops or whatever you have at home. The video on the website doesn’t seem to be working so here is a link to their twitter post with the video on it, Youth Sport Trust - Noughts and Crosses. If that link does not work, here is another link to show you how this game can be played, PE at Home - Noughts and Crosses.

This is a game that should be played with another family member, if possible. Here are a few ideas to make it interesting:

  • Race against each other (walking or running depending if you are inside or outside your house)
  • Take turns (so it becomes fairer)
  • Perform different movements when placing your item down:
    • Crawling, sliding, Spider-Man moves, lunging, side-stepping, galloping, jumping, leaping, hopping, move around cones, etc
  • Or when you arrive at the noughts and crosses layout, perform one of these moves:
    • 5 push-ups, star jumps, burpees, lunges, running on the stop, jumping on the spot, spotty dogs, etc


Do not forget to keep yourself active. My favourite things at the movement are dancing and yoga.

Here is a great Yoga video to help aid you in being more flexible. Yoga for kids with Adriene



In today’s lesson, watch the clip, Change the World with Your Choices, which you may remember from Thursday’s task. The video will help to start thinking about the power of your choices

Use the ‘Choices and Consequences’ matching cards to lay them on a table and match up a choice with a consequence.

Then think about the following questions or even discuss them with someone in your house:

Who was affected by these choices?

What countries were impacted by these choices? Can you find them on a map?

Can you identify the choices that were about buying choices?

Can you identify the choices that were made after buying the product?


For an extra task, consider alternative choices and the negative consequences that may arise as a result.

  1. Look at the choices cards and pick an alternative choice that might have negative consequences e.g. Instead of choosing to recycle your rubbish you might throw it in a regular rubbish bin. Write these on the back of the choices cards.
  2. What are the negative consequences of these choices? Now write possible negative impact of these alternative choices on the back of the consequences cards.


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Division of 2/3 digit numbers                  (200 target)
    2. Fluency with division facts                      (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘long /y/ sound’                         (45 target)



Congratulations! The last remote Monday is now complete.


Year 6 Home Learning - Fabulous Friday 26th January 2021

Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 3:16pm

It’s Fabulous Friday 26th February 2021!


Only 1 week left!

As you know, Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!




For a minimum of 30 minutes.


Spelling Quiz


Don’t forget to have a spelling quiz today. Try to get someone to quiz you on the 15 spellings, in random order.


Maths Game - Bingo


I have attached two PowerPoints, Times Tables Bingo and x10, x100, x1000 Bingo which you can print as slides, pick your numbers, randomly shuffle the cards (questions) and play.


Finish anything off


If there is anything you need to complete, you can do that today and upload to Seesaw for any help or feedback.


Science experiment

Following the incredible news of the NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover, Mrs Quilliam has been conducting an experiment to see how the rover will search for life on Mars. Please watch the video sent through Seesaw which will explain how you can access the equipment and conduct the experiment yourself.

There are also instructions attached to the blog named, Is there life on Mars Year 6?


The Friday Catch Up video has been sent through Seesaw.


Have a great weekend everyone!


Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 25th February 2021

Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 10:46am

Thursday 25th February 2021


Good morning everyone. Remember that today is the last day of learning being posted on the blog (unless you count Reading, which I do not, as it should be done every day).

Tomorrow is Fabulous Friday so you decide whether you want to spread today’s tasks over today and tomorrow or complete it all today.

Here are today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Make a list of questions you ask yourself as you read.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on animals. This week focus on having every letter on the line.


This morning I found a butterfly

Against my bedroom wall.

I wanted to hold it,

To remember its colours.

But instead I guided its whirring shape

Towards the open window.

I watched it drift into the warm air,

Swaying and looping across the summer garden.

In my book, I found:

‘Tortoiseshell, reddish orange with yellow patches.’

But I remember its leaving,

And the patterns of its moving.



The spellings for this week, short ‘y’ sound

    • Create a mini story using as many of the spellings as possible (you may add prefixes or suffixes to them):
      • e.g. The syrup stood proud in the cylinder bottle, a symbol of hope for the dry pancakes that laid helpless on the plate. The floppy flat-cakes had heard of the myth of this mystery substance that defied all physics – some had said that it could turn the pancakes into symmetrical pyramids with just a physical touch. Others had mentioned that it could sing beautiful hymns, rhythmically lulling them to sleep as it smothered them. The mysterious bottle suddenly opened…


Writing task

Can I describe the setting based on the film adaptation of Aladdin?

A video has been sent on Seesaw to guide you in describing a setting.

Read pages 22 – 26 which are attached on the blog.

The clip of the film’s cave setting that I refer to in the video is here, Cave of Wonders - part 1 And Cave of Wonders - part 2.

The link to the BBC website mentioned in the Seesaw video is here, Describing a setting with personification.

Success criteria:

  • Describe the size of the cave
  • Describe any shapes the audience sees
  • Use any of the 5 senses (see, hear, taste, smell, touch)
  • Use personification (only 1 or 2 needed)

(You can make this writing first or third person)


Maths – Subtraction Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in 2 ½ from :

7 , 15 , 23 ½ , 64 , 97

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use subtract fractions from fractions?

There is a White Rose video linked here, Subtract Fractions, which explains how to solve the sheet, White Rose Maths Subtraction.

  1. Arithmetic 1 – 18. See the Arithmetic video for guidance on some of the questions.




Can I write a tweet for what every day was like for a Mayans?

Follow this link to the BBC website on Everyday life for the Mayans.

Make notes from the website and the video, especially on the workers and any differences between the rich and the poor. This knowledge will help in future lessons when we dig deeper into a typical day of a Mayan.

Your task is to write a tweet to a friend explaining what life was like for the Mayans. If you have never written a tweet before, let me explain some success criteria:

  • You only have 140 characters (this includes any spaces but for this time I will allow 140 letters)
  • You can use abbreviations or single letters to say longer words, just like in a message to a friend such as: r for are, u for you, 8 for eight/ate, ur for you are / your, 4 for for, y for why etc (I am sure you have many more)
  • Stick to the facts and try to explain life for a Mayan in no more than 140 characters or letters.



Fairtrade Fortnight

For the next two weeks, we are celebrating and learning about Fairtrade and the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and workers in the communities Fairtrade works with.

Within some of the lessons we look at this week and next, we will discover how our choices as individuals can make a difference to the lives of people around the world and the planet we share.

There are two tasks to complete (task 2 can be completed over the next week or so)

Task 1. There is a Fairtrade Fortnight PowerPoint attached at the bottom of the blog. I have sent a video through Seesaw where I talk through the PowerPoint and explain Task 2 at the end. The link to the video I discuss is here, Changing the World through Your Choices

Task 2. Here is a link to Fairtrade’s Share Your Vision which gives you an opportunity to create artwork, poem, prose (speech) or film for a chance to be exhibited in the online Youth Exhibition at the ‘Choose the world you want’ festival between 22nd February and 7th March 2021 but you have to submit by 1st March 2021. More information can be found through the link and the poster Share Your Vision attached at the bottom of the blog.

(In school, we are going to use the information we found in task 1 to help us come up with ideas for poetry and/or artwork for task 2)

You obviously do not have to submit anything for an exhibition but if you want to create some artwork or poetry linked to Fairtrade, bring it into school from the 8TH March to share with the class.


Sumdog – Three challenges:


  1. Mental subtractions                                             (200 target by Sunday)
  2. Divisions for 6, 7 and 9s                                        (200 target by Sunday)
  3. Spellings ‘short /y/ sound’                                   (45 target by Friday)



Well done, tomorrow is Friday, arguably the best day of the week!


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 24th February 2021

Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 4:07pm

Wednesday 24th February 2021


Good morning Year 6. I hope you are all still well as we hit halfway through the week. Once again, there are many tasks attached to Wednesday because our usual timetable would include Reading, English, Maths, French, Music and RE, all in one day. Please do not be overwhelmed by all of this and do what you can today – remember to look after your wellbeing!

Here are the tasks for today:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Write a short memory or experience of you own that is similar to something you have read in your book.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on animals. This week focus on having every letter on the line.


They emerge as arms of sun

Prise the clouds apart and stroke

The waiting, weathered wall.


Heads like probing fingertips,

Out to greet the hands that woke

Them with their golden call.


Speckled pocket dinosaurs

Dart at blink-speed from their cracks,

To stretch on smiling stones.


Summer’s gift, their kiss of life,

Bathes their mottled leather backs

And lubricates their bones.


Nothing tempts their tails to twitch,

Nothing turns their polished eyes

Or troubles them, it seems.


Danger breathes her whispered call.

Stealthy wing-beats stir the skies.

They disappear like dreams.



The spellings for this week, short ‘y’ sound

  • Today, write each word out in bubble writing. I have included the alphabet in bubble writing below for you, just in case you were unsure about any letters.

Image result for bubble writing letters


Writing task

Can I use the reading skills of retrieval and inference to describe the character of the Moor?


Read pages 16 – 21 (attached on the blog)

In this lesson, you are to retrieve information about the Moor. Watch the video sent through on Seesaw which explains how to retrieve and interpret his actions to help describe his personality.

The Impressions List and Target board are attached to bottom of the blog.


Maths – Subtraction Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in 1/7 and 3/7 from:

4 , 16 1/7 , 27 4/7 , 81 , 45

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use column method for subtracting decimals?

There is a Seesaw video for today’s lesson which will help in answering ‘Decimal subtractions’

  1. Maths challenge Decimals Missing Numbers. The same video on Seesaw will help guide you through the challenge.



Today is the start of a new topic, ‘Pulse and Metre’. Follow this link, Understanding Pulse and Rhythm to Oak National Academy for today’s lesson.



Bonjour! On va continuer à apprendre le temps. We are going to carry on with our weather topic, adding expressions of frequency to our sentences (normally, sometimes etc).

Here’s a song to remind you of the weather phrases.

Now, you need to know what these words mean. Use this dictionary to look them up and listen and repeat the pronunciation.

You need the French to English page. Write the date in French in your book and the title:

Can I add expressions of frequency to weather sentences?

Write these words into your book and translate them into English:

Quelquefois                                     et

Souvent                                             mais

Jamais                                                            aussi

Normalement                                              toujours

Now find the French words for the seasons and write them in English and French in your book. Add a little picture to help you remember them.

Now click this link and download lesson 5 with audio.

Ignore the poem if you wish! You are going to do the sheet on slide 3.You can print it out or just write the answers in your book.  Do the right hand side of the sheet first as it’s easier. Now have a go at the left hand side, using the sentences on the right as models for your own sentences. It is asking you to describe the weather in England in summer, winter in Siberia, spring in Italy and autumn in Scotland.

You don’t need to do slide 4. We’ll come back to this next week.

Bravo – ce n’est pas facile! Well done! It isn’t easy!



Can I illustrate a stained-glass window and give reasons for its design?


Please watch the Seesaw video named ‘RE. Stained-glass window’ which explains the task for today.

There is a template of a stained-glass window for you to use at the bottom of the blog if you wish but you may design your own.


Sumdog – Three challenges:


  1. Mental subtractions                                             (200 target by Sunday)
  2. Divisions for 6, 7 and 9s                                        (200 target by Sunday)
  3. Spellings ‘short /y/ sound’                                   (45 target by Friday)




Congratulations for making it to the end of Wednesday!


Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 2:47pm

Tuesday 23rd February 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to Tuesday. Well done and thank you to those who have started the Sumdog challenges and sent work through Seesaw. If not, remember that I am here to see any work or help in any way.

Also, thank you to those who have been working hard on their handwriting with the daily poem; I can see a huge difference in you all so keep it up. Little and often is the way to go.


Good luck with today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Predict what might happen when you are part way through the book. Write your prediction in the form of a paragraph or bullet points.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on animals. This week focus on having every letter on the line.


Has a mouth

Like a watermelon inside.

Teeth like seeds when he yawns.

Eyes like a coal black

Old pit stack

Smouldering there.

Did he stare?

Did he glare?

He makes me afraid.

Strange worlds in his look.

And his coat

Dark as night

With bright





  • The spellings for this week, short ‘y’ sound
    • Play the Window Game that I explained in a video before half term. Just to remind you:
      • top left = copy neatly x3
      • top right = say each letter out loud x3
      • bottom left = non-dominant hand x3
      • bottom right = blind writing x3


Writing task

Can I describe Aladdin’s character and explain how it is different from the film?

Read pages 8 – 15

Watch the video sent through on Seesaw where I explain how to describe Aladdin’s personality.



MathsSubtraction Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in 1/5 and 3/5 from:

6, 9,  5 1/5,  13 2/5,  27 4/5

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use the column method to subtract?

See the video from White Rose Maths named, Subtract whole numbers for how to complete the activities.

  1. Maths challenge Missing Digits – See the Seesaw video for an explanation of the challenge with the attached sheet at the bottom of this blog.



This week something very exciting has happened in the world of Space science.

"Touchdown confirmed" - there is a new robot on Mars!

This video is an animation of how scientists planned the landing, not footage of the real thing, but it gives a really good idea of the successful landing.

Amazing, isn’t it?!

Perseverance’s mission is to look for signs of life on Mars. Scientists have to model their investigations on Earth because obviously they can’t nip to Mars. They form hypotheses (good guesses) based on what they can learn here. So, they have researched life forms on Earth that live in extreme habitats. They are called extremophiles.  There are extremophiles living in Antarctica,  in volcanic ash and lava and deep under the sea where there is total darkness. There is also life in Yellowstone park hot springs and in a river called Rio Tinto in Spain which is very acidic.

If life can exist in these extreme environments on Earth, maybe it can also exist on Mars?

Write the date and learning objective

Can I research the possibility that there is life on Mars?

Your first job is to research Extremophiles on Earth and write a paragraph explaining what you have found out.

Now use the ESA kids website to research what scientists think about the Possibility of life on Mars and write a paragraph.

ESA Kids - Life on Mars.

Use this link to find out about Perseverance and write a paragraph about its mission. Why do you think it is called Perseverance?

The Mars Rovers: Perseverance

Finally, what do you think? Will Perseverance find evidence of life on Mars?

Use the underlines words/phrases as sub headings.

Well done. Keep an eye on the news for the latest developments 211 million km away!



Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Mental subtractions                                             (200 target)
    2. Divisions for 6, 7 and 9s                                       (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘short /y/ sound’                                    (45 target)



Well done. Another day completed!


Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 5:37pm

Monday 22nd February 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to the start of another week. I do hope your half term week was filled with fun, family and lots of relaxing moments. I have been keeping myself busy throughout from painting a bathroom, cleaning every room and practising a new skill for me - a handstand!

Do not forget to check Seesaw for any videos that I have sent. Here are Monday’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Over the half term, which was your favourite book to read and why?


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on animals. This week focus on having every letter on the line.

Nature’s Numbers

One old observant owl

Two tame tickled trout

Three thirsty throated thrushes

Four fine fantailed fish

Five. Fantastically famous frogs

Six swiftly swimming salmon

Seven sweetly singing songbirds

Eight engagingly eager eels

Nine nippy and neighbourly newts

Ten tenderly tiptoeing tortoises.



The spellings for this week, short ‘y’ sound

  • The spelling sheet is attached at the bottom of this blog.
  • Sumdog spelling challenge starts today. 


Writing task

Can I analyse the new novel cover and predict the story?

Watch the video sent on Seesaw which explains today’s task.


Maths – Subtraction Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in ¼ and ¾ from:

6, 4 ¼ , 8 ½ , 36, 187

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use mental strategies to solve subtraction questions?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, ‘Mental Subtraction’

  1. Maths challenge (decimals) – explanation on the same video. The sheet is attached to ‘Mental subtraction’.




Can I problem solve to find my way across the river?

Physical Education (PE) is where we learn through moving by practising a skill and then evaluating how we moved afterwards so we can complete activities better when we try again.

In today’s task, follow the link Cross the River, which is an adventure activity using your knowledge of movements to get ‘across the river’. There is a video here, Cross the River Video, which explains how to keep yourself safe while playing.

Here are a few examples of how to make it easier or more challenging for yourself:

  • Use different number of objects
  • Use smaller objects (pieces of paper) or larger objects (cushions)
  • Have 3 lives to get across or have none
  • Have a start and finish point that is further away (moves through rooms or is outside)


As well as PE, you should also being doing PA, Physical Activity, which is where you move your body to raise your heart rate up. The weather is slowly warming up recently so whether you do an indoor physical activity (Joe Wicks, circuit training, play an active game) or outdoor physical activity (running, biking, scooting) make sure you look after yourself by keeping fit.




Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Mental subtractions                                             (200 target)
    2. Divisions for 6, 7 and 9s                                       (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘short /y/ sound’                                    (45 target)



Congratulations! The first Monday back is now complete.


Dance Week Performance 2020

Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 3:52pm

Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 12th February 2021

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 4:46pm

It’s Fabulous Friday 12th February 2021!


Congratulations for getting to the last day of half term!

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!




For a minimum of 30 minutes.


Spelling Quiz


Don’t forget to have a spelling quiz Today is the spelling quiz. Hopefully you can get someone to quiz you on the 15 spellings, in random order.


Complete the number activity – Yes / No


See the attached document at the bottom of the blog, Yes/No Game for how to play



Dance Week


Thank you to everyone who has sent in a video of themselves dancing. The compilation music video should be finished soon.


Finish anything off


If there is anything you need to complete, you can do that today and upload to Seesaw for any help or feedback.



Lent is when Jesus spent 40 days wandering the desert, fasting and resisting temptation. During this time, you have an opportunity to be like Jesus. You can choose to resist temptation, pray and do acts of kindness.

Lent begins next week during half term on Wednesday 17th February 2021. Why not make a Lenten Promise on the template (attached at the bottom of the blog). Some examples are:

To help around the house more.

To say a prayer for someone every day.

To swap iPad time for reading time.

To talk to a family member or friend more.



The Friday Catch Up video will be sent through Seesaw by the end of the day.

Have a super half tem!


Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 11th February 2021

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 12:48pm

Thursday 11th February 2021


Good morning everyone. Well Year 6, we have made it to the final day of learning being posted here on the blog (tomorrow is Fabulous Friday). I hope you have found all the videos helpful and my feedback to your work on Seesaw supportive. Remember that you can spread your work over today and tomorrow or complete it today and start you well-earned half term break early.

Here are today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Design a new front cover for your book. Remember to include the title, author and pictures.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes/action verses. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

The Morning Rush

Into the bathroom,

Turn on the tap.

Wash away the sleepiness –

Splish! Splosh! Splash!

Into the bedroom,

Pull on your vest

Quickly! Quickly!

Get yourself dressed.

Down to the kitchen.

No time to lose.

Gobble up your breakfast.

Put on your shoes.

Back to the bathroom.

Squeeze out the paste.

Brush, brush, brush your teeth.

No time to waste.

Pick up your school bag

Up off the floor.

Grab your coat

And out through the door.



The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

  • Write out each word in parts with different colours. This should be in syllables to help with your visual memory:
    • capture, adventure, measure, enclosure


Writing task

Can I note down the differences between the novel and the film of Tom’s Midnight Garden?

For our final lesson on Tom’s Midnight Garden, I would like you to watch the BBC adaptation and compare it to the book.

Here are the links to all the Tom’s Midnight Garden series parts:

BBC Episode 1

BBC Episode 2

BBC Episode 3

BBC Episode 4

BBC Episode 5

BBC Episode 6

You may watch this over a few days or all in one sitting (but I think in total it comes to about 2 and half hours).

Please copy the table and complete it whilst you watch it. Just focus on the differences between what you remember in the book compared to the series. Aim for at least 10 main differences between them (there may be missing or added parts, characters portrayed differently or different settings).




BBC series













Maths – Multiplication Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in 2 ½ .

7 , 15 ¼  , 23 ½ , 64 , 97

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use my multiplication knowledge to solve problems?

I have sent a video explaining how to solve the sheet, Multiplication Word Problems. Remember to use RUCSAC

(Read, Underline, Calculation, Solve, Answer, Check) which is explained in the video.

  1. Arithmetic 19 – 36. See the Arithmetic video for guidance on some of the strategies we use.




Can I investigate information about the Mayan calendar and create a report?

Follow the video on Seesaw and the PowerPoint information, Mayan Calendar Time Detectives, to complete the following tasks:

  1. How do we measure time? (Think about seconds, minutes, months, years and spider diagram some of these – slide 1).
  2. Read through slide 2 – 4
  3. Slide 5 - Mayan calendar research by making notes using these websites:
    1. Mayan calendar 1
    2. Mayan calendar 2  
    3. Mayan calendar 3

There is a Mayan Calendar Report worksheet attached to the blog which I explain in the video.

Try to answer the following questions:

Can you name three things about the Haab calendar?

Can you name three things about the Tzolk’in calendar?

How long is the calendar?

Any interesting facts?

  1. Report – also explained in the video. 




  • To end the term, please choose a video or two to complete some artwork for fun. I love Disney so follow the link How to Draw Disney Series.
  • Following last week’s ‘Express Yourself’ art, I have attached Art Journaling which explains that for a week, keep journal entries of only VISUAL forms to express your experiences of that day.


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Fluency in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9x tables                  (200 target)
    2. Multiply by 10, 100 and two digit numbers     (200 target)
    3. Spellings -sure / -ture                                            (45 target)



Well done, tomorrow is Friday. We are nearly there!


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 10th February 2021

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:51pm

Wednesday 10th February 2021


Good morning Year 6. I hope you are all still well as we hit halfway through the week. Once again, there are many tasks attached to Wednesday because our usual timetable would include Reading, English, Maths, French, Music and RE, all in one day. Please do not be overwhelmed by all of this and do what you can today – remember to look after your wellbeing!

Here are the tasks:


Dance Week

Do not forget that this week is Dance Week with the link for our school’s video here, Dance Week Video. If you would like to be on our school’s music video, send me a video of you dancing (just 10 seconds) through Seesaw by Thursday lunch time. Happy dancing!



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Make a timeline of the important events in the story.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes/action verses. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

Incey Wincey Spider

Incey Wincey spider

Climbed up the water spout;

Down came the rain

And washed the spider out:

Out came the sunshine

And dried up all the rain;

Incey Wincey spider

Climbed the spout again.



The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

  • Watch the video sent through Seesaw for how to play ‘Pyramid’.


Writing task

Can I design open ended questions for an interview with Tom?


I have sent a video explaining today’s lesson. Please watch it first as it will help in structuring an interview between yourself and Tom.

The link to the BBC video that I refer to in the video is here, How to Interview People.

The template, if you would like to use it, is attached at the bottom of this blog, named Interview Template.



MathsFractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in 1/5 then 3/5

Use the numbers to begin: 4 , 16 1/5 , 27 4/5 , 81 , 45

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use the grid method for up to 4 digit x 2 digit calculations?

There is a Seesaw video for today’s lesson which will help in answering ‘Multiplication Grid Method’ and the challenge:

Maths challenge – Missing Numbers



Follow this link, Developing Beatboxing, to Oak National Academy for today’s lesson.

There is also an image attached to the bottom of this blog named, What are your favourite songs? This has a template for you to complete for fun to note down your favourite songs at different times.



Quel temps fait-il?

Click this link and download Lesson 4 with audio.

Listen again to slide 2 with the rhyming weather forecast. Try this a couple of times until you are confident with the pronunciation.

Now you are going to use a map of France to write and ‘perform’ your own weather forecast.  It doesn’t have to rhyme! There is a map of France in the resources.

Use an atlas or online map to add as many places as you can manage – at least 6, please, more if you can. Add the places to the map then draw a weather symbol next to them.

Then use the model on slide 3 to help you describe the weather. For example, A Paris, il fait gris. You don’t need to put all the dots in. Trim the map and stick your map in your book with the date in French and title Can I describe the weather? Write your weather forecast underneath.

Extra challenge: Can you add some negative sentences? Remember, we add ne ….. pas round the verb to make a negative. For example, you could say. A Nîmes, il fait chaud. Il ne fait pas froid or il n’y a pas de vent. In Nimes, it is hot. It is not cold or it is not windy. (note: du changes to de after a negative) Have a go!

This work would be even better if you could make a video of yourself ‘performing’ (or just reading) your weather forecast and put it on Seesaw. You might like to dress up as a TV presenter – comedy outfits appreciated!

Bonne chance!



Can I write a prayer of unity?


Jesus often spoke to his disciples about the importance of unity among them.  He gave them the model of the unity between himself and God the Father.

Attached at the bottom is a passage from John 17: 11, 20-23 which is a prayer to the disciples of how they could be more effective if there was unity among them.

  • From the passage, what were your favourite words and phrases and why?
  • What can you learn from this Gospel reading?

Your task is to create your own prayer of unity that we could read out in school (when everyone returns). What message would you like in your unity prayer? Will you ask the Lord for more unity or will you name how we can be more united in your prayer?

Only as guidance, you may wish to start your prayer with:

Lord / Dear Lord / O Lord God / Father

And possibly end with:


(For how long your prayer has to be: short medium or long, I do not mind)



Sumdog – Three challenges:


  1. Fluency in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and.9x tables               (200 target by Sunday)
  2. Multiply by 10, 100 and two digit numbers       (200 target by Sunday)
  3. Spellings -ture / -sure                                           (45 target by Friday)



Congratulations for making it to the end of Wednesday!


Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 9th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 3:42pm

Tuesday 9th February 2021


Good morning Year 6. It is Tuesday – I see this as only three more ‘get-ups’ or two, if you can finish all your work by Thursday, so keep working hard Year 6! Do not forget that this week is Dance Week with the link for our school’s video here, Dance Week Video. If you would like to be on our school’s music video, send me a video of you dancing (just 10 seconds) through Seesaw by Thursday lunch time. Happy dancing!

Here are today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Make a dictionary containing 10 difficult word from the text.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

Two Little Dicky Birds

Two little dicky birds

Sitting on the wall,

One named Peter

One named Paul

Fly away Peter,

Fly away Paul;

Come back Peter.

Come back Paul.


The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

    • I have sent a Seesaw video (Spellings task) which explains the ‘Window Game’ task to complete.


Writing task

Can I write a play script between Tom and Mrs Bartholomew?

Read chapter 25 and 26 – A video has been sent through Seesaw.

The link for the BBC website I mention in the video is here, BBC Bitesize write a play

Please watch the video sent through on Seesaw which explains how to use the play script WAGOLL (which I have attached as a photo), the BBC Bitesize website and the success criteria.


MathsFractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in ¼ then ¾ .

7, 13, 25 ½ , 37, 55 ¼

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use partitioning to solve TU x U and HTU x U mentally?

There is a Seesaw video for today’s lesson which will help in answering ‘Multiplication Partitioning’ and the challenge ‘Decimals’.



Today we are going to look at Inheritance and Variation.

Inheritance means the passing of characteristics from one generation to the next.

Variation means that offspring will have many different characteristics to their parents. Some variations are more advantageous than others.

Remember the blackbirds last week? The white blackbird would be easier for predators to see so this would be a disadvantageous variation. This characteristic is unlikely to be passed on to its offspring because it might not live long enough to have any babies.

  1. Add these words to your glossary from lesson 1.
  2. Something to consider to start with: What if all humans looked the same? Click this link and add your thoughts to the padlet page. + means the good things,  - means the bad things and you can add your interesting thoughts in the last column.

We will all be able to see each other’s ideas!

  1. Living things produce offspring of the same kind but offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. Do people ever say you look like your Mum or your Dad or another family member? Have you inherited any of their mannerisms?  One of the characteristics that is inherited in humans is whether your ear lobes are attached fully or partially to your head. Are your ear lobes attached? Check with your parents whose you have inherited. Can you roll your tongue? This is another inherited characteristic.
  2. Have a look at the photo of the Cambridge family below.

What characteristics have been inherited from each parent?  Are any of the children identical to either parent? Who looks more like whom, would you say?

  1. You’re going to have a go at being dog breeders now. Find the resource, Variation: Breeding Dogs below. If the corgi and the greyhound were the parents, what might their puppies look like? Which characteristics might the puppies inherit?  How many variations can you make? You can either draw them or print out 2 copies and make 4 different dogs.

 Put today’s date and the learning objective:

Can I explain inheritance and variation?

Draw or stick the dogs in your book. Write a paragraph to explain what you have learnt today about inheritance and variation. You could start by explaining what the words mean in your own words.

  1. Finally, have a go at the end of unit quiz below. This will help you recap all the things we have learnt over the last 6 weeks.

Well done, Year 6. We have reached the end of our topic on Evolution and Inheritance. You have worked as excellent biologists! Next half term, we will move on to a new topic.



Well done. Another day completed!


Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 8th January 2021

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 2:45pm

Monday 8th February 2021


Good morning Year 6. I hope you all have had a super weekend! The weather was not too bad on Sunday so I hope you managed to get out and be active for a while. This is the last week of the half term meaning we only have 5 days left of learning to do (4 days if you finish it all by Thursday) so keep going Year 6 as you have all been brilliant so far!

Here are the tasks for today:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Write a note to your friend telling him or her a bit about the book. Explain why you think he or she should read it.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

Ring-a-Rng o’Roses

Ring-a-ring o’roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down.

Ring-a-ring o’roses,

A pocket full of posies.

One for you, and one for me,

And one for little Moses.

A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down.



The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

    • Have a look at this BBC Bitesize clip, -sure or -ture? to try out which would the correct spelling be for ture/sure or even er (in some words)
    • Sumdog spelling challenge starts today. 


Writing task

Can I write a letter as Peter to Tom?

Read chapter 23 and 24

A video has been sent through Seesaw explaining the task for today. The link to the BBC Bitesize lesson is here, Features of a letter.


Maths – Calculating with Fractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in factions steps of 1 ½

4, 8 ½ , 19, 2 ¾ , 26 ½

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use known facts to solve multiplication problems?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, ‘Multiplication Triangles’

  1. Maths challenge Triangles – on the same video with the challenge and answers on the same sheet.





As mentioned on Friday, this week is our Dance Week with no better way to celebrate it than to learn a new dance routine that the whole school can perform in.


Follow this link, Dance Week, and practise it as much as you want. It would be great if you could send a short 10 second clip through Seesaw of you dancing any part of the song. Then we will put everyone’s clips together to create a whole school video.


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Fluency in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9x tables                  (200 target)
    2. Multiply by 10, 100 and two digit numbers    (200 target)
    3. Spellings -sure / -ture                                            (45 target)



Well done. You have now completed the last Monday of this half term! 4 days left!


Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
