Year 4 - P.E. - Gymnastics
Year 4 - Science - Changing States
Year 4 - Computing - Photo editing
Year 4 - RE - retelling the parable of The Prodigal Son
Year 4 - Maths - exploring money
Year 2-English-Magic Finger Books
Year 4 - Art - Pocket Galleries
Year 4 - English - Fronted adverbials human sentences
Year 4 - P.E. - Dance
Year 3 read to Year 4 - English
Year 4 - Maths - Making 2d shapes
Year 4 - P.E. Dance
Year 4 - History - Roman Army Recruitment poster
Year 4 - Electricity
Year 4 - Music - playing brass instruments and ‘drums’ on the music bus
Year 4 - Maths - dividing by 10 using gattegno charts
Year 4 - Art - Printed Christmas Cards
Year 4 - DT - Iron Models
Year 4 - Science - Electricity
Year 1- Science Breaktime
Year 4 - Christmas Cards
Year 4 Santa dash
Year 4 - PE - Handball festival
Year 4 - Reconciliation Day
Year 4 - Maths - Multiplying by 10 and 100
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402