Year 4 - PE - Handball Competition
Year 4 - Science - Electricity
Year 4 - Maths - making arrays
Year 4 - History - Romans trip
Year 4 - Art - Sensory Art
Year 4 - English - Literacy Kicks
Year 4 - English - Human Sentences
Year 3 / 4 Freddie Fit
Year 4 - Outdoor Learning - Leaf art
Year 4 - English - Levi Tafari’s visit
Year 4 - RE - Prophet poster
Year 4 - Art - adding oil pastel to our sketches
Year 4 - English - sketch of Kensuke’s island
Year 4 - P.E. - Invasion Games
Year 4 - Science - Classification Keys
Year 4 - P.S.H.E - Different Feelings
Year 4 - Art - Retelling a story through sketching
Year 4 - Maths - Addition using place value counters
Year 4 - Outdoor learning - Planting bulbs
Year 4 - Science- Animal Features
Year 4 - Art - Sketching a scene
Year 4 - Maths - Making decimal numbers with counters
Year 4 - RE - Freeze frame of the Abraham story
Year 4 - P.S.H.E. - Collaboration
Year 4 - English - Making predictions from the front cover of Kensuke's Kingdom
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402