Year 6 - Harvest Celebration
Year 6 - Wonder Work
Year 6 - Science Investigation
Year 6 - Supporting the Reception Blessing
Year 6 PE - Dodgeball
Year 6 Music - Jurassic Park
Year 6 RE - Amazing Artwork!
Year 6 PE - Netball
Year 6 Science - Leaf Classification
Year 6 Art- Lubaina Himid Art Exploration
Year 6 Music
Year 6 Science - Carl Linnaeus Biographies
Year 6 Class of 2024
Music - Rock steady
Super Learning Day
Year 6- Forest School-S'mores
Year 6- Forest School- Summer Solstice or Hammering
Years 5 and 6 STEM Club - Balloon cars
Year 6- Forest School-Hammers
Year 6- Forest School- Campfire Pizzas and Popcorn
Years 5 and 6 - Girls Football
Year 6 World Book Day
Year 6 Triathlon
Year 6 reading to Year 3
Year 6 Design and Technology: Sewing
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402