Year 6 Robinwood 2023
Year 6 - visit from the police
Year 5 English - reading our persuasive letters to Year 6
Year 3 / Year 6 Art - Evaluating our Artwork
Year 6 Art - Final art gallery
Year 6 Art - 2D drawing to 3D making
Year 6 at All Hallows Taster Day
Reading VIPERS - Question Stems
Harvest Festival 2023
Year 6 Science - Classification
Year 6 PE - Dance
Year 6 - Boxercise
Year 6 - Auditions for Oliver
Year 6 King
The Learning Times Spring 2023
Year 6 - English - Reading our persuasive adverts to Year 4
Year 6 World Book Day 2023
Year 6 Art - Mother
Year 6 Computing - 3D modelling
Year 5/6 Athletics County Finals
Year 6 Japanese students teaching Karuta
Year 6 Computing
Year 6 French Christmas stories: Qui a tu
Year 6 Art - printing
Year 6 Cards for Kindness
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402