Year 1 English - Writing instructions
Year 1 English - Instructions
Year 1 Art - Using pastels
Super Learning Day
Year 1- Forest School- Summer Solstice
Year 1 -Forest School- Digging
Year 1 Computing - Using
Year 1 - RE - Making Churches
Year 1 English - Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins
Year 1 - Forest School- Colour Hunt
Year 1- Forest School-Popcorn
Year 1 -Forest School-Butterflies
Year 1- Forest School- Weaving
Year 1 PE - Athletics
Year 1 Art - Making birds
Year 1 Forest School- S'mores
Year 1- Visit to Martin Mere
Year 1- Forest School- Bug Hunt
Forest School-Year 1-Chocolate Bananas
Forest School-Year 1-May Crowns
Year 1- Forest School- Doughnuts
Year 1- Forest School-Stone Challenge
Year 1 English - Reading to Year 2
Year 1 RE - Stick crosses
Year 1 PE - Benchball
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402