Year 2-Forest School
Year 2- Art-Pictures Using Natural Materials
Year 2- Science- Habitats
Year 2-English-Burglar Bill
Year 2 PE
Music - Rock steady
Year 2- Forest School-S'mores
Tree House in Art
Using I-pads to collect facts about Greta Thunberg
Super Learning Day
Year 2- Forest School-Summer Solstice
Year 2 Forest School- Colour Hunt
Year 2 Expressive Art work
Year 2 - Forest School- Boggarts
Forest School-Year 2-Shelters
Forest School-Year 2-May Crowns
Year 2- Forest School
Years 1 and 2- Forest School- Leaf Skeletons
Years 1 and 2- Forest School-Planting
Years 1 and 2- Forest School-Soup
Year 2-Art
Years 1 and 2 - Forest School- Mud!
Years 1 and 2-Forest School-Nests
Years 1 and 2- Forest School-Noodles
Years 1 and 2- Forest School-Ice
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402