Years 1 and 2 -Outdoor Learning- Tying Knots in Strawberry Laces
Year 2 'Bring Yer Wellies'
Years 1 and 2 - Outdoor Learning- Worry Dolls
Years 1 and 2-Outdoor Learning-Cheerios Bird Feeders
Years 1 and 2-Outdoor Learning-Hot Chocolate
Outdoor Learning -Our Grounds
Years 1 and 2- Outdoor Learning-Floor Book Photos
Year 2 French Display
Year 2 PE - Gymnastics
Years 1 and 2 Outdoor Learning-Bubbles
Year 2 Snow Poems
Year 2 Snow Poems English
Years 1 and 2-Outdoor Learning
Year 2 D.T - Tudor Houses
The Learning Times Autumn 2022
Year 2 Nativity
Year 2 Library Trip
Year 2 Santa Dash
St Oswald
Year 1 and 2-Outdoor Learning
Year 2 Freddie Fit
Year 1 & 2- Outdoor Learning-Shelters
Year 2 Making 3-D shapes and Poppies
Year 1 and 2- Outdoor Learning
Year 1 and 2 Outdoor Learning
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402