Year 5 Blog Friday 14th June 2024

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 7:37am

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice

Next week we will be writing about My Special Place. If you haven’t already, please have a think about your special place at home in preparation for our writing in school. Your special place could be a room in your house, a place you have been on holiday, etc. You could share ideas with people at home and draw or look for pictures.



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.



Here are your spellings this week.

definitely          mischief          veil          protein          receive          achieve          ascent          photograph          peace          alter          telephone          piece          assent          altar          weigh



Count out loud in:

Square numbers from 1 to 144 and back again          1, 4, 9, …

7s from 0 to 84 and back again                                   0, 7, 14, …

12s from o to 144 and back again                               0, 12, 24, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Elliott who was our rockstar last week.



Maths Competition – boys v girls  

Spelling Challenge  


We have had a wonderful week in Year 5.

In English we have done lots of exciting writing. We wrote a descriptive piece about D Day, we planned our own sequel to Varjak Paw, and we wrote a performance poem about nature.  We also learnt about D Day in our history lesson.  We looked at some documents from the National Archive and then used them to solve clues and figure out the planning that took place for D Day.

In maths, we have been finding equivalent fractions and then adding and comparing fractions. This is tricky but everybody has done a fantastic job.

In RE, we continued with our learning about the Ten Commandments. We shared our ideas about which Commandment we think is the most important. We then read God’s People from the book of Isaiah. This scripture describes things that please God. We used the ideas to write own our instructions about living in God’s way. Here is the scripture we examined:

God says:

Be clear about what is right and what pleases me! Giving up things and putting on a miserable face does not impress me. What brings me joy is everything that brings freedom: a kindly word for someone who is worried; a helping hand for someone in trouble. When people share food with the hungry and help the homeless find shelter; if they give clothes to those in need and work at bringing happiness to their family and friends, I see my love growing in them. This is what pleases me, and they will become signs of hope for everyone, like a bright sunrise after a long dark night. (Isaiah 58: 3-8)

In music we practised singing the songs for Bugsy Malone. The lyrics to the song can be found on this blog.

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
