Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 18th January 2021
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 12:26pm
Monday 18th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. I hope you had a great weekend full of family fun and having time to relax. For my weekend, I was working hard on a new dance routine for a ‘remote’ competition I am taking part in next week. I will be practising every night so fingers crossed I remember all the moves.
Thank you once again to those who have sent in their work via Seesaw last week. It was super to see you are working hard. Please continue to send me work, especially on the lessons I mention Seesaw on. If you have not sent anything in yet and you are having any trouble with how it works, please contact school where we can assist you.
Also, another well done to the 27 of you who started or completed the Sumdog challenges set last week. Sumdog is a great way to practise your basic skills so please make sure you complete these every week. Let me know if you are having issues with it at home. There are new challenges this week which you will find below in the Maths section.
Here are the tasks for the day:
Read for 30 minutes. Now is the time to build up reading stamina by reading for longer. Some of you do this already, which is great, but it is important that we all do it every day.
Reading activity for today:
- Find 10 common nouns (things) and 5 proper nouns (places and people) in your book and make a list.
English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)
Every day this week we are going to focus on our number 1 class target, Handwriting, which must be joined. Each day, I will give you a poem to copy in your neatest handwriting. This week focus on having clear spaces between your words.
I am at your beginning and your end.
I dog your footsteps
And cannot be shaken off.
Though I fade from view
You are never alone.
So silent that you often forget me.
I am still there,
Your constant dark spy and companion.
(Tomorrow I will reveal the answer)
There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week, -fer (and suffixes attached to them).
- All the spellings are on Sumdog (deadline is Friday for this as you can have your own spelling quiz at home).
Writing task
Can I add speech marks perfectly to sentences?
Read chapter 11 (pages 82 - 88) where Hatty and Tom discuss many things together in their time in the garden and see the river. The task today is to look at how the author writes dialogue mixed in with action. The best page to see this mixture is on page 87. Have a read of it again and you will notice that there is speech and action (the author’s description of the characters doing things like ‘startled, gazed eagerly, facing downstream’).
Today’s lesson is to complete the, ‘Spot the missing speech punctuation’ sheet attached at the bottom of the blog. The task is to add punctuation to each sentence. The sheet will mention inverted commas but they are the exact same as speech marks. The answers are at the bottom of that document.
Remember that, just like in every book you have read, speech marks follow 4 main rules:
- Speech marks at the beginning and end of speech
- New speaker, new line
- Punctuation inside the speech marks
- Capital letter at the beginning of every speech sentence
Complete this worksheet and send it to me via Seesaw. (If this learning is cemented, we can be ready to create our own dialogue tomorrow.)
Maths – Percentages Week
- Warm up your brain: Counting back in 100s.
1024, 1 843, 24 626, 274 763, 1 847 265
With each number count back in 100s, 10 times.
(1024, 924, 824, 724, 624, 524, 424, 324, 224, 124, 24)
- Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 answer targets for this week):
- Mix of 7 and 9 times tables
- FDP – converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
- Main lesson. The objective for today is:
- Can I show and explain my understand of percentages?
Today we will be recapping our learning on percentages. Hopefully this lesson will be quite straight forward and is crucial in helping us understand the rest of this week.
Follow the video here, Understanding percentages . Remember that ‘percent’ means out of 100 (creating bars out of 10, like Mr Mears does all the time, will help with percentages).
The video shows you pictures of 100 squares with some of them shaded. We can relate our learning from last week of fractions to percentages, e.g 85 out of 100 are shaded = 85/100 = 85%.
Tip – having the worksheet in front of you while you are watching the video will help in answering the questions.
- Challenge – if you found that lesson quite easy, have a go at the questions on the sheet, Maths challenge – understanding percentages, which is more questions to cement the learning.
As always, keep yourselves moving and active – it is good for the head as well as the heart!
In today’s PE lesson we will continue with our gymnastics and games. Please try to complete both but if you can spread them out over a few days, that would be fine.
- Click on the link here, Jumping Dice, with the attached video here, Video for Jumping Dice .
- Warm up – 25 star jumps, 25 squats, 25 seconds running on the spot. 30 seconds rest and do it again.
- Once warmed up, we need to loosen your joints with arm circles, hip circles, lift your leg round circles.
- This activity asks for you to have a dice or anything to randomly pick numbers 1-6.
- Have fun with this activity by challenging others in your house, if they are not too busy.
- Click on the link here, Battleships, with the attached video here, Battleships.
- Don’t forget to be warm before each activity. Do the same warm up as the gymnastics above.
- The video explains in depth what you have to do but mainly this is an aiming game. If people in your house are busy, you can always set up items to aim for and all you would need is a scrunched-up piece of paper and away you go.
- See if you can create your own adaptations of the game. I would love to see any of these through Seesaw.