Year 4 Yoga
Year 4 Dance from the Heart
Year 4 - DT - Experimenting with Micro:bits
Year 4 Dance from the Heart Rehearsal
Year 4 - Outdoor Learning - Nature Picture Frames
Year 4 - Music - Ukuleles
Year 4 - Yoga
Year 4 - PE - Tennis
Year 4 - Science - Sound travelling through a medium
Year 4 - Maths - 2D shapes, quadrilaterals
Year 4 - Maths - Making triangles with geoboards
Year 4 - Cricket
Year 4 - Outdoor learning - Rainforest layers
Year 4 - Art - Sculpture, structure and inventiveness
Year 4- Gardening Club
Year 4-Gardening Club
Gardening Club-Year 4-Research Project
Year 4 - Science - The digestive system
Year 4 - English - Using dictionaries / online dictionaries
Year 4 - DT - 2D to 3D finished products
Year 4 - DT - 2D to 3D
Freddie Fit 2024
Year 4 Japanese Lesson
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB
T: 01772 613402