Year 5: Blog items

Year 5 Home Practice 20th November 2020

Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 5:14pm

A super week Year 5, well done to everyone for working so hard. In Science, we started making an Orrery, it helped us to learn about the planets in our solar system and how they orbit the sun. In Maths, we learnt to find the perimeter of shapes with missing lengths and solved problems linked to perimeter. There were some excellent sentences about the characters from Goth Girl and you all used realative clauses. In PE, we did Tag Rugby and orienteering skills. It’s been a good friendship week, with lots of discussions about kindness and how to be a great friend.

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 20th November 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on mixed times tables practice.


The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (26.11.20):

We are investigating tt-ed and dd-ed words.

patted        thudded            knitted           lidded          skidded 

batted         knotted            trotted            nodded        kidded

plodded       spotted            slotted           splatted       swotted 


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on relative pronouns and adverbs.

Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.

Year 5 Home Practice 13th November 2020

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 1:50pm

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 13th November 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on revising time and times tables practice.


The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on words with double suffixes. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (20.11.20):

We are investigating words with double suffixes.

beautifully        dutifully             faithfully             mercilessness          recklessness   

forgetfully         thankfully         skilfully                  lawlessness               breathlessness

regretfully         dreadfully         hopelessness          pointlessness           fearlessness


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on advanced antonyms and synonyms.

Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.


Year 5 Home Practice 6th November 2020

Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 11:40am

A great first week back, lovely to see everyone after the holiday. Well done to all those who have worked hard on their home practice and reading. We have started our new novel, Goth Girl by Chris Riddell which includes some really interesting vocabulary. In Maths, we have looked at regular and irregular 2D polygons. Outdoor Curriculum Day was fun, we spent some of the morning cloud watching and learnt the names of types of clouds – Geography. In the afternoon, we spent time in our nature area and made journey sticks. They were really good and the children thoroughly enjoyed making them.

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 6th November 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on regular and irregular 2D shape and times tables practice.


The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (13.11.20):

We are investigating ‘rr-ed’.

purred        stirred           deferred         conferred          ignored    

spurred       slurred           preferred        bored             explored

occurred      referred        scarred           stored             blurred


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on parts of speech (nouns, verbs etc).

Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.

The Secret Garden Competition

Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 3:28pm

 A new film version of  The Sectret Garden has been released. To celebrate this a competition is being run by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and Sky. You can draw, paint, create a collage or model or even plant up a minature garden. If you would like your child to be in the competition the entry needs to be on a single sheet of A4 paper. The entry needs to include the design elements and why they have chosen them.

Please send your child's entry into school by Monday 16th November and we will send them off. 

Good luck!

Click here to find out more.

Year 5 Home Practice 23rd October 2020

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 3:55pm

Year 5 have had a great start to the new school year. The children have worked so hard and shown interest and enthusiasm for all their learning. We have finished our first novel, Street Child by Berlie Doherty and learnt so much about Victorian Times. In maths, we worked on written methods of addition. The children learnt about Halloween traditions in France and wrote some excellent sentences in the future tense. The costumes were great for Halloween Day, thank you for your kind donations. Have a wonderful holiday and stay safe.

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 23rd October 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign to say you have finished a book.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on written addition and tables practice.


The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for the Friday after half term (6.11.20):

We are investigating ‘pp-ed’.

slipped        cropped          dropped         swapped          wrapped      

skipped       tapped            stepped          nipped             bopped

hopped       stopped           flipped           clipped             whipped


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on pronouns.

Have a great holiday.

Miss Gravili

Hey, Pumpkin: Your Guide to Carving the Perfect Pumpkin - Zing Blog by  Quicken Loans

Year 5 Home Practice 16th October 2020

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:49pm

Another fantastic week Year 5. We’ve moved on to comparing and measuring angles using a protractor in Maths. For English, we have looked at the different types of recounts and their key features. Our new topic in Science starts next week, Earth and Space and in RE we have been looking at friendship. French with Mrs Quilliam was great, you all counted in fives so well. This will come in handy for telling the time. Keep up the good work by doing all your home practice.

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 16th October 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on angles and mixed times tables practice.


There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule/pattern (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (23.10.20):

We are investigating the silent letters n, p and u in words.

Autumn        circuit         psalm           plague             guillotine       

rogue          cupboard     tongue         condemn           pneumonia

build           hymn           raspberry     baguette         plaque


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on antonyms and synonyms.


Have a great weekend. Miss Gravili

Year 5 Home Practice 9th October 2020

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 11:25am

The weeks are flying by in Year 5 due to all the learning we are doing. Well done to everyone for working with interest and positivity. The diary recounts about an alien adventure were excellent. I really enjoyed reading them. We have learnt some new things in Maths – factors, multiples, square numbers, prime numbers and prime factors! In French, the children have learnt to read unknown words using the sounds an/en/am and em. Amazing pronunciation Year 5! #Hello Yellow Day for Young Minds was really fun. We did a lot of talking and some great activities.

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 9th October 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.

If you would like to find even more books to read, please look on Oxford Owl ebooks. You will find the link on the website - Year 5, Home Learning and there is a password for you. 


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on multiples, factors, prime numbers and mixed times tables practice. There is also a Lancashire Maths Contest on Sumdog. Look out for this on the green panel on the left of the screen when you start your games. It must be there for your scores to count!


There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule/pattern (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (16.10.20):

We are investigating the silent letters b, h and t in words.

whistle        ghoul         rhythm           subtle             comb       

thistle         ghastly      rhinocerous     Christmas      debt

ghost           rhyme        nestle              doubt             climb


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on verbs.


Have a great weekend. Miss Gravili

Year 5 Home Practice 2nd October 2020

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:28pm

Year 5 have worked so hard this week. They have finished their Concertina Story Books which look fantastic. There is a sample of them on the website, Year 5 - Gallery. National Poetry Day was a great success, we wrote some amazing poems. In Maths, we have worked on multiples, factors, multiplication/division and using facts we already know to work out trickier questions mentally. Our daily runs are going well and in RE the children have written and illustrated some lovely prayers.

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 2nd October 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on related facts for multiplication and division and times tables practice.


There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule/pattern (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (9.10.20):

We are investigating the silent letters g, k and w in words.

know         gnome       knitting         wren          wriggle       

knee         gnat          wrapper         knuckle      sword

write         gnash        answer          resign         wrong


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on question words and types of sentences.

Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday.

Miss Gravili

Year 5 Home Practice 25th September 2020

Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 10:19am

Another great week in Year 5, well done to everyone for working so hard in all subjects. Your stories are great and the concertina books will look so good when they are finished. European Sports Day was fun and you did so well playing Handball. Mrs Quilliam was very pleased with the work you did on L'alphabet francais and I loved reading your poems about being unique (RE). It’s super to see that you have enjoyed doing your first Home Practice on Sumdog. Excellent effort with your reading and spelling too. Keep up the good work!


Year 5 Home Practice Friday 25th September 2020


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Please sign to say you have read the book.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based adding and subtracting within 100 and times tables.


 This week's challenge on Sumdog is linked to the same spelling rule (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (2.10.20):

The rule is i before e except after c (there are some exceptions to the rule!).

field          their          weigh          sleigh        lied       

weird         shield       neither         beige        wield    

friend         pierce      fierce          view          spied

Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on sentence punctuation and adverbs.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Gravili

Year 5 Meet the Teacher

Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:47pm

Online Content - 10 tips to keep your children safe online

Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 6:22pm


"In light of recent distressing content circulating on several popular social media platforms, we're reminding parents how important it is to monitor, support and talk to children about their online activities." - National Online Safety

Here are some top tips from National Online Safety on keeping children safe online when viewing content online.

Year 5 Home Practice 18th September 2020

Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 5:15pm

Year 5 Home Practice 18th September 2020

Year 5 have settled back to school brilliantly and have learnt all the new rules and routines so quickly, well done everyone! We have enjoyed reading our class novel, Street Child and story, The Hole. I'm very impressed with the excellent work the children have produced. There is a big focus on times tables, place value and number facts in maths. Our history topic - The Victorians is very interesting. Keep up your positive attitude and hard work whilst doing your home practice year 5.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on place value, rounding to the nearest 10/100 and times tables.


There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule (spellings could be different from the ones below). The children will be tested on those spellings the following Friday. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (25.9.20):

The rule is i before e except after c (there are some exceptions to the rule!).

chief          niece          piece          seize          receipt      

thief          priest         belief          relief        ceiling     

grief          mischief      deceive      fiend          relieved

Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week's challenge on Sumdog (grammar) is based on basic punctuation and adjectives.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
