Year 5: Blog items

Year 5 Friday blog 14.02.25

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 4:17pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog


Please keep reading over the half term holidays!


 We have finally completed our ‘Street Child’ novel and everyone really enjoyed our last piece of writing; an advert encouraging people to visit the Victorian circus.


The children tried really hard with their bridging addition and subtraction. To be continued after half term!


We have now completed our topic on space and our solar system. This week we learned lots of facts about the moon and why it changes its appearance.


Year 5 ended their art unit on set building. There was so much detail in everyone’s recreated workhouses – it was fantastic to see!


There’s been some fantastic powerpoints created on the Vikings. This week everyone finished them off and added transitions and animations! Well done Year 5!


Finally, we have spent the week giving a lot of thought as to how we could make the village of Longton a more loving place to live in, as part of our theme of mission. There were some fantastic ideas, including friendship clubs, fund raising ideas and ways to help the environment and protect the world God has given us.

Year 5 Friday Blog Friday 7th February 2025

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:16pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

innocent  innocence  obedient  decent  decency  frequent  frequency  confident  confidence  intelligent  independent  independence  obedience  transparent  transparency  client  parent  accomplishment


Count out loud in:

5s up to 120 and back again                                            0,5,10,15 …

80s from 0 to 480 and back again                                  0,80,160 …

11s from 132 down to 0                                                  132, 121, 110…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.  There is a new task set up on TTRS for children to access.


Maths practise based on number value – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge – practise sheets have been sent home and there is a practise test on Sumdog.


 We have had another great learning week in Year 5.

 In English, Year 5 have been learning how to use skills, such as using relative clauses and metaphors in a coherent way. Everyone is enjoying reading about Jim and his adventures in Victorian London.

In Maths we have been busy practising lots of arithmetic and reasoning, as well as starting our new topic on place value.

This week in RE, we have all enjoyed trying to decipher the true meaning of The Lord’s Prayer. We created new scripts for the prayer, to break it down into modern language and we spent time thinking about why we call God a father.   

We practised using Google Earth maps in geography this week. Everyone worked in pairs to locate famous volcanoes around the world and label a world map with all their names. Well done Year 5!

In PSHE we have been talking about respect, as well as identifying our character traits and how we can strengthen them. The children made fabulous respect posters and we also practised our mindful breathing by completing a mini meditation.

 In computing, there has been some really amazing effort put into the Vikings powerpoint presentations with most of the class adding hyperlinks, 3 D shapes , importing pictures with special effects and using various animation and background effects. Super job Year 5!

Year 5 Friday blog 31.01.25

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 3:48pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

observant   hesitant    tolerance    substance   reliant   vacancy   observance   hesitancy  

assistant  reliance  defiant  vacant  expectant  tolerant  assistance  defiance  sustenance  infancy


Count out loud in:

10s up to 220 and back again                                         0,10,20,30 …

25s from 0 to 350 and back again                                  0,25, 50 …

12s from 144 down to 0                                                  144,132, 120…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.   All children (who weren’t sure about accessing this app) have been shown how to log on to TTRS so they can use it at home.



Maths practise based on timetables and time – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge – practise sheets have been sent home and there is a practise test on Sumdog.


 We have had another great learning week in Year 5.

 In English, we have been learning how to blend all types of parentheses (brackets, dashes and commas) into our writing in a natural way. This is quite tricky to do and we have all tried so hard.

In Maths, we have been revising how to tell the time on an analogue clock before moving on to telling the time using the 24 hour clock. Some of us have found this hard, so we have practised this at home too.

This week in RE, we have all been learning about The Transfiguration. We all wrote a super witness statement as Peter, the disciple. We also all enjoyed examining how this event has been depicted in art by many artists from all over the world. We enjoyed comparing three art works from Russian, Italian and African artists.

What a fantastic week we have had in art this week. We have been creating stages made from boxes based on the workhouse from our Victorian novel, Street Child. The creativity has been amazing!

In PSHE, we have been talking about bullying and cyberbullying. We really engaged with this and showed a lot of sound knowledge on the subject. We have also been journalling about how we have used our character strengths this week.   

 In Hiistory, we explored how we know what happened in the Viking era and we learned about some of the Anglo Saxon and Viking kings. Finally, we ended our week by adding some special features to our powerpoint presentations about Vikings, including adding a hyperlink. Well done Year 5!

Year 5 blog - 24th January 2025

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:09pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

controversy  convenience   correspond   criticise  curiosity   definite   desperate  determined  develop  dictionary  disastrous  embarrass  environment  equipment  especially  exaggerate  equipped  special


Count out loud in:

5s up to 125 and back again                                            0,5,10,15 …

70s from 0 to 490 and back again                                  0,70,140 …

9s from 99 to 142 and back again                                  99,108,117…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.   All children have been encouraged to practise on this week’s ‘gig’ that has been set on ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ app.



Maths practise based on multiplication – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge – practise sheets have been sent home and there is a practise test on Sumdog

 We have had another great learning week in Year 5.

 In English, we wrote a letter as the character Jim, from our novel. We also practised where to put commas in sentences in order to clarify meaning.

In Maths, we explored various different ways of multiplying using different numbers, but still arriving at the same answer. Secure knowledge of all times tables is critical to this, so well done to everyone who has completed extra practise this week to help achieve this. 

This week in RE, we retold the story of The Good Samaritan and discussed how the parable shows virtues of love, hope and charity.   

In computing, we continued with our powerpoint presentations about The Vikings. We learnt new skills such as creating text boxes over images and altering the artistic effects of a picture.

We developed our charcoal art skills this week and produced two pieces of work for display in the classroom. Fantastic work Year 5!

In PE, we developed dance sequences - there were some extremely creative interpretations of various scenarios! We ended the session by practising our happy breathing.

This linked to our Happy Mind session, when we also self-reviewed our character traits and journalled about how we could strengthen some of them.

Finally, we ended our week by learning more about volcanoes and where the tectonic plate boundaries are in the world.

Volcano Facts for Kids | Volcanic Eruption | Teaching Wiki

Year 5 blog - Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 4:11pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

infectious   subheading    conscience   official    conscious    interact   impatient   irrelevant   refresh

disappoint  misbehave  interrelated  inactive  illegible  antisocial   unable   autograph   vicious


Count out loud in:

4s up to 108 and back again                                            0,4,8,12 …

25s from 0 to 425 and back again                                  0,25,50 …

7s from 49 to 147 and back again                                  49,56,63…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.  Please access Times Tables Rockstars to practise. 



Maths practise based on fractions – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge

 We have had a super learning week in Year 5.

 In English, Year 5 have been writing about the kind of lives children faced in Victorian times. We have also been practising using exciting and descriptive sentence openers.  

In Maths we have been continuing to learn about fractions and how to simplify them and how to write thousandths as fractions. Well done to everyone who also completed extra maths revision sheets at home. 

This week in RE, we have been spending time discussing how we could live out Jesus’s greatest commandment: to love God with all our hearts, our souls and our minds. Everyone wrote a personal letter to God to explain how they were going to live their lives for God and there were some fantastic ideas. Amazing!  

In computing we have started to create powerpoint presentations about The Vikings, linking in with our current history topic.

We have also started to use charcoal in art, practising skills that could be scaled up for set design

Finally, we have been learning more about our solar system and how the earth orbits the sun. Great work Year 5!

Year 5 Blog Friday 10th January 2025

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 4:06pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

official   special  artificial  partial   confidential   essential   martial   crucial   torrential  racial 

prudential   beneficial  presidential  social   glacial   commercial   initial   partially


Count out loud in:

4s up to 108 and back again                                            0,4,8,12 …

40s from 800 to 1200 and back again                            800,840,880 …

9s from 81 to 180 and back again                                  81,90,99…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.   



Maths practise based on fractions – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge

 We have had a great first week back in Year 5.

 In English, we wrote complex sentences using simile starters and subordinating clauses. We also started our new class novel called 'Street Child' and explored some of the characters within it.   

In Maths, we started our new topic about fractions and although we found this tricky, we tried our best with this. 

This week in RE, we discovered the meaning of The Beatitudes and explored how they link to the Ten Commandments. We discussed how both The Beatitudes and Commandments guide us on the right path through life.  

We also thoroughly enjoyed watching the brass quartet that came in to perform for us this week. We then got an opportunity to try out a wide range of brass and woodwind instruments as well as learn how to create a drum loop on the music technology bus that visited us.

In art, we started learning about set design in theatres and we explored some of the terms and materials used in set building.

Finally, we started our new topics about earth and space in science, and volcanoes and earthquakes in geography. We will continue them in the weeks to come.

A fantastic start to Spring term Year 5 – well done!

Year 5 Blog - Friday 20th December 2024

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 2:51pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog


Please keep reading over the Christmas holidays!


We have had a jam packed week...


 We finally completed our ‘Room 13’ novel and really enjoyed the dramatic ending!


We worked hard on long division calculations – we will consolidate this learning in the New Year.


Everyone took part in the practical lesson on simple machines which included trying out the pulleys and levers in class as well as building gear mechanisms.


We ended our monotypes art unit with some printing onto collage. We also made calendars and Christmas cards.


We created some fantastic videos in Year 5 this week. We worked in threes to film, edit and import content into video. The results were amazing!


Finally, we ended the week by reflecting on the joyful mysteries, including the Annunciation and the Nativity, and baby Jesus was laid in the manger in our crib.


Year 5 have been outstanding this term - thank you to all of you! We will see you back in school on Monday 6th January 2025

Year 5 Friday blog 13th December 2024

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 4:12pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

vicious   conscious   malicious   infectious   suspicious   fictitious  nutritious  cautious   precious

ambitious  gracious  spacious  vivacious  delicious   tenacious   rhyme  rhythm  library


Count out loud in:

5s up to 135 and back again                                            0,5,10, 15 …

40s from 800 to 1200 and back again                            800,840,880 …

9s from 81 to 180 and back again                                  81,90,99…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.  Everyone will be doing a mixed times table test next week.



Maths practise based on multiplication and division – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge


 We have had another lovely week of learning in Year 5.

 In English, Year 5 completed their fantastic bat reports. We have nearly completed Room 13 and discovered what’s inside the mystery room.

In Maths we delved into common factors of numbers and the multiplication factors of larger numbers.

This week in RE, we discussed why David’s skills and characteristics as a shepherd made him suitable to be selected by God to be a king. This led us on to investigate what leadership qualities are and how we can develop them.

Christmas activities have continued this week with our Christmas biscuit making day. The children did an amazing job, producing tasty biscuits in colourful packaging to give as gifts. 

Finally, we all enjoyed watching the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ panto and the Rock Steady show this week. Many of Year 5 took part and showed impressive musical skills. Well done!

Year 5 Friday blog 6th December 2024

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 4:06pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

immature   impatient   irrelevant  refresh  redecorate   submarine  immortal  imperfect   redo   irresponsible   return   subdivide  submerge   impossible  irregular  redo  reappear  subheading reimburse


Count out loud in:

4s up to 88 and back again                                            0,4,8,12, …

75s from 500 to 1025 and back again                            500, 575,650,725 …

6s from 66 to 126 and back again                                  66,72,78…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.



Maths practise has been set based on multiplication and division – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge


 We have had another great week of learning in Year 5.

 In English, Year 5 have been researching and collecting information about bats, ready to write a non-chronological report. We all now know an awful lot about bats!

Our multiplication work has continued in Maths with a lot of tricky work involving factors of large numbers. Everyone has tried so hard with this.

During RE, we examined various artworks relating to the O Antiphons sung at Evensong during Advent. We also listened to some of the songs, including ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel.’

Christmas activities have started in Year 5 this week with the creation of some special Christmas cards for display in Booths over the festive season.

The whole class also enjoyed a special session of handball on Monday with Dave. Year 5 clearly showed a lot of skill in this session and have also really improved their teamwork skills. Well done Year 5!

Finally, Year 5 went to parish mass at the end of week and spent time with Father Michael afterwards, discussing advent and what their wishes were for Christmas.

Clip Art Advent Wreat Clipart - Clipart Suggest

Year 5 Friday Blog 29th November

Date: 27th Nov 2024 @ 3:55pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog.

This week we spoke to the children about using technology and the internet safely. We discussed how to use internet devices safely in school and at home and signed our revised safer use agreement which you can find below. The children signed this to say they read and understood the content.


Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

interact   intercity   international   interrelated   supermarket  superman    superstar   antiseptic

anticlockwise   antisocial  autobiography  autograph   interactive  antidote  antibiotic  intersect 



Count out loud in:

10s up to 250 and back again                                            0,10,20,30, …

25s from 500 to 1050 and back again                                0, 25,50,75 …

7s from 77 to 126 and back again                                   77,84,91…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Well done to Xabier for answering the most questions this week in Times Tables Rock Stars.



Maths practise based on multiplication and division – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge


 We have had a fantastic learning week in Year 5.

This week we have been learning about listening skills in PSHE. We explored how to show great listening.

We also talked about how we change and grow in RSE this week and the children learned about the emotional, physical and social changes we go through as we move from middle childhood stage to adolescence.

In English, Year 5 have been writing the missing chapter from Room 13, using adverbial phrases. They have also reviewed their work and used synonyms from a thesaurus to improve it. 

In Maths we have started a new maths topic about multiplication and division and how to spot multiples of a number. A great start Year 5 – they tried so hard.

During RE, we discovered that King David is in a long line of descendants that leads to the birth of Jesus. We also spent time examining the Good News bible and discussing the old and new testament.

In computing we have started working in groups to create a video on the ipads, using various camera techniques and everyone has made a start on creating storyboards and scripts.

Finally, we finished the week with an art lesson where we continued to experiment with mixing acrylic paints to create large backgrounds of colour. Another wonderful week of learning!


Year 5 Friday blog 22nd November 2024

Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 3:58pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

disappoint  misbehave  disagree  disobey  misspell  mislead  incorrect   illegal  inaction

impossible   midday   unaware   unable   invisible  inactive  illegible  misunderstood  misplace 


Count out loud in:

9s up to 108 and back again                                            0,9,18,27, …

40s from 0 to 640 and back again                                0, 40,80 …

5s from 2490 to 2550 and back again                         2490, 2495, 2500, 2505…


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Well done to Joe for answering the most questions this week in Times Tables Rock Stars.



Maths practise based on statistics – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge



We have had a fantastic learning week in Year 5.

This week we learnt about neuroplasticity and our neural pathways in My Happy Mind. We explored how we improve when we practise and how we can calm down when things get difficult.    

In English, Year 5 learnt how to develop characters through direct speech this week as well as writing some very imaginative poems based on dreams. 

In Maths we practised measuring lots of angles, shapes and lines. We really rose to the challenge and gave 100% effort even though it was tricky.

During RE, we continued to discover more about King David and learnt some challenging words about his kingship such as ‘majestic’ and ‘glorious’.

Everyone enjoyed our day out at All Hallows this week when we tried out different PE lessons based on various sports, including handball, basketball and football.  The teachers at the school were very impressed with the effort and skill that we showed.

Finally, we finished the week with an art lesson where we listened to a poem, created a mood board based on it, then explored mixing different paint colours to reflect the images from the poem! Well done Year 5 for showing some real artistic flair in this lesson.

Year 5 Friday blog 15th November 2024

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 3:45pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

available  average  awkward  bargain  bruise  category  cemetery  committee  competition 

conscience  conscious  controversy  convenience  correspond  criticise  curiosity  definite  desperate


Count out loud in:

8s up to 112 and back again                                            0,8,16,24, …

70s from 0 to 840 and back again                                0, 70,140 …

2s from 2490 to 2510 and back again                         2490, 2492, 2494, 2496 …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Well done to Freddie for answering the most questions this week in Times Tables Rock Stars.



Maths practise based on statistics – individual challenge.

Spelling Challenge



We have had a fantastic learning week in Year 5.

This week, we carried on exploring our 'Happy Mind' brains together and practising our happy breathing that helps us regulate ourselves emotionally. 

In English, we continued to share the class novel – Room 13. We discovered how to use figurative language effectively in our writing, including how to use similes and metaphors.

In Maths, we have started a new topic about statistics, analysing and interpreting data on charts and graphs.

During RE, we further developed our knowledge of who David was in the Bible. Everyone enjoyed hearing the story of David and Goliath and how David overcame Goliath using his faith and skill.   

We all enjoyed preparing the Year 5 assembly, based on the theme of friendship and acceptance! Well done Year 5 for working so hard on this. What a fantastic assembly!


Year 5 blog 8th November 2024

Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 4:22pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

people   because   different   achieve  bargain   category   dragged  completely   happily  limitation  

simply  limited  forgotten  information  various   accept  knot  peace


Count out loud in:

2s up to 44 and back again                                            0,2,4,6, …

60s from 0 to 540 and back again                                0, 60,120 …

                      10s from 1980 to 2210 and back again                         1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.



Maths Competition – individual  

Spelling Challenge  

We have had a fantastic learning week in Year 5.

We all enjoyed our first Happy Minds session together, learning about our brains and the best way to make all the parts of it work together in harmony. We also practised our happy breathing!

myHappymind – Apps on Google Play

In English we started our new novel – Room 13 by Robert Swindells. We have been learning how to build suspense and tension in writing. Well done Year 5 for your fabulous use of vocabulary, ellipsis and rhetorical questions!

Room 13 : Swindells, Robert: Books 

We all very much enjoyed a surprise visit by the well known Liverpudlian poet – Levi Tafari. He inspired us all to write a poem about what makes us smile in life!

In Maths we have been practising our subtraction of large and small numbers (including decimals), using exchanging. There has been a lot of progress this week – a great effort by all.

We started a new topic in RE - Prophecy and Promise. We discovered who David was in the Bible, and what it was about David in particular that led God to choose to have him annointed as a king.

On Thursday, we all had a fantastic experience on our school trip to Rock and River in Mawdesley. Everyone really entered into the spirit of it and gave everything a try. Fantastic work Year 5! There are plenty of pictures of the day on the Year 5 gallery section of the website.

Finally, we finished our week with an outdoor art session, creating images inspired by nature.

Art Projects For Kids Inspired By Nature I Let's Roam


Year 5 Blog 24th October 2024

Date: 24th Oct 2024 @ 4:14pm

Welcome to your weekly blog


Well done to Year 5 for a very successful first half term. Please enjoy your well deserved break.


Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.

Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

 Well done to Joe who was our times table rockstar last week.


We have had a fantastic learning week in Year 5.

We finished our Narnia novel and wrote some great summaries of the ending.

In Maths we used the written method to tackle tricky additions.

We enjoyed taking part in a quiz all about our RE topic of ‘Creation and Covenant’.

Finally, we learnt all about the different skills that the Anglo-Saxons brought to England and we made some fabulous brooches based on authentic artefact designs.

Year 5 Friday blog 18th October 2024

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 4:10pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

accept   except     ball    bawl    berry    bury    grate    great   groan   grown   knot  not  mail  male

peace  piece  scene  seen


Count out loud in:

3s up to 42 and back again                                            3,6,9, …

40s from 0 to 400 and back again                                0, 40, 80, 120 …

10s from 980 to 1210 and back again                          980, 990, 1000, 1100 …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Well done to Dominic who was our times table rockstar last week.


Maths Competition – individual  

Spelling Challenge  


We have had a fantastic learning week in Year 5.

In English, we have been writing, using relative clauses for extra information. Well done Year 5!  

In Maths, we have been exploring number problems, continuing to use a wide range of addition/subtraction strategies and also trying to answer a variety of arithmetic questions.

We have continued to discover and discuss who our ‘neighbour’ is and how we can help them in our ‘love thy neighbour’ RE topic. We have been writing some lovely prayers to God to help us on our path in life.

In Science, we explored when forces are helpful and when they are unwanted. Everyone came up with great answers for this.

Finally, in Art, we finished our 3D maps of Narnia. They look fabulous displayed in the classroom.

Year 5 Friday Blog 11th October 2024

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 4:04pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know or ask an adult.


Here are your spellings this week.

information   adoration  sensation  preparation   admiration   poisonous   dangerous   mountainous

famous  various  tremendous  enormous  jealous  humorous  glamorous  vigorous  courageous



Count out loud in:

even numbers from 50 to 80 and back again             50, 52, 54, 56, …

60s from 0 to 600 and back again                                 0, 60,120, …

8s from 0 to 104 and back again                                  0,8,16,24, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.


Well done to Joe who was our times table rockstar for the second time last week.



Maths Competition – individual  

Spelling Challenge  

We have had a super learning week in Year 5.

In English we have been writing short stories using co-ordinating and sub-ordinating conjunctions. We are also reaching the climax of our Narnia novel where the queen and Aslan  finally meet at the stone table.

Jadis and Aslan - Jadis Queen Of Narnia fan Art (34373280) - fanpop

In Maths we are continuing to practise addition and subtraction using number lines, compensation methods and partitioning. The children have also been tackling some challenging maths problems and have shown great resilience in searching for the answers. Well done!  

Our topic in RE this week was all about loving God and loving all people. We learnt about how much our little acts of love and kindness every day can make a big difference.  

Finally, in science, we explored the idea of forces working against each other and how to make things go faster through the air. The children really enjoyed making streamlined paper planes and competing against each other to see whose plane could go the furthest.

Little Boy Launches Paper Plane Into Stock Photo 1722406759 | Shutterstock

Year 5 Friday blog 4th October 2024

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 4:05pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.


Here are your spellings this week.

beginning   beginner   gardening  forgotten  gardener  limiting  forgetting  limitation  basically

angrily    gently  nobly   simply   humbly  dramatically  preferred  usually


Count out loud in:

even numbers to 40 and back again                             0, 2, 4, 6, …

    40s from 0 to 400 and back again                                 0, 40, 80,120, …

11s from 0 to 154 and back again                                  0,11,22,33, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

There is a competition between Year 4 and Year 5 this week on Times Tables Rockstars. Fingers crossed Year 5!

Well done to Joe who was our times table rockstar last week.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play


Maths Competition – individual  

Spelling Challenge  

We have had another great week in Year 5.

In English, we continued learning about adverbials. The children wrote some fantastic spy letters to the Queen of Narnia, using fronted adverbials for cohesion in their writing.

In Maths, we moved on to our new topic of addition and subtraction. We have been practising partitioning and considering other suitable methods we could use. 

Our focus in RE this week was the Catholic virtues. We discovered that virtues are simply the habit of doing good things in life.   

Jazz continues to be the theme in music and everyone enjoyed learning a new piece on the djembe drums.

What Is A Djembe? African Drumming — Unbeatable Energy

 Finally, in Geography, Year 5 enjoyed going on a virtual field trip to Malham in Yorkshire and learning about the rural aspects of England.

Year 5 Friday blog 27th September 2024

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 4:09pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Please read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.


Here are your spellings this week.

dragged     dragging   stopped  playing   stopping  speedily   sadly   played   completely   usually

finally   frantically  comically  supporting   supported  creatively  happily  working   worked 



Count out loud in:

Odd numbers to 31 and back again                                  1, 3, 5, …

30s from 0 to 330 and back again                                 0, 30, 60,90, …

12s from 0 to 144 and back again                                  0,12,24,36, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to William who was our times table rockstar last week.



Maths Competition – individual  

Spelling Challenge  


We have had a wonderful week in Year 5.

In English we have done lots of challenging and enjoyable writing. We wrote a persuasive letter from the queen of Narnia to the children. Everyone worked very hard on this. We also spent time learning about and using adverbs and adverbial phrases.

In Maths we have been continuing with rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000. We have also been practising ‘what is 100/1.000/10,000/100,000 less than’, using 6 digit numbers.

Our topic in RE this week was all about making the right choices in life so that we stay close to God, our families and friends.

In music we have been listening to jazz music and trying to identify instruments. The children enjoyed learning about Louis Armstrong and his trumpet.

In French the children celebrated European day of Languages and found out about the benefits of learning other languages from Europe.

We conducted another experiment in science this week relating to friction. We measured the newton force required to move shoes along different surfaces. The children worked really well as young scientist explorers.

Finally, in art the children once again showed their creative side by creating drawings on maps. Well done Year 5.

Year 5 Friday blog 20th September 2024

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 4:26pm

Happy weekend and welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice


Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.


Here are your spellings this week.

accommodate   achieve   ancient   attached   awkward    accompany   aggressive   apparent

available  bargain   according   amateur  appreciate   average   bruise  category  cemetery  committee


Count out loud in:

       50s backwards from 500                                                 500,450,400 …

20s from 0 to 450 and back again                                     0, 20,40, …

2s from 50 to 99 and back again                                        50,52,54,56 …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day. Every pupil has been given their tables target

to practise at home.


Maths  - number ordering    

Spelling Challenge

Times Tables Rockstars

Tables challenge

We have had another great week in Year 5.

In English we have all been creating great questions to ask the class about The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, as well as practising writing direct speech and using modal verbs.   

The Many Faces of the White Witch - Part I - The Cobalt Jade Website

In Maths we have been learning about place values, including numbers with decimals. We have also been re-capping where large numbers sit on a number line. Year 5 have once again put 100% effort into this.  

We continued to follow the life of Moses in RE this week by learning about the time that he heard the ten commandments from God. As a class, we have been discussing their meanings and how they apply to us today.  

In Art the children have created their own fonts in typography using inspiration from mechanical items and nature.

We were able to play full games of netball in PE this week and the children were able to demonstrate both their passing skills as well as practise their shooting. The sun shone and everyone tried so hard which was great to see. 

After last week’s delve into gravity in science, this time we discussed other forces at work on our planet. We went on to experiment with magnets and discover how useful magnetic force is in our world. Well done Year 5.

Why are all metals magnetic? | Science Questions with Surprising Answers

Back to School Online Safety

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 9:26am

With your children now back in school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership

We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find guides on new devices and WhatsApp.

To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.


Year 5 Friday blog 13th September 2024

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 4:26pm

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice


Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.


Here are your spellings this week.

said    with     because       went        like       water      people   children   asked   school   thought

friends   house    through   each   different   something     


Count out loud in:

         10s back from 249                                              249, 239, 229 …

25s from 0 to 450 and back again                                 0, 25,50, …

3s from 0 to 99 and back again                                      0, 3, 6, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day. Every pupil has been given their tables target

to practise at home.


Maths Competition – individual  

Spelling Challenge  


We have had a wonderful week in Year 5.

In English, we enjoyed reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe together. There were some super written summaries of the opening chapters by Year 5. It’s been an impressive start!

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Illustrations — Kate Slater  Illustration

In Maths, we learnt about place value, including tenths, hundredths and thousandths . Everyone has been trying so hard with this.

We started our topic of Creation and Covenant in RE this week by learning about Moses and the burning bush. We talked about God calling to Moses and the task that he asked him to do.

Burning Bush | 3D Animated Clipart for PowerPoint -

In Art, the children enjoyed learning about typography and they created some of their own unique designs. Their natural creativity really shone through.

PE has been enjoyed by all with the whole class demonstrating great ball skills in netball. Despite the erratic weather, everyone
persevered which was great to see.

New Netball Club! – Kaimhill School

In Science, we started a new topic; forces. The children performed experiments with different objects to see if they dropped to the floor at the same rate. It was wonderful to see everyone so engaged in this task.

Year 5 Blog Friday 12th July 2024

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:38pm

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

Please remember to bring a shoe box and a cereal box into school next week for our DT project. If you have any spares, please also bring them.



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. 



Here are your spellings this week. They don't follow a rule or pattern so you just need to practise lots.

Try splitting the words into chunks to help you.

aggressive          awkward          category          committee          hindrance          government         environment          existence          embarrass          disastrous          criticise          marvellous          mischievous          twelfth          prejudice 


Times Tables

Remember to practise your tables on Times Tables Rockstars. Everybody's current target is division facts. 



Spelling Challenge

Maths Competition


We have had a brilliant week in Year 5. There have been lots of exciting things happening. 

On Monday and Tuesday we sang the songs in Bugsy Malone to support the Year 6 children with their end of year performance. Everybody was amazing.

On Wednesday afternoon we all took part in Tough Kidder. We all gave it our best shot and loved getting a bit wet and muddy. 

On Thursday we celebrated Mrs Winter's retirement. We had a special assembly where each class performed a song. We did a performance of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It was so energetic and fun, Mrs Winter and her family loved it. 

On Friday we were lucky enough to watch a concert of all the children who have taken part in Rock Steady this year. We were blown away by the musical talent. 

In between all of these exciting things, we have been reading parts of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban and will be writing about it next week. We have been calculating the area of shapes in maths and also using nets to make 3D shapes. In PE we had a Year 5 tennis and rounders tournament where everybody worked so well as a team and had a fantastic time. 

Have a happy weekend! 





Year 5 Blog Friday 5th July 2024

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 12:56pm

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog


In DT over the next two weeks, we will be making a simple mechanism out of cardboard and other materials. If you have any shoe boxes or cereal boxes at home, please bring them into school on Monday or Tuesday.

Also remember to bring in some black pants or school trousers on Monday for the Bugsy Malone performance. 



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Enjoy your reading, it is such a good way to relax.



This week for your spellings, please practise any of the Year 5 and 6 spellings that you do not feel confident with. These are attached to this blog and will also be on the Sumdog spelling challenge.



Count out loud in:

12s from 0 to 144 and back again          0, 12, 24, …

0.12s to 1.44 and back again                   0.12, 0.24, 0.36, …

70s from 0 to 840 and back again           0, 70, 140, …



Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Max N who was our rockstar last week.



Maths Competition – boys v girls  

Spelling Challenge  


We have had a great week in Year 5.

We had our Moving Up Mornings on Tuesday and Thursday when we spent the morning in Year 6 with Miss Orme. She was very impressed with us and thinks we are definitely ready for Year 6.

In English, we read a poem called The Lion and Albert by Marriott Edgar. This poem is set in Lancashire. We continued the poem in the style of the author and included some vocabulary that you would hear in Lancashire.

In Maths, we revised the properties of shapes and used these properties to identify whether  a shape was regular or irregular. We also learnt about measures. We started by estimating the capacity of different containers and then measured the liquid to see how accurate we were.

In Art, we used different patterned paper to design an outfit for the Euros. Everybody came up with amazing ideas including football, tracksuits and dresses in the colour of different flags.

In PE, we practised our football and tennis skills. We worked well in our teams and enjoyed an active afternoon.

Have a super weekend! Don't forget the Summer Fair is on Saturday. 

Year 5 Blog Friday 28th June 2024

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 8:04am

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Look at different ways the author starts sentences. 



Please continue to practise the spellings from last week. 

descent        principal         bruise          sacrifice          existence          disappoint        disobey          dissent          principle        misbehave          inactive          mislead          incorrect        country    trouble



Count out loud in:

10s from 56.9 to 156.9                    56.9, 66.9, 76.9, ...

100s from 458.22 to 1458.22          458.22, 558.22, 658.22, ...

1000s from 9076 to 19076              9076, 10076, 11076, ...



Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Max N who was our rockstar last week.



Maths - Shape and Measures Practice 

Spelling - Prefix Practice 


We have had a very exciting week in Year 5.

We have loved our English lessons this week where we have been discussing, planning and writing our own letters to the Prime Minister. We have some fantastic ideas of things we would like to change in this country. 

In art we started to learn about fashion design. We watched some videos of different fashion designers and identified their inspiration. We then came up with ideas for our own outfit that was something to do with the Euros - football kit, a dress in the colour of a country flag, tracksuit, etc. We painted some different backgrounds which we will use next week to create our designs. 

In maths we have started our new topic about geometry. We identified regalar and irregular shapes based on their sides and angles. You can practise this on this week's Sumdog challenge. 

In RE we discussed the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes help us to live our best lives. We made posters which included our own ideas for the Beatitudes. 

On Thursday we had an amazing day for Super Learning Day. We took part in lots of different exciting activities with different teachers around the school. We loved meditation and some of us even fell asleep. How relaxing. We also enjoyed learning about Hawaii and performing a Hawaiian dance and working up a sweat in our skipping challenges. We challenged ourselves to see who could make the highest towers using spaghetti and marshmallows. The Spanish fans we made helped us to cool down after a fun-filled busy day. 

We also had our Sports Day on Friday. It was wonderful to see everyone putting 100% effort in, encouraging each other and showing good sportsmanship.

Year 5 blog Friday 21st June 2024

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 3:55pm

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.


Here are your spellings this week.

descent        principal         bruise          sacrifice          existence          disappoint        disobey          dissent          principle        misbehave          inactive          mislead          incorrect        country    trouble



Count out loud in:

Square numbers from 1 to 144 and back again          1, 4, 9, …

25s from 0 to 450 and back again                               0, 25,50, …

9s from 0 to 108 and back again                                 0, 9,18, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Elliott and Max N who were our rockstars last week.



Maths Competition – individual  

Spelling Challenge  


We have had a wonderful week in Year 5.

In English, we wrote an opening chapter for a sequel to Varjak Paw. In addition, we all wrote about our own special place. This will be put on display for the rest of the school to see.   

In Maths, we continued adding and subtracting multiple fractions with different denominators. Everyone has been trying very hard with this.

We learnt about Islam in RE this week. We found out lots of information about Islam and then created a factual poster which explained some of the beliefs and customs.

In Music, we practised singing the songs for Bugsy Malone. The lyrics to the song can be found on last week’s blog.

Finally, we all enjoyed visiting All Hallows for our taster day. We were all beautifully behaved and the staff were so impressed. We all took part in a PE lesson, explored the school, met Helen the chaplain and took part in some performing arts. We also loved our All Hallows school dinner!

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
