Year 5: Blog items

Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 10:32am

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Image result for cartoon children dancing

Good morning Year 5, you are all doing so well with your Home Learning. A big thank you to everyone who is helping you. Hopefully, you are in a good routine, staying positive and doing the best you can. How is the dance routine coming along? We have been learning it in school and enjoying the music and exercise. We have also played the card games from our English lesson. I think we might get the packs of cards out at wet play times in future. It is really good fun!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Copy any sentence from your book and answer these questions: What tense is it written in? (past/present/future) How do you know? Is it written in 1st or 3rd person or is no one referred to at all? Does it contain any speech? What is the sentence about? Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating words instead of said. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (22.02.21) which will be after half term, but if you would rather do it before then, that’s fine. If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

laughed          questioned       suggested          quizzed          muttered

joked             queried            screamed           mumbled        whispered

chuckled         remarked        pleaded             grumbled        bragged


Read the instructions on Slide 1 of the PowerPoint – Instructions/Adverbs (documents below).

How do writers make the order of instructions clear, and make links between the steps? Answers - order of steps, numbers, bullets, arrows and time adverbs.

Recap adverbs for time using Slides 2 to 6 of the PowerPoint and think about other adverbs for cohesion.

Which adverbs may be most useful when reading and writing instructions? Answers - time/listing.

Read ‘Instructions for Boarding a Bus’ (documents below). New technology often brings about new rules or instructions to use.

Think about ways you could improve these instructions, adding adverbs, imperative verbs, numbers or bullet points.

Choose one of these worksheets (documents below):

HARD: ‘How to Use the Telephone’.

MEDIUM: ‘How to use an Escalator’.

EASY: ‘How to use an Escalator Safely’.

Using your worksheet, write clear, cohesive instructions.

Focus: Use the Instruction Features sheet from yesterday to help you (documents below).

The date and title are:

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Can I write instructions, including adverbs?

I have posted an example to help you on Seesaw.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the game – Hit the Button. Select divisions up to 12, mixed.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Divide By 100. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I divide by 100?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Add several small numbers mentally.

Explain methods and reasoning.

Joins – Answers:

Using four numbers:

the highest score is 19 + 15 + 17 + 18 = 69,

the lowest score is 6 + 5 + 2 + 17 = 30.

Using five numbers:

the highest is 20 + 18 + 13 + 17 + 18 = 86,

the lowest is 6 + 18 + 2 + 5 + 6 = 37.

Using five numbers and diagonal joins:

the highest is 19 + 17 + 14 + 15 + 18 = 83,

the lowest is 13 + 6 + 20 + 2 + 6 = 47.



Have a go at these PE activities. Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Games Skills – Climb the Ladder:

Health Related Exercises – Circuits 1-Feeling Flexible:


Use the link below to log into

Please work through the lessons in order.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Numbers and Place Value to 1 000 000.

Spelling Challenge: Maths/Science Vocabulary. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 10:32am

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021

Image result for cartoon children dancing

Good morning Year 5, I hope you enjoyed ‘Fabulous Friday’ and ‘Dressed to Express’. I also hope you had a good weekend with your families. This week is Dance Week, so grab any spare minutes you have and learn the dance that Mr Mears has put on our web page (Gallery section). Once you have learned it, you could film yourselves on Seesaw. Make sure you post it by Thursday! I'm looking forward to a great week of learning and dancing, so try your best. Next week it is the Half Term Holiday!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Design a ‘wanted’ poster for one of the characters in your book. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


Last week we were investigating the suffix - ent. As we have introduced ‘Fabulous Friday’, Mondays will now be your test and new spellings day. Please ask someone at home to test you on these spellings. Remember to put a mark out of fifteen.

patient          obedient         turbulent           different          incompetent

absent           innocent           excellent           evident            complacent

intelligent      confident         magnificent        emergent         lenient

This week we are investigating words instead of said. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (22.02.21) which will be after half term, but if you would rather do it before then, that’s fine. If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

laughed          questioned       suggested          quizzed          muttered

joked             queried            screamed           mumbled        whispered

chuckled         remarked        pleaded             grumbled        bragged


We are moving on to non-fiction work now. With a focus on - Instructions and Explanations.

For today’s lesson, you will need a pack of cards and someone to play with. If you have not got a pack of cards, you will still be able to do the task!

Have you played card games before? Discuss any games you know and how you learnt the rules.

Cards are a very old game technology (originating in 9th C. China) & are popular worldwide; many games have been passed on verbally or through written instructions.

You will learn a new card game by reading some written instructions.

Read ‘How to Play Sevens’ (documents below). How can we recognise that these are instructions?

Read Instruction Features (documents below). This will help you to evaluate - see how useful the instructions are.

Have a look at the ‘Card Games’ sheets (documents below). Try and play one or two games.

Evaluate how easy the instructions are/are not to follow and which features help make them clearer.

Make notes on the ‘Card Games’ sheets.

Write the key features you have spotted or add improvements to the parts of the instructions that are not clear. There is an example of this on Seesaw.

You can trim the ‘Card Game’ sheet down and stick it in your exercise books or write your notes straight into your book.

EASY: Game 1 is the most accessible (easy to follow instructions).

MEDIUM/HARD: Game 3 needs most improvement.

The date and title are:

Monday 8th February 2021

Can I identify features of instructions, follow and evaluate them?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the multiples game – Carroll Diagram. You can choose which multiples to sort.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Divide by 10. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I divide by 10?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Add and subtract two-digit numbers mentally.

Presents – Answers:

Gurmit paid £2, £4, £6, £1 and £8 for the

five presents.


Last week we thought a lot about – ‘Express Yourself’

Follow the link below and have a go at doing some street art. There are many more interesting art activities to do on the Tate Gallery website.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see. You might want to post it on the website, but ask for your parent’s permission first!


We are moving onto our new topic Memorial Sacrifice – Eucharist (Sacrament)

Please read through the lesson in the documents below (Memories) and complete the worksheet (COVID-19 – Good/Bad Times).

Please trim the worksheet down and stick it into your exercise book with the date, or write it straight into your book.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Numbers and Place Value to 1 000 000.

Spelling Challenge: Maths/Science Vocabulary. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Fabulous Friday 29th January 2021

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 8:53am

Fabulous Friday 29th January 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

agnes from despicable me good morning quote morning good morning morning  quotes good morning quotes morning… | Morning quotes, Good morning funny,  Cute good morning

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity Odds and Evens Game (documents below).

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it! 

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and even more ‘Fabulous Weekend’.

Miss Gravili smiley

Fabulous Friday 5th February 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 10:40am

Fabulous Friday 5th February 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

We are jumping for joy! Inside Out won for Best Animated Feature Film at  this year's Academy Awards®. Congratul… | Disney inside out, Disney  drawings, Disney movies

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

‘Dress to Express’

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity – Maths Hangman (documents below).

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

I have included some ideas for non-screen activities if you are interested (documents below).

Next week is dance week. Mr Mears has been busy putting a dance together for you to work on each day and perform on Thursday (11.02.21).

Look in the - Gallery section (Year 5 Class page) and click on 'Dance Week'.

Happy dancing!

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it! 

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and even more ‘Fabulous Weekend’.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 4th February 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 10:40am

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 4th February 2021

Heart Arms Hug Stock Illustrations – 382 Heart Arms Hug Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Good morning Year 5, well done for writing such excellent stories. I have enjoyed reading them all. There are definitely some great young authors in Year 5. One day, you might be as famous as Roald Dahl or Katherine Rundell! I have included a PowerPoint presentation for you today (documents below) to explain a little bit more about ‘Express Yourself’ for Children’s Mental Health Week because tomorrow, in school and at home we are going to ‘Dress to Express’. It’s a chance for you to dress up in the clothes that show who you are. It might be clothes that show your interests (football/dancing/horse-riding/martial arts) or colours that show your personality (yellow/red/blue/green/black/pink). The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and feel good.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Draw a diagram of something mentioned in your book and label it. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix- ent. Please learn these spellings for Monday (08.02.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patient          obedient         turbulent           different          incompetent

absent           innocent           excellent           evident            complacent

intelligent      confident         magnificent        emergent         lenient


Today you are going to edit your story. We have done this in school before so you will be familiar with the process.

Get a different coloured pen or pencil (in school we use purple).

Read through your work and correct any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes you come across. Have a dictionary ready to help you here.

Change any sentences that don’t make sense or you have repeated.

Add any better vocabulary, information or sentences that would improve your story. A thesaurus will help you here.

Read through it again to make sure it is the best it can be.

Re-write your story in your best handwriting or you might want to type it up.  If you want to, you could illustrate it as well.

The date and title are:

Thursday 4th February 2021

Can I edit my story by correcting errors and adding improvements?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the game – Guardians Defenders of Mathematica

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I multiply by 10, 100 and 1000?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Gurmit paid £21 for five presents.

For A and B, he paid a total of £6.

For B and C, he paid a total of £10.

For C and D, he paid a total of £7.

For D and E, he paid a total of £9.

How much did Gurmit pay for each present?


Solve a given problem by organising information.

Explain methods and reasoning.

Make five numbers – Answers:

For example:

a. 12, 39, 45, 60, 78.

b. 7, 42, 63, 98, 105.

c. 5, 23, 67, 89, 401.

There are other solutions.


Click on the link below for your next lesson – What jobs did the Shang people do? Watch the clip and do the little activity.

Read through - Which job might you have done during the Shang Dynasty?

Decide on a job for yourself.

Write a short paragraph to say, why you would have done that job and what you had to do. Also, think about how you would have felt doing the job.

Draw a picture of yourself doing the work.

The date and title are:

Thursday 4th February 2021

Can I describe what it was like for workers during the Shang Dynasty?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Click on this link for your Music lesson:

Here are some activities linked to Children’s Mental Health Week - ‘Express Yourself’.

Watch this short video by Classical MPR with your group and discuss the different ways in which music can change how we feel and express ourselves:

Research shows that people feel more positive after singing to music, than they do just listening to music.

Try this activity:

choose a song from the list below (or one of your own), learn the words and sing it together (some children might prefer to join in by clapping, clicking their fingers, using percussion instruments, miming or dancing).

Have a go using these songs: ‘If you want to sing out, sing out’ by Cat Stevens  ‘Express yourself’ by Labrinth


 Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ence. These - ence words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.

Well done Year 5.

Finally, let's light a candle and say a prayer for Captain Sir Tom Moore who passed away on Tuesday. What an inspirational man! Have a look at the picture of him and think about the question that goes with it (documents below).

Take care and look after yourselves.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 10:39am

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd February 2021


Smiling Face With Hearts Icon

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. On the way to school yesterday morning, I noticed that it’s getting lighter earlier in the mornings and the sun is setting later at night. It’s not so dark and wintery, a little sign that Spring is on its way! Take a look around and see what you can find to be grateful or hopeful for. You could write a little list or draw some pictures. I have just bought a book called, ‘The Book of Hopes’. It’s really very good and something you can pick up and read when you have a spare minute or two. If you follow the link you can read the book for free on the Literacy Trust website. My favourite is…A Song of Gladness by Michael Morpurgo


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Write a few sentences to say who else would enjoy this book…why? Is there someone who wouldn’t enjoy this book and why? Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix- ent. Please learn these spellings for Monday (08.02.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patient          obedient         turbulent           different          incompetent

absent           innocent           excellent           evident            complacent

intelligent      confident         magnificent        emergent         lenient


Today, I would like you to write the last three paragraphs of your faraway story.

To do this, use the last three boxes of your storyboard planning sheet from Monday’s lesson. This is the structure of your story so keep to your plan, it really helps when writing.

You will write your problem, resolution and conclusion paragraphs.

  1. Introduction
  2. Build-up
  3. Build-up
  4. Problem
  5. Resolution
  6. Conclusion


Focus: Good punctuation - capital letters, full stops, commas and speech marks.

No need to write the date and title. Continue your story after the first three paragraphs you wrote yesterday.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the game – Coconut Multiples (Multiples of 12). Do mixed 2-12 today.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Multiply by 100 (Recap). 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I multiply by 100?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Make five numbers

Take ten cards numbered 0 to 9.

Each time use all ten cards.

Arrange the cards to make:

a. five numbers that are multiples of 3

b. five numbers that are multiples of 7

c. five prime numbers

Make up more problems to use all ten cards

to make five special numbers.


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Know 3- and 7-times tables.

Recognise prime numbers.

Jack’s book – Answers:

The book has 221 pages.

42 of the digits are a 5.


Last week’s lesson was about making mixtures of soluble and insoluble solids and separating them again. These are called reversible changes – you can get back the solids you mixed.  We used 3 methods to separate the mixtures:

Sieving to separate different sized particles eg rice and flour;

Filtering to separate insoluble particles from a liquid eg sand from water;

 Evaporation to separate a soluble solid after it had dissolved in water eg salt in water.

Confession time – in school, we didn’t manage very well! We found out what didn’t work, but we weren’t so great at trying a new method that would work. It’s absolutely fine – mistakes help us learn. So, in school, we are going to try again with some new mixtures. If you’d like to have another go at home to reinforce your learning, I think it will help you too.

Click this link and remind yourself how to do each of the 3 processes.

Year 5a Lesson 4 separating mixtures.pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint Online (

Here are some new mixtures to make and separate.  Use about a teaspoonful of each in a little water and stir it.  Think about which of the 3 methods above will help you to separate the mixtures.

If it doesn’t work, try a different one.

  1. Flour and lentils/rice/similar
  2. Tea leaves in water
  3. Sugar in water
  4. Soil in water – how clear can you get the water?
  5. Gravel or similar, flour and salt – the ultimate challenge!

Use the table on slide 7 to record your observations. Remember to write in as much detail as possible to show what great scientists you are! Look at slide 10 for what a good one looks like.

Evaporation obviously takes time so you will need to wait for this to happen. How could you speed it up? (Clue: how do you dry your hair when it’s wet? What about drying your clothes?  Or your hands when you are out or at school? These machines that are used to speed up evaporation all use warm wind. How could you speed up the evaporation of your water?)

Good luck! I hope you now feel more confident about separating mixtures. I’d love to see some photos on Seesaw of Y5 chemists at work!

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


First, let’s recap the phonics sounds from last week by watching the video again. This week, you are going to try and write down the number and colour words that contain the sounds.

 Before you start, write the date and learning objective in your book:

mercredi quatre février

Can I use phonics to help me spell French words?

Then write each of the phonic sounds, leaving space underneath each to write down the words that have the sound in. Spread them out on your page. The sounds are:

Ou      eu       an       oi       in/un            i         on

Now listen to Emilie again, pausing the video when she asks you to think of the numbers and colours that have that sound in.

Have a go at writing the words under the right sound, then start the video again to check your spelling. Please correct it if you make a mistake. Mistakes are fine! They help us to learn.

Now we are going to try to write some sentences of our own about the planets using the PowerPoint to help us. All the instructions are on the slides.

Next week, we will redraft our sentences onto a special piece of paper and you will be really proud of your work!

There’s a treat activity on the last slide! You must ask an adult for help though!

Très bien! A bientôt!


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Add/Subtract Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix - ent/ment. These words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.

Finally, if any of you would like to learn a ‘Hip-Hop Dance Routine’ please follow the link below. There is a video clip and written notes to help you remember the routine…Enjoy!

Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili






Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 10:39am

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Download Free png Transparent Transparent Background Rainbow Png Free PNG  Images ... -

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well and feeling positive and happy this week. I have included some nice activities to go with our ‘Express Yourself’ theme (documents below – Monday and Tuesday). They are to get you thinking constructively and should be fun and not take too long. Hopefully you will enjoy them, you might want to post these on Seesaw for me to see. Thank you again for all the other amazing work you are posting on Seesaw. What a fantastic class I have, I’m a very lucky teacher! Keep working hard and trying your best.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Make a timeline of the important parts of the story. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix- ent. Please learn these spellings for Monday (08.02.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patient          obedient         turbulent           different          incompetent

absent           innocent           excellent           evident            complacent

intelligent      confident         magnificent        emergent         lenient


Today, I would like you to write the first three paragraphs of your faraway story in your exercise book. We will write the last three paragraphs tomorrow.

Think about the two stories we have just read; ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’ and ‘Mysterious Traveller’ and write your story in a similar way. Use imagery if you can and lots of description.

To do this, use the first three boxes of your storyboard planning sheet from yesterday. This is the structure of your story so keep to your plan, it really helps when writing.

You will write your introduction paragraph and two build-up paragraphs.

  1. Introduction
  2. Build-up
  3. Build-up
  4. Problem
  5. Resolution
  6. Conclusion

Focus: Use adjectives, similes and sentences with relative clauses.

The date and title are:

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Can I write a faraway story?

Then write the name of your story - you chose this yesterday on your plan.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the multiples game – Coconut Multiples (Multiples of 12).

Start with mixed 2-5, then move on to mixed 6 to 12.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Multiply by 10 (Recap). 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I multiply by 10?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Jack’s book

The pages of Jack’s book are numbered from 1.

The page numbers have a total of 555 digits.

How many pages has the book?

How many of the digits are a 5?


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Know what each digit represents.

Slick Jim – Answers:

Jim won £540 000.


Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Games Skills - Bowling:

Gymnastics – Ship Shape:


Use the link below to log into

Please work through the lessons in order.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Add/Subtract Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix - ent/ment. These words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 10:39am

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021

adorable-sunshine-images-clip-art-free-sun-black-and-white-clipart -  Woodborough Primary School

Good morning Year 5, I hope you enjoyed ‘Fabulous Friday’ and had a good weekend with your families. Hopefully, you are ready for another week of Home Learning. As I always say, try your best, do what you can and enjoy your learning. Please have a look at the Picture News and Resources 1 and 2 (documents below). It is Children’s Mental Health Week - ‘Express Yourself’. The resources below are a chance to talk and think about challenges and how to succeed. I hope you will find them interesting and you might think of some of your own challenges for now or the future!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Find any ten words in your book and write them down in alphabetical order. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


Last week we were investigating the suffix - ence. As we have introduced ‘Fabulous Friday’, Mondays will now be your test and new spellings day. Please ask someone at home to test you on these spellings. Remember to put a mark out of fifteen.

patience          intelligence        consequence        influence            evidence

essence           reference           audience           circumference      excellence

sequence         silence                 obedience          absence             commence

This week we are investigating the suffix- ent. Please learn these spellings for Monday (08.02.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patient          obedient         turbulent           different          incompetent

absent           innocent           excellent           evident            complacent

intelligent      confident         magnificent        emergent         lenient


Today, you will be planning your faraway story on the Storyboard Planning Worksheet (documents below). Write about each part of your story and draw a picture to go with it. Trim the worksheet down and stick it into your exercise book or write straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Monday 1st February 2021

Can I plan my faraway story?

Remember to use your setting picture and notes that you worked on last week. This will also help when you come to write your story tomorrow.

Have a look at the video clip on Seesaw – Storyboard Planning Ideas. I will show you what you need to do and give you some ideas for planning your story.

You will also find those ideas in the documents below – Storyboard Planning Ideas/Storyboard Planning Miss Gravili.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the time game – Find the Start Time. Click on the link, scroll down and choose level 4 or 5.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Add and Subtract Fractions. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I add and subtract fractions?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Flash Harry

In April Flash Harry bought a saddle for £100.

In May he sold it for £200.

In June he was sorry he had sold it.

So, he bought it back for £300.

In July he got tired of it.

So, he sold it for £400.

Overall, did Flash Harry make or lose money?

How much did he make or lose?


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Use negative numbers.

Age old problems – Answers:

1. I am 48 years old (or possibly 104).

2. I am now 26 years old. In 38 years’

time, when I am 64, my age will be both

a square number and a cube.

3. I am 9 years old now.


Click on the link below and watch Shoo Rayner (author and illustrator) talk about drawing in - How to Start Drawing part 1 and 2. You will have to scroll down to find part 2!

Then, choose a picture you would like to draw yourself from the many other tutorials. You could draw it on some paper and stick it into your exercise book, or pin it up at home for everyone to see.

Shoo Rayner actually visited our school a few years ago!

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Today we will finish the topic – Mission.

Please read through - RE Work – Christian Unity (documents below).

There is a small research activity and collage you can design (Collage Worksheet below).

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Add/Subtract Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix - ent/ment. These words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 28th January 2021

Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 3:26pm

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 28th January 2021

Good morning my hardworking Year 5’s. I hope you are well and ready for today’s learning. Please try your best, if you are struggling to get through the work, do what you can and enjoy it. Most importantly, read a good book that you find interesting. I have had a look at some of the BBC Bitesize programmes on CBBC, ages 7-9 and 9-11 are really good. It’s Science Week, so I know some of you budding scientists will enjoy watching that. It starts at 9.00 and finishes just after 10.00. There are a range of things on during this time that may spark your interest. 'Celebrity Supply Teacher' is on after the programmes I have mentioned and is worth a watch and Horrible Histories...enjoy!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Pretend you are one of the characters in the book and write a short diary entry for one day in the story. If you are reading a non-fiction book, write a short diary entry on facts you have discovered whilst reading. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ence. Please learn these spellings for Friday (29.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patience          intelligence        consequence        influence            evidence

essence           reference           audience           circumference      excellence

sequence         silence                 obedience          absence             commence


Read pages 36 to 43 (the end) - Mysterious Traveller 7 (documents below). Or click on the link and listen to the story being read to you. You will need to start at 20.23 minutes and keep going until the end.

I hope you enjoyed reading The Mysterious Traveller. Now that we have finished this short novel, we will write a book review about it.

It will give you a chance to say what you thought about the story and if you liked it or not and why?

In the documents below you will find - Book Review Ideas and Questions, and a Book Review Worksheet.

Print the worksheet out, trim it down and stick it into your exercise book or copy it into your book.

You need to complete the sentences with your opinions/views about the story. The ideas and questions sheet will help you think about it a bit more.

The date and title are:

Thursday 28th January 2021

Can I write a book review on The Mysterious Traveller?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the game – Maths Fishing. Choose from the times tables 6, 7 and 8 (it does not matter if it says Year 4!).

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Compare and order fractions less than 1 (Part 1).

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I compare and order fractions less than 1?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Age old problems

1. My age this year is a multiple of 8.

Next year it will be a multiple of 7.

How old am I?

2. Last year my age was a square number.

Next year it will be a cube number.

How old am I?

How long must I wait until my age is both

a square number and a cube?

3. My Mum was 27 when I was born.

8 years ago, she was twice as old

as I shall be in 5 years’ time.

How old am I now?


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Know multiplication facts to 10 x 10.

Recognise square and cube numbers.

Zids and Zods – Answers:

There are 3 Zids with 4 spots and 4 Zods

with 9 spots.

If Zids have 5 spots and Zods have 7 spots,

the possible ways of making 140 are:

28 Zids;

21 Zids and 5 Zods;

14 Zids and 10 Zods;

7 Zids and 15 Zods;

20 Zods.


The next lesson is - Who did the Shang people pray to?

Click on the link below, watch the video clip and do the short activity:

Read through the website below and create a fact sheet/poster about religion during the Shang Dynasty. You can choose your title, here are some examples:

Shang Dynasty Religion

Who did the Shang people pray to?

The God Shangdi

Use plain paper, you can trim it down and stick it in your exercise book (with the date) or pin it up at home somewhere for everyone see.

Make sure you include facts and pictures. Try to design your fact sheet in an interesting and colourful way.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ence. These - ence words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 27th January 2021

Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 3:26pm

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 27th January 2021

Good morning Year 5. Thank you for posting your fantastic work on Seesaw. I thoroughly enjoy reading it. I am so happy to see that you are doing such excellent work at home. A huge well done and thank you to all those who are helping you to keep learning, despite everything. I hope you managed to have a look at some of the audio books and Yoga I mentioned on yesterday’s blog. Have a good day and keep positive.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Draw your favourite character. Write down three things the author says about this person. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ence. Please learn these spellings for Friday (29.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patience          intelligence        consequence        influence            evidence

essence           reference           audience           circumference      excellence

sequence         silence                 obedience          absence             commence


Re-read pages 30 to 36 - Mysterious Traveller 6 (documents below). Or click on the link and listen to the story being read to you. You will need to start at 20.19 minutes and stop at 25.36 minutes.

In the next few days, you are going to write your own faraway story, but today you will research and choose a setting.

Have a look at the wonderful and inspiring landscape images from National Geographic (Setting Pictures below).

Look at some possible settings that you might like to use (grasslands with a huge tree, barren mountains and a grey lake, desert rocks under stars, strange cities, rainforests and waterfalls, desert cities, tiny villages perched on the side of a mountain frozen land with startling blue lakes) – the list can go on and on.

Remember, you are thinking about and developing your ideas today.

You could look on the National Geographic website and find your own picture for your setting. Click on the link to look at some interesting photos:

When you have chosen the picture you like for your story setting. Then, stick it in you exercise book. The date and title are:

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Can I research my story setting and collect useful words, phrases and sentences?

Underneath the picture write the sub-headings:

Adjectives I will Use:

You will write all the adjectives that work well for the setting picture you have chosen.

Remember to use the online thesaurus from yesterday’s work to help you.

Follow this link:

Similes I will use:

You will write any similes that work well with your setting picture.

Look back at the imagery work we did for ideas.

Sentences with Relative Clauses that I will Use:

Here, you will write sentences that have relative clauses. Just like the work you did yesterday.

Please have a look on Seesaw where I have given an example of today’s work and a further explanation.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the game – Sequences. Scroll down to ‘play game’ and have a go at level 11 and 12.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Number Sequences. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I continue and complete number sequences?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.

Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Zids and Zods

Zids have 4 spots.

Zods have 9 spots.

Altogether some Zids and Zods have 48 spots.

How many Zids are there?

How many Zods?

What if Zids have 5 spots, Zods have 7 spots,

and there are 140 spots altogether?

Find as many solutions as you can.


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Know multiplication facts to 10 x 10.

Add two-digit numbers mentally.

Franco’s fast food – Answers:

A curry costs £3.50, a pudding costs £1

and a tea costs 50p.

So, the total cost of a curry, a pudding and

a tea is £5.



Write the date and today’s learning objective which is:

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Can I investigate reversible changes by separating mixtures by sieving, filtering and evaporating?

Click on this link to access the lesson:!24320&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AAeXjZJmJls82eE

Please read slide 5 carefully so you understand the difference between sieving and filtering. When would you need to use evaporation to separate a mixture?

Watch the Royal Society of Chemistry video on slide 8 before you start.

Now have a go at making, then selecting an appropriate method for separating the mixtures on slide 6.

Draw the results table on slide 7 into your book or print it out. Complete the table for each mixture that you try to separate. The vocabulary on slide 9 will help you. Check out slide 10 for an example of what a good results table looks like.

Well done! You have worked as chemists today!

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


We have been doing really well with our French phonics, so here’s a video to watch first to practise some sounds.

Now we are going to continue our learning about the Planets.

Download the PowerPoint Les planets (documents below).

There is one sentence about each planet. Please click on the sound button and repeat each sentence a few times so that you gain confidence with your pronunciation.

Now, write the date, in French and learning objective in your book:

Mercredi 27 janvier 2021

Can I translate sentences from French to English?

Use the key words boxes or the dictionary link to translate each sentence into English. Remember to translate how we would say it, not literally what is there in French. It must make sense in English.

Well done! We will use these sentences as a model next week to do our own sentences about the planets in French.

Here’s the planets song to finish.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ence. These - ence words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Tuesday 26th January 2021

Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 3:26pm


Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 26th January 2021

Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well and ready for today’s learning. If you are missing school and friends, try to do some activities you enjoy doing for part of the day or try something new. Listen to different types of music and make up a dance to go with it. You could perform it to your family. Below is a link to free audio books, there are loads to choose from. Elementary is primary school ages, so you should find something there that interests you.

You could also do some art and crafts. There are lots of inspirational ideas on Pinterest and art tutorial videos on YouTube.

I know you have done Yoga before in school, have a go at home. Follow the link:


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Write down three questions you would like to ask your favourite character. Then write the answers you think that character would give. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ence. Please learn these spellings for Friday (29.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patience          intelligence        consequence        influence            evidence

essence           reference           audience           circumference      excellence

sequence         silence                 obedience          absence             commence


Re-read pages 25 to 29 - Mysterious Traveller 5 (documents below). Or click on the link and listen to the story being read to you. You will need to start at 17.05 minutes and stop at 20.23 minutes.

Issa asked Mariama about what she saw…Mariama said that she ‘did not have the words’ to describe what she saw.

I would like you to use what we have learnt about imagery, excellent vocabulary and relative clauses (sentences from Monday’s work) to write a description about what Mariama saw. Use the picture, your imagination and senses to write as descriptively as you can.

Write straight into your exercise book or print out the Description Worksheet (below). You will need to trim it down and stick it into your exercise book.

The date and title are:

Tuesday 26th January 2021

Can I write a powerful description using interesting vocabulary, imagery and relative clauses?

Before you start writing, watch the lesson clip on Seesaw – Using the Online Thesaurus. I will explain how to use the online thesaurus and give you some ideas for including powerful vocabulary in your writing.

Click on this link for a thesaurus:

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the fractions game – Fruit Splat. Click on level 1a and 2a, adding two and three fractions with the same denominator.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I convert mixed numbers to improper fractions?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.

Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Franco’s fast food

This is what food costs at Franco’s café.

1 curry and 1 tea cost £4.

2 curries and 2 puddings cost £9.

1 pudding and 2 teas cost £2.

What do you have to pay in total for

1 curry, 1 pudding and 1 tea?

What does each item cost on its own?


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Explain methods and reasoning.

Anyone for tennis? – Answers:

Ali, Luke, Holly and Zoe play tennis.

Two boys can play.

Ben won’t play if Luke plays.

So, the two boys must be Ali and Ben,

or Ali and Luke.

Ali will play only if Holly plays.

Holly won’t play with Ben.

So, the two boys are Ali and Luke.

Luke will play only if Zoe plays.

So, the two girls are Holly and Zoe.


Games Skills - have a go at Blast Off.

Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Gymnastics - have a go at Sequence Champions:

If you can record yourself, post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Use the link below to log into

Please work through the lessons in order.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ence. These - ence words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 25th January 2021

Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 3:25pm

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 25th January 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well and had a good weekend with your families. This week I will be including a couple of filmed lessons that you can watch on Seesaw. Hopefully, it will help you with your Home Learning and make things a bit clearer. Thank you for posting your work for me to see on Seesaw, it really is very good and you should be extremely proud of yourselves. Keep up the positive effort this week Year 5.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Choose three descriptive words from your book and write them down. Using a thesaurus or online thesaurus find a synonym and antonym for each word. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ence. Please learn these spellings for Friday (29.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

patience          intelligence        consequence        influence            evidence

essence           reference           audience           circumference      excellence

sequence         silence                 obedience          absence             commence


Read the next part of our story Mysterious Traveller 5 (documents below).

Use the Relative Clauses PowerPoint (documents below) to remind yourselves of the work we did on Friday.

Here is a sentence for us to look at together:

The sun lit the mountains.

I have underlined the nouns.

Next, I am going to describe the sun a bit more and add a relative clause.

The sun, which shone brightly, lit the mountains.

Now, I am going to describe the mountains a bit more and add a relative clause.

The sun lit the mountains that were snow-capped and magical.

This is what you will be doing today. Please look at the writing prompt (documents below) and follow the instructions.

The date and title are:

Monday 25th January 2021

Can I write detailed sentences using correctly punctuated relative clauses?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the problem-solving game - Bead Numbers.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Improper fractions to mixed numbers. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I convert improper fractions to mixed numbers?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Anyone for tennis?

Two boys and two girls can play tennis.


Ali said: ‘I will only play if Holly plays.’

Holly said: ‘I won’t play if Ben is playing.’

Ben said: ‘I won’t play if Luke or Laura plays.’

Luke said: ‘I will only play if Zoe plays.’

Zoe said: ‘I don’t mind who I play with.’

Which two boys and which two girls play tennis?


Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting data.

Explain methods and reasoning.

Slick Jim – Answers:

Jim won £540 000.


As you have been describing a rocky mountain/desert setting in English today. I thought you might like to have a go at drawing one. This tutorial is a bit tricky, but I am sure some of you budding artists will do a great job.

Or you could draw your own version of the picture from our story Mysterious Traveller. You will find this in the story PowerPoint (documents below).

 Follow this link for the tutorial:

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ence. These - ence words are slightly different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Friday 22nd January 2021

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 12:02pm

Year 5 Home Learning Friday 22nd January 2021

Good morning Year 5, well done for just about completing your second full week of Home Learning. I hope you have enjoyed it and learned some new things. Remember we learn new things every day and a lot of the time we don’t even realise it! Have a great weekend with plenty of rest and fun. Look out for 'Friday catch up' which will be posted on Seesaw later on today. I will be back on Monday for another instalment of Year 5 Home Learning.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Copy out three sentences or phrases you really liked in your reading book. Explain what it is you really liked about each of them. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Please ask somebody to test you on the spellings below. Write today’s date in your exercise book and remember to put a mark out of fifteen. I will issue new spellings on Monday.

infancy          pregnancy         extravagancy         significancy       absorbancy

truancy         expectancy        redundancy           vibrancy             buoyancy

reluctancy     elegancy            flamboyancy         occupancy          accountancy


Read the next few pages of Mysterious Traveller by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham (documents below).

We learnt that the book builds vivid images of the setting and characters. One way in which we can build rich images is through using relative clauses.

Read through the PowerPoint: Relative clauses (to slide 8, in the documents below). The slides will remind you about relative clauses and pronouns. We looked at this in the Autumn Term. Have a go at the small activity on slide 8 but there is no need to write anything down, just think about it.

Complete one of the worksheets below. The activities increase in difficulty. You must do one of the activities, but for those of you who are enjoying this work you could do two or three of them.

Relative Clauses (A) asks you to identify relative clauses.

Relative Clauses (B) asks you to insert relative clauses with given pronouns.

Relative Clauses (C) asks you to write relative clauses, choosing from nouns in given sentences and selecting the best relative pronoun.

Please complete your worksheet (will need trimming down) and stick it into your exercise book. You could copy the work straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Friday 22nd January 2021

Can I discuss, identify and insert relative clauses?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play – Daily 10. You can choose between level 5, times tables up to 12 or level 5, fractions of amounts. Maybe, challenge yourself and do both!

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Fractions greater than 1. 

These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Do I understand fractions greater than 1?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Slick Jim

Slick Jim won the lottery.

He spent two thirds of his

winnings on a very posh house.

He spent two thirds of what he

had left on a luxury yacht.

Then he spent two thirds of what

he had left on a hot air balloon.

He spent his last £20000 on a

flashy car.

How much did Slick Jim win on the lottery?


Solve a problem by organising information.

Find fractions of quantities.

Understand the relationship between multiplication and division.

Money Bags – Answers:

Ram put 1p, 2p, 4p and 8p in the four bags.

Any sum from 1p to 15p can be made with

these amounts.


We will continue our work on Mission.

You will find something to read and an activity to do in the documents below (How the Mission of Jesus Continues Today).

You can write the letter straight into your book or use the worksheet provided below, it will need to be trimmed down and stuck it into your book.

The date and title are:

Friday 22nd January 2021

Can I write a letter, as though I were a Bishop, to my Parishes explaining the mission in the Diocese?

  Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Click on the link below and follow the lesson:


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Fractions.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ence. These - ence words are slightly different from our test spellings above but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 21st January 2021

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 12:01pm

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 21st January 2021

Good morning Year 5, well done for working so hard. Each day I am seeing more and more fantastic work posted on Seesaw. Thank you again to all those who are helping with your learning. As a thank you to someone in your family, you could surprise them with a random act of kindness. This could be, drawing them a picture or making them a card or even bringing them a treat like a biscuit or a cup of tea (always ask another adult or older sibling to help you with the boiling water!) Make someone smile today! If you want to make me smile today, try your hardest to do your Home Learning as though you were in school. Best handwriting, presentation and effort please.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Design a poster for the book you have read to persuade other people to read your story/fact book. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date. If you want to draw and write on plain paper, you could trim it down and stick it in your book.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus your handwriting at the same time.

infancy          pregnancy         extravagancy         significancy       absorbancy

truancy         expectancy        redundancy           vibrancy             buoyancy

reluctancy     elegancy            flamboyancy         occupancy          accountancy


In our story, when Issa lost his sight, he was still able to navigate using Mariama’s vivid descriptions and his own memories of what the place was like.

Mysterious Traveller (and Cloud Tea Monkeys) has beautiful illustrations but even without them the reader builds strong images of the setting and characters though the language used.

Re-read the paragraph where sunrise is described (find it in Tuesday’s documents Mysterious Traveller 1 on page 3). What do you notice about the language used? Note down in your exercise book the powerful language and similes you can find in the text. Why doesn’t the writer just say, ‘The sun rose’? Simile= when you describe something as or like something else. For example, as brave as a lion, or fast like a Cheetah. The sub-heading for this list is: Powerful Language and Similes in the Text

When you do this, think about and include in your list all the ways that writers build images (impactful adjectives and adverbs, powerful noun phrases, similes and metaphor, describing small details, including different senses, etc.).

Now read pages 17, 19 and 20 (documents below) slowly, see if you can spot words and phrases which build vivid images. List them under this sub-heading: Words and Phrases which Build Vivid Images. For example, similes to describe the strangers, ‘evening shadows’ to show time passing, details such as scars, giving the strangers temporary names like Scarface.

Select examples from your second list (Words and Phrases which Build Vivid Images) to record on the imagery worksheet. You will find this in the documents below.

Harder: You could colour-code your imagery examples, e.g. red for simile, green for powerful adjective/verb, purple for small detail, etc.

Please write your lists and stick your worksheet (will need trimming down) into your exercise book.

The date and title are:

Thursday 21st January 2021

Can I identify examples of powerful language, similes and imagery in my reading?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.



For your mental starter play – Daily 10 and select level 5, multiplication and mixed times tables.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Equivalent fractions (Y5). 

These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Do I understand what an equivalent fraction is?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Money bags

Ram divided 15 pennies among four small bags.

He could then pay any sum of money from 1p to

15p, without opening any bag.

How many pennies did Ram put in each bag?


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Explain methods and reasoning.


Three Digits – Answers:

You can make six different numbers.

In order, the numbers are:

799, 889, 898, 979, 988, 997.



Follow the link below, scroll down to lesson three – How did the Shang army win battles? Watch the clip and do the short activity.

Whilst watching the clip take notes about the Shang army and the different types of warriors. Write these notes neatly in your exercise book. Illustrate your notes with pictures of some of the warriors.

The date and title are:

Thursday 21st January 2021

Can I take notes about the Shang army?

  Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.



Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 20th January 2021

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 12:00pm

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 20th January 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. The weather is due to be very rainy for the next couple of days which is a shame because you might not be able to go outside as much. However, going out in the rain can be a lot of fun. Pull on your rain coats, wellies and grab your umbrellas. There are plenty of puddles to go and splash in and feeling the rain on your face can be really special. It also gives you the opportunity to do some good indoor activities like painting, baking, colouring and reading or playing some Lego/board games. Remember there are challenges on Sumdog for you to do, well done to those of you who have been completing them. Keep up your fantastic Home Learning. I’m so impressed with what I am seeing on Seesaw.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Draw a picture of your favourite character from the story you are reading or one you have read before. Write a short description of who they are and what you have learnt about them through your reading. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus your handwriting at the same time.

infancy          pregnancy         extravagancy         significancy       absorbancy

truancy         expectancy        redundancy           vibrancy             buoyancy

reluctancy     elegancy            flamboyancy         occupancy          accountancy



After reading the first part of the story, what mysteries have been set up? What clues can you spot that the setting is faraway? Some examples could be…desert, goatskin flask, donkey, etc. What have you learnt about Issa so far? Re-read the paragraph beginning, ‘Issa’s old eyes…’ What can we infer (find out) about him from these words? Take some time to think about these questions and the answers.

Read the next few pages of Mysterious Traveller (documents below).

You will be answering the comprehension questions (documents below) about language, character and plot. The questions get more difficult as you work through them. The answers will be posted on tomorrow’s blog.

Please write your answers in full sentences in your exercise book.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 20th January 2021

Can I use retrieval, inference and prediction to answer comprehension questions?

Retrieval means that you can simply find the answer directly in the text.

Inference means to find something out from what you have read already, by problem solving from previous knowledge rather than simply finding the answer in the text.

Prediction means to work out what you think will happen before you know what really does happen.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play - Subtraction Grids and select two numbers, up 100.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Equivalent fractions. 

These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Do I understand what an equivalent fraction is?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Three digits

Imagine you have 25 beads.

You have to make a three-digit number on an abacus (shows numbers in units, tens and hundreds etc using beads).

You must use all 25 beads for each number you make. How many different three-digit numbers can you make?

Write them in order.


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Know what each digit represents.

Order a set of whole numbers.

Coins on the table – Answer:

Anna put 12 coins on the table.


Click on this link and follow the lesson on Soluble and Insoluble materials.!24313&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AHvR1ewPAtLFxb0

In school, we will test materials to see if they are soluble or insoluble and record our observations and results in a table copied from slide 6. If we have time, we will try the normal water/salty water experiment suggested on slide 7.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 20th January 2021

Can I investigate whether materials are soluble or insoluble?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


You have learnt about the planets in Science recently. Now let’s learn the French words for the planets and we’ll do a piece of space writing in a couple of weeks’ time once we’ve built up our vocabulary. Please read through all these instructions before you start.

Listen to this song first. See if you can pick out the names of the planets. They are very similar to English apart from Earth which is la Terre (la tair).

In your exercise book, write the date:

mercredi vingt janvier – no capitals in French remember!

Write the LO: Can I name the planets in French?

You are going to draw a diagram of our solar system and name the planets, the sun and our moon in French. Look at the picture in the documents below – French - Planets.

Start with a large sun on the left-hand side of the page. You could just draw part of the sun to show how huge it is. Label the sun le soleil (luh solay. You don’t need to write this. It’s just how to pronounce it.)

Now draw the planets in order (MVEMJSUNP – My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets). We’ll include Pluto for the purposes of this exercise.) Add a moon next to Earth and label it la lune (la loon).

You can find the spellings of the planet names using this online dictionary:

Click on the audio button to hear the pronunciation and repeat the word a few times.

Your diagram should look something like the example below – French – Planets.

Please colour it in suitable colours.

Now use the dictionary to find the French words for:

Close to

Far from



and listen to how to pronounce them.

Write the English and French words under your diagram. You’ll need these soon.

Now listen to the song again, listening for the names of the planets and some of the words you’ve just looked up.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.

Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine!



Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.

If you would like to do an extra bit of PE today click on the link below for a live lesson, it is called 'Cool Catcher' and is on at 2.00 - 2.45 today.

If you love dancing, have a look at this link for a dance routine that you can learn at home.

Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Tuesday 19th January 2021

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 11:59am

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 19th January 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well today. I’ve seen some great work on Seesaw, thank you so much for sharing it. I know you are all working hard and trying your best so I am a very proud teacher at the moment.

We have finished our work on Cloud Tea Monkeys and we will be starting our new book Mysterious Traveller which is also by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham. In Maths, we have finished statistics and will now be learning fractions.

Remember to look on CBBC for any programmes that interest you or BBC Bitesize if you want to do any extra learning. Our website has got lots of links to some really interesting webpages. If you go to - Parents then Home Learning Resources.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Find a non-fiction (fact) book to read. Write down eight facts you have learnt whilst reading. You could draw a mini picture to go with your facts. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus your handwriting at the same time.

infancy          pregnancy         extravagancy         significancy       absorbancy

truancy         expectancy        redundancy           vibrancy             buoyancy

reluctancy     elegancy            flamboyancy         occupancy          accountancy



Our new short novel is Mysterious Traveller by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham. This book is set in another faraway place based on an African country called Mali. Look at the map of the continent of Africa (documents below). Africa contains 54 countries; Mali is in the North West.

Read the Blurb and the Authors’ Note at the back (documents below).

You will be reading the opening few pages of Mysterious Traveller. The book begins at an exciting moment of the story (even though it is also acting as an introduction). What do we call this feature built in exciting or scary stories? Tension.

Tension is built through the language used but also through setting up mysteries and making the reader ask questions about characters or events.

Read the opening section of Mysterious Traveller (documents below).

Write down all the questions you can think of that the passage raises (approx. 10).

List the words that the authors’ use to make this passage an exciting opening and to make you want to read on (desperately fast, hunted, chased, etc.). The heading for your list is:

Words That Build Excitement and Tension:

Extension (optional): Are there any phrases or sentences from the text that you could write in your exercise book that show examples of strong descriptive words/phrases?

The date and title are:

Tuesday 19th January 2021

Can I identify how texts build tension and ask questions about my reading?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play Who Wants to Be a Hundredaire?

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – What is a fraction? 

These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Do I understand what a fraction is?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):

Coins on the Table

Anna put some 10p coins on the table. One half of them were tails up. Anna turned over two of the coins, and then one third of them were tails up. How many coins did Anna put on the table?


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Understand simple fractions.

Explain methods and reasoning.



Games Skills - Battleships.

Watch the clips below and follow the instructions on the cards.


Gymnastic Skills – Jumping Dice.



Use the link below to log into

Please work through the lessons in order.



Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 11:36am

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you had a good weekend and a chance to do some of the things you enjoy most. Having a good rest and spending time on your hobbies helps you to be ready for learning new things again. We have got some fun learning ahead of us this week, so remember to work as though you were in school and hopefully, I will be able to see some of your work on Seesaw now.

A big well done to those of you who have managed to post some work on Seesaw already. I really enjoyed looking at your fantastic work. You have been trying so hard at home and I can see you are proud of the work you have done. Thank you to everyone who is helping you with your learning. The most important thing is to do your best and stay positive.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Draw a picture of your favourite character from your reading book. Write a short description of who they are and what you have learnt about them. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Write them out each day to help you learn them.

infancy          pregnancy         extravagancy         significancy       absorbancy

truancy         expectancy        redundancy           vibrancy             buoyancy

reluctancy     elegancy            flamboyancy         occupancy          accountancy



Today you will be writing your description of the magical place that the monkeys found the Cloud Tea.

Use your plan and illustration from the work you did on Friday (15.01.21) to help you write descriptively. Focus on using expanded noun phrases and great vocabulary choices.

Write this on the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book (it will need trimming down) or write straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Monday 18th January 2021

Can I write a setting description using expanded noun phrases?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.



For your mental starter play Carroll Diagrams Odd and Even – Level 3 and 4.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Timetables. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I read and interpret timetables?



This week we are going to have a look at the author and illustrator Rob Biddulph. You may have seen some of his books/drawing books before.

Please watch the clip below and have a go at drawing your own dog – called Ringo.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.



Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.

Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Friday 15th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:50am

Year 5 Home Learning Friday 15th January 2021


Well done Year 5, you have nearly completed your first full week of Home Learning. I really hope it has been positive for you and you have managed to keep learning despite everything. I’m sure you are looking forward to a nice rest at the weekend. Remember to join Seesaw (family not class page) so you can share some of your lovely work.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then explore the contents page, glossary and index to see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: In your reading book look for ten common nouns (a person, place or thing) and five proper nouns (specific name for a person, place or thing – they always have capital letters) and list them under those headings. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings. If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone to test you today on the words below in your exercise book with today’s date. Write the mark you got out of fifteen.

elephant        mutant         hydrant           hesitant           consultant

remnant        tenant         dominant         attendant          immigrant

pennant         tyrant          expectant         occupant          informant



You will be planning a setting description today.

He pointed a finger up to where the mountains were wrapped in cloud. “It is the most magical and delicious tea in the world but it grows wild in high and dangerous places where men are afraid to go.”


Imagine that the writers, Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham, have received some beautiful illustrations to go with their book but they would really like one more: an illustration to show where the monkeys pick the Cloud Tea.

Please use your imagination to draw your own illustration of the place the monkeys found the Cloud Tea. You could draw and colour/paint/collage on some plain paper then stick it into your exercise book or display it at home somewhere.

There is no description of this magical place so you are going to plan a description. We know it is in the mountains, covered by cloud but the rest is up to your own imagination!

  • Make some notes, writing words, phrases and sentences.
  • Pick some interesting nouns to build expanded noun phrases around.
  • Try to zoom in (detail) and pan out (wider view) to vary the description focus.
  • Use the pictures in the book and on the worksheet below to inspire you.


Please write your plan (we will write our description properly on Monday) on the worksheet below or copy it into you exercise book.

The date and title are:

Friday 15th January 2021

Can I plan a setting description based on the story Cloud Tea Monkeys?



For your mental starter play hit the button – Mixed Times Tables, see if you can get faster each time you play.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Two-way tables. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I read and interpret two-way tables?



Jesus’ Mission:

In the Gospels, we read about Jesus’ mission. ‘Gospel’ means ‘Good News’. The Good News Jesus came to make known is that God loves each of us and that living in God’s Way brings love, justice and peace for the entire world.

In his Gospel, Luke shows us how Jesus chooses God’s way and begins his mission. He not only preached the Good News through His words, but He powerfully demonstrated the Good News through His actions. Jesus particularly delighted in doing this among the poor, the weak, the hurting and the rejected in society. He started this when he was about 30 years old. Jesus did not carry out his mission on his own, he called people to be with him and they were inspired to work with him. He travelled through towns and villages preaching and proclaiming the Good News. He chose twelve people to be his apostles and share his mission. The twelve apostles and some women went with him.

When Jesus started his mission, he attended the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth. He was given the privilege of reading from the scripture and selected a reading from the prophet Isaiah. This reading became the basis of his mission during his teaching and preaching.

Read the passage (in the documents below) and think about these questions:

- Why was the Spirit of God given to Jesus?

- How does Isaiah describe God’s love?

- How do you think the people felt as they listened to those words?

- Who are the people mentioned by Isaiah?

- Why did he select those people in particular?

- Where do you think we see these people today?

Create a ‘wanted’ poster to attract suitable people to share Jesus’ mission. Indicate how they might be inspired to do this and give reasons for your choices and try to make links with any other scripture passages you have read.

You may print out the document below and stick it in your exercise book or write it straight into the book. the date and title are:

Friday 15th January 2021

Can I describe Jesus' mission in the form of a wanted poster?




Times Tables and Spellings with the suffix -ant.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Gravili


Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:48am

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. Wow, it was such a rainy day yesterday. Perfect, for curling up with a good book. I love reading and I know a lot of you are avid readers too. If you want to read more, have a look for some books on the Oxford Owl ebooks. Our login details are – username: sto56 and password: 1234. Remember to join Seesaw so you can share your lovely work. Well done for trying hard, staying positive and loving your learning.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information. We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Find ten adjectives (describing words) in your reading book and write them down. Make up some sentences that include at least three of your adjectives. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings for Friday (15.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone to test you on the words below in your exercise book with Friday’s date. Friday (tomorrow) is spelling test day!

elephant        mutant         hydrant           hesitant           consultant

remnant        tenant         dominant         attendant          immigrant

pennant         tyrant          expectant         occupant          informant



Re-read the pages of Cloud Tea Monkeys which describe the Royal Tea-Taster’s reaction when he tasted the tea (PowerPoint below).

This is a very special tea! See if you can find the noun phrases used to describe the tea. How do we know that the tea is special?

The tea was so rare that the Royal Tea-Taster paid in gold coins which ended Tashi and her mother’s money troubles.

What if Tashi decided to sell her tea? She would need someone to advertise it.

You are going to write an advertisement for Cloud Tea.

You can choose where it will be advertised. It could be, a YouTube video, on television, a flier, a magazine or an Internet Advertisement, etc.

You must write the words that will be said on the advertisement. When you have written your advert, you could read it out to your family or tape yourself performing it.

Describe the cloud tea, what it is like, where it comes from and how it is made. Be as descriptive as possible. Your focus is to include expanded noun phrases.

Please write this in your exercise book. The date and title are:

Thursday 14th January 2021

Can I write an advertisement for Cloud Tea using descriptive language?



For your mental starter play hit the button – Square Numbers, see if you can get faster each time you play.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Read and interpret tables. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I read and interpret tables?



We will continue our work on The Shang Dynasty. Please follow the link below and click on the second lesson down – What was it like to live in The Shang Dynasty? Watch the clip and do the little activity.

Today’s date and title are:

Thursday 14th January 2021

Can I compare what life was like for the rich and poor people of the Shang Dynasty?

After writing the date and title, draw a line down the middle of your page. In one half write Poor People and in the other write Rich People.

Using bullet points write short sentences to explain how the poor and rich people lived.



Times Tables and Spellings with the suffix -ant.


Keep up the good work everyone.

Miss Gravili


Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:48am

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. It was such a nice, sunny day yesterday. Hopefully you had a chance to go for a walk or spend some time outside enjoying the winter sun.

Keep up the good work with your Home Learning today. I’m really looking forward to see what you have been doing. Remember best handwriting, presentation and effort just like you would do in school.

We have sent out emails with links to join Seesaw. You may be familiar with it from the last time we were in lockdown. It is a chance for you to post your work for me to see and comment on, so join up as soon as possible.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information. We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Write down 6 new words you have found in your reading book and use a dictionary to write the meaning of each word. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings for Friday (15.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone to test you on the words below in your exercise book with Friday’s date. Friday is spelling test day!

elephant        mutant         hydrant           hesitant           consultant

remnant        tenant         dominant         attendant          immigrant

pennant         tyrant          expectant         occupant          informant



Re-read the PowerPoint from yesterday on Expanded Noun Phrases, you will find it in the documents below.

Look at the PowerPoint with eleven pictures from Cloud Tea Monkeys. You will find this in the documents below.

Write a sentence (eleven sentences in total) for each picture with an expanded noun phrase.

For example:

Slide eight, the picture of Tashi looking at the tea leaves in the basket.

  1. Tashi stared in wonder at the glowing, emerald leaves that had appeared magically in her basket.

Please write these in your exercise book with the date and title:

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Can I write sentences with expanded noun phrases?


For your mental starter play hit the button – mixed times tables, see if you can get faster each time you play. Try playing hit the answer and hit the question. Which one are you better at and why?

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Use line graphs to solve problems. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:


Can I use line graphs to solve problems?




Start by watching this song and counting along:

(35) French numbers 1-100 - YouTube

Now watch this video again to remind yourself how to conjugate a regular ER verb:

(35) French er verbs - YouTube


Then write the date (in French) and the title in your home learning book:


mercredi treize février

Can I conjugate regular ER verbs?


Pause the video at 6:08 and copy out the verb jouer – to play, setting it out in exactly the same way as the video. So Je joue (I play) should be on the same line as Nous jouons (we play). Verbs are always set out like this so that the plural form of the subject pronoun is next to the singular form. Please use a different colour for the endings, just like on the video.


Pause the video again at 7:50 and copy out the verb Aimer – to like. Notice the endings are the same. Try to set it out just like you did for jouer.

J’aime                             Nous aimons

Tu aimes                          Vous aimez   etc.


Do you know why J’aime is written like this and not Je aime? See if you can find out if you’re not sure.


Find a dice if you have one. If not, just write the numbers 1 – 6 on bits of paper and turn them face down. Practise saying the correct form of the verbs by rolling the dice:


1 = Je                             4 = nous

2 = Tu                             5 = vous

3 = Il/elle                       6 = Ils/elles


So, if you roll/pick up 4, you would say nous jouons and nous aimons.


NOTE: PRONUNCIATION OF PLURAL FORMS OF AIMER:  nous aimons is pronounce nou zaimon; vous aimez is pronounced vou zaimay, ils aiment = eel zaim; Elles aiment = ell zaim. There is what’s called a liaison between the final s of the pronoun and the verb because the verb starts with a vowel.


Don’t worry about the ‘on’ form of the verb as we haven’t talked much about that yet. It is an informal way of saying we…., but that’s just a step too far for now! Ignore it.

Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine!





Write the date and title in your home learning book

Wednesday 13th January 2021

 Can I investigate thermal insulators and plot a graph of my results?

You will need some bubble wrap or fabric, some scissors, a ruler and a few ice cubes for this experiment.

This link will explain what to do:

Year 5a Lesson 2 thermal insulators.pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint Online (

Carry out the experiment and record your results. Then choose one of the graphs – bar chart or line graph and plot it from your results. After the graph, put a sub-heading:

What I found out:

Explain your results using the word bank to help you.

There is an example of ‘good work’ on slide 9 so please check that your work is similar and improve it if you can.

There are other ideas for further investigations at the end if you like! Well done!


Well done everyone. Remember to follow the link to Seesaw. I am looking forward to seeing your work.

Miss Gravili


Home Learning Tuesday 12th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:47am

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 12th January 2021

Good morning Year 5. I hope you had a good day yesterday and you are ready, enthusiastic and excited about your learning today. I know you will be trying your best and working hard, just like you would at school. A big well done to everyone and keep up the positive attitude.

I have had a couple of calls about the answers for the maths work set each day. I will attach the answers in the documents below the following day. However, today I will do last week’s answers, so you can catch up. Hope this helps and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.



Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Give the book you have read marks out of ten and explain why you gave it that mark. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.



This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings for Friday (15.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. On Friday, ask someone to test you on the words below in your exercise book, remember the date.

elephant        mutant         hydrant           hesitant           consultant

remnant        tenant         dominant         attendant          immigrant

pennant         tyrant          expectant         occupant          informant



Re-read some of Cloud Tea Monkeys by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham to remind yourself of the story.

Read through the PowerPoint in the documents below- Expanded Noun Phrases (slides 1-8). This will help you learn how noun phrases are built around a head noun.

Print out the Noun Phrase Worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. You need to underline the head noun and put a circle around the noun phrase. Then write some of your own noun phrases. I will post the answers on tomorrow’s blog. The date and title are:

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Can I identify head nouns, expanded noun phrases and write my own expanded noun phrases?



For your mental starter play hit the button – Halves from 50 to 100, see if you can get faster each time you play.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Draw line graphs. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are: 12.01.21    Can I draw line graphs?



Games skills - Avoid the Defenders.

Watch the clips below and follow the instructions on the cards.

Gymnastic skills - Balance Time.



Use the link below to log into We have not worked on code yet in Year 5, but you have done it in other year groups so you are familiar with it. Please work through the lessons in order.


SUMDOG challenges this week are:

Times Tables and Spellings with the suffix -ant.


Have a good day, Miss Gravili



Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:46am

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021


I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed time with your families. A big well done and thank you to everyone at home who is supporting you with your Home Learning. Together, let’s be positive, try our best and look forward to returning to school when it is safe.

Remember there are lots of other learning links on our school website that might interest you if you want to do further learning. Click on the Home Learning button just under the photograph of our class on the Year 5 class page. The BBC are showing educational programmes on CBBC starting at 9.00 today (Monday 11th Jan). Have a look and see if there is anything for you to watch. I’m very interested to see what they show!

I have included a timetable as a guide so you know what subjects to expect each day (there might be changes where necessary). This will help you plan your learning time but remember to plan breaks and fun activities too! You will find the timetable in the documents below.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Using your reading book, draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and describe what you have drawn. If your book is non-fiction draw one of the diagrams and write a caption to go with it. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.


Read the rest of the story - Cloud Tea Monkeys, you will find this in the documents at the bottom of the page.

What do you think of the story?

This story is set in the past, but in many parts of the world, families are working hard to harvest food for which they receive minimal payment. People around the world suffer a great deal of poverty because the wages for the pickers are not set at a fair rate.

Watch the clip below that explains what Fairtrade is all about: produced by Fairtrade (9m17)

Today you will be researching the issue of fair-trade. You will write your research notes in your exercise book. The date and title are:

Monday 11th January 2021

Can I research the Fairtrade movement?

Explore the sites (below) about Fairtrade and research interesting facts and information to share about how Fairtrade improves people’s lives.

Try to organise your notes using presentational devices: headings, sub-headings, bullet/numbered points, underlining, pictures/photos and captions.

When you have finished, present your findings to someone at home.


For your mental starter play hit the button – Doubles from 50 to 100, see if you can get faster each time you play.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Read and interpret line graphs. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:


Can I read and interpret line graphs?


We will be learning about different painters in Art.

Last term we learnt about The Victorians, so our painter for today is the famous Victorian artist, William Morris.

Look at the PowerPoint in the documents below which is all about William Morris’ life and work.

Choose one of the patterns from the PowerPoint slides to copy.

Draw a large square on some plain paper approx. 15cm by 15cm.

Copy (in pencil) the pattern you have chosen onto your square and colour.

Please stick this into your exercise book.

The date and title are:

Monday 11th January 2021

Can I draw in the style of William Morris?

I have also included some colouring sheets (documents below) in the style of William Morris. You could do some colouring or use the patterns to trace onto your art work square above.

SUMDOG challenges for this week are:

Times Tables and Spelling with the suffix -ant.

I hope you have a good day, Miss Gravili.



Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:46am

Year 5 Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021

Good morning everyone, it’s nearly the weekend!! Well done for working so hard and trying your best to keep learning every day. I hope you are achieving some of your goals that I mentioned on Wednesday. It feels good to do different and interesting things. I had a go at knitting a scarf during the holidays, it’s not finished yet!! I’ll look forward to hearing about some of the other things you have been doing at home, as well as your learning. You could take some photos of yourself achieving your goals and stick them into your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school). Remember to write what you did and how it made you feel to achieve it.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.

In the book you are reading find FIVE words that have apostrophes. Write down each word and explain why there is an apostrophe there, for example couldn’t – this is short for could not and the apostrophe is in place of the ‘o’. Please write these into you Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.


Read the next few pages of Cloud Tea Monkeys, you will find this in the documents at the bottom of the page. Think about how the story is different from what you predicted in your writing yesterday. Now answer the questions below in full sentences in your exercise book. Focus on best handwriting and punctuation.

  1. What words in the text describe the monkey’s excitement?
  2. What does scolded mean?
  3. What did Tashi discover in her mother’s wicker basket?
  4. The Overseer was marching about. He looked like a man whose brains were on fire. What does this tell you about the Overseer?
  5. What was the driver of the cart doing?
  6. Who was the man that came to visit the tea plantation?
  7. Write down the simile that describes the man’s moustache?
  8. What did the Tea-Taster first say about the Overseer’s tea leaves?

    The date and title are:

    Friday 8th January 2021

    Can I answer comprehension questions about the text?


For your mental starter play hit the button – number bonds to 100, see if you can get faster each time you play.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Introducing line graphs. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:


Can I understand and interpret line graphs?


Our new topic in RE is - Mission. Please read the information below about Sir Tom Moore’s mission.

Now research a charity of your choice, for example - RNLI (Life boats), Caritas, CAFOD, Missio, NSPCC, RSPCA etc.  Find out as much information as you can from the charitie's website. Here are some questions to help you:

  • - Who was the inspiration for the group?
  • - Who is involved?
  • - Who do they help?
  • - How are they funded?
  • - How can people help?
  • - What reasons do people have for wanting to help?

Create a poster to display the information you have found out about your chosen charity. Include information/facts/picture/photos/captions. You can use headings/sub-headings/bullet or numbered points/fact boxes. Make it colourful and interesting to read.


Please stick this into your exercise book. The date and title are:

Friday 8th January 2021

Can I design a poster to share information about my chosen charity?



Please follow the link below and complete lesson 1 – Understanding rhythm and pulse.

Enjoy your weekend, Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 7th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:39am

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 7th January 2021


Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to complete your Home Learning. Well done for working hard and trying your best, I’ll look forward to seeing your work when you come back to school. The children that are in school will be doing exactly the same work that you are doing at home each day, so it will be lovely to share and celebrate our super learning together.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.

Find FIVE interesting words from your reading book (this can be a book from home if you do not have a school book yet). Write down the meaning of each word. Then using each word write a sentence of your own. Please write these into you Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.


Read the next few pages of Cloud Tea Monkeys, you will find this in the documents at the bottom of this page. Think about how the tension is built in this part of the story.

Can you predict what might happen next? What are Tashi’s worries? (She has all her worries about her Mum, she has been shouted at by the horrible overseer and now the monkeys have taken her Mum’s basket.) How might these worries be solved? Think about what might happen next. Have the authors left any clues?

Write an ending for the story so far in roughly 200 words. Please write this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school). The date and title are:

Thursday 7th January 2021

Can I predict and write my own ending to the Cloud Tea Monkeys story?  

Focus on good punctuation and interesting vocabulary choices.                                                                                                               


For your mental starter play hit the button – division facts, see if you can get faster each time you play.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Comparison, sum and difference. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:


Can I compare and find the sum and difference of data when using graphs and charts?


Our new topic in History is The Shang Dynasty. Follow the link below and click on the first lesson – The Shang Dynasty 1600 – 1046BC. Watch the clips and do the little tasks.

Have a look at the artefacts, choose one, draw it in your book and write about it. You may use the information provided and/or do your own research to find out more about that artefact. If you have time find out about another artefact from the Shang Dynasty.

Please do this in your exercise book. The date and title are:

Thursday 7th January 2021

Can I find information about artefacts from the Shang Dynasty?


A big well done everyone, Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 6th January 2021

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 9:10am

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 6th January 2021

Good Morning Year 5, I hope you are all well and staying safe with your families at home. I'm so sad that we only got to be in class together for one day, but we must try our best to stay positive and work hard to keep learning every day, it is so important for you. I'll be counting the days until we are all happily and safely back in class together.

Every evening, I will post your Home Learning on the Year 5 blog for the next day. Please try hard to complete the work as though you were in school. That means best handwriting, spelling, vocabulary choices, remember good punctuation (capital letters, full stops, commas, speech marks, exclamation and question marks to name a few). In Maths, please keep practising times tables, counting and number facts. You can do this weekly on Sumdog and in maths tasks. Of course, reading every day is a must!

Please collect a Home Learning exercise book (to put all your home learning work in) from the school office and you can show me and your class mates the lovely work you have done when you return to school.

We can also provide reading books as needed.

I hope you will all stay happy and positive at home even though you’ll probably miss your friends. A great way to do this is to set yourself a small goal each day, because reaching our goals gives us a sense of achievement and makes us feel proud, happy and positive. Please print out or copy the ‘My Goals’ document below, this can be done weekly.

Here are some ideas for your goals, but I’m sure you can think of lots of your own as well:

  • Exercise for 20 minutes.
  • Bake a cake or do some cooking.
  • Learn something new.
  • Speak to a friend.
  • Do some Yoga (have a look on youtube for children’s Yoga sessions).
  • Do some drawing (there are loads of tutorials for children on youtube. I like the cute drawings of animals).
  • Tidy your bedroom.
  • Play a board game or build with lego.
  • Write a letter or postcard to family or friends/write a poem.
  • Have a screen free day.
  • Create your own workout.
  • Make a den.
  • List ten things to be thankful for.


Our new short novel is Cloud Tea Monkeys. Please read the story and look at the pictures up to page 10. You will find this in the documents below.

After reading the text, write a list of 10 questions you would like to ask someone about the text. Please write these into your exercise book. The date and title are:

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Can I ask and write questions about a text I have read?

Try to focus some of your questions on how the world of the story is created. What words and phrases build a picture of the setting? What simile is used to show that there are lots of tea plants?

Try to include some questions which encourage other people to use their skills of inference to find the answer? For example, how do you think the girl is feeling today and why? Can you ask open ended questions? These are questions where the answer is not written directly in the text.

Remember to use capital letters and question marks!!! Also best handwriting and presentation.


For your mental starter play hit the button – mixed times tables, see if you can get faster each time.

We are looking at statistics in Maths. Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths Website and watch the lesson - Interpret Charts. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your book or copy the answers into your book.

The date and title are:


Can I interpret charts?


Our new topic in science is Properties and Changes of Materials. Please follow the link below, scroll up slightly and you will find lesson one - Introduction to materials.

Read through the slides and watch any clips included. Print out slide 6 and stick it into your exercise book or copy and draw your own Carrol diagram from slide 6 into your exercise book and complete.!24324&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AAhvrCebpuW-Exg


Bonne annee!

In French this week, we are going to recap the conjugation of regular ER verbs which we looked at briefly before Christmas.

Watch this video to remind yourself.


Pause the video at 9 minutes 24 and write out the sentences, choosing the correct verb ending. Press play again and check your answers.  Now read your sentences out loud, being extra careful with your pronunciation. 


French people celebrate Epiphany on the 6th January with the Fete des Rois. Here's a story to listen to. See how much you can understand. You can always slow down the speed.


Bonne chance! A la semaine prochaine! Mrs Quilliam



A big well done for working hard and completing your Home Learning. As it is Epiphany today, light a candle and say a prayer to Jesus.

Take care Miss Gravili

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
