Year 5: Blog items

Online Safety - 13th May 2021

Date: 13th May 2021 @ 9:28pm

This week is Mental Health Awareness week and a great opportunity to remind us to be kind to ourselves as well as others.

Below you will find two guides from National Online Safety on how to promote wellbeing both online and offline and how to be kind when using the internet.


Join us at our Online Safety Hub at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 7th May

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 4:43pm

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 7th May 2021

Wildflower Seeds for Bees and Butterflies - Idealseed
Hopefully this is what our plants will look like!


Year 5 have had a busy four days this week. Well done for all your hard work and enthusiasm. In Maths, we have moved on to fractions, writing improper fractions as whole numbers and vice versa. We have also found fractions of amounts and looked at time intervals. In English, the children have learnt about autobiographies and biographies. They have thought about events in their own lives, ready to write an autobiography in chronological order and written some great wanted posters for a young Roald Dahl. In French, they carried out a survey, asking other children their opinions of various sports. It was wonderful to plant our wild flowers in the nature area. Fingers crossed they will grow and bloom.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book, look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find more information.

Y5 book changing day is Friday. Although, some children may change books at different times, so always bring your book bag into school every day. Remember to sign when you have finished a book, it makes it much easier to issue new books.

Remember to complete your

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 30th April 2021

Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 4:48pm

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 30th April 2021

15 Cherry Blossom Tree Facts for Kids and Arborists

A great week Year 5, you have been working very hard in all subjects. In Maths, we have moved on to coordinates and translations. We have completed our novel Room 13 by Robert Swindells and will move on to our next novel, Boy by Roald Dahl. I know a lot of you are looking forward to that. During outdoor learning, it was lovely to be outside in the sunshine, blossom spotting and our wild flowers are growing very quickly now. In Science, the investigation on bottle flipping was a success and the results and recording were very interesting. The storyboards you designed in RE were great and explained what happened on the road to Emmaus. You also used a lot of quotes from the scripture reading. The after school clubs have been a success, it

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 23rd April 2021

Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 4:16pm

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 23rd April 2021


Free Smiling Sunshine, Download Free Smiling Sunshine png images, Free  ClipArts on Clipart Library

What a great start to the Summer Term Year 5! You all look very smart in your summer uniforms and have come back enthusiastic and ready to learn. It was lovely to be outside doing cricket and tennis in the sunshine during our PE lesson. I was impressed with your throwing, catching and racket/bat skills. In English, we are continuing our work on the novel, Room 13 by Robert Swindells and you wrote some creepy descriptions of what you think was inside room 13. The poems for Earth Day were also very good with fantastic vocabulary choices. In Maths, we worked on adding multiples of 10 to 6-digit numbers, partitioning 7-digit numbers and decimals. For Outdoor Learning, we planted some wild flower seeds which will look great on the school grounds when fully grown.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book, look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find more information.

Y5 book changing day is Friday. Although, some children may change books at different times, so always bring your book bag into school every day. Remember to sign when you have finished a book, it makes it much easier to issue new books.

I have introduced a

Online Safety - 21st April 2021

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 1:29pm

5 little-known social media mark... - News - What Mobile

Using social media websites is among the most common activity of today's children and adolescents. Any website that allows social interaction is considered a social media site, including social networking sites such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; video sites such as YouTube; and blogs. Such sites offer today's youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason, it is important that parents become aware of the nature of social media sites, given that not all of them are healthy environments for children and adolescents. - From the American Academy of Pediatrics

Below you will find two guides. One for Snapchat and one for Sadfishing. 

For more guides and explainer videos, join us at National Online Safety and explore the range of resources to keep updated with developments in social media and much more.

Thursday 1st April Happy Easter

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 3:30pm

 Thursday 1st April 2021 Happy Easter

Free Spiritual Easter Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on  Clipart Library

A great final week of the Spring Term Year 5. A huge well done to you all for working so hard and with such enthusiasm. We have been very busy doing our D.T project. The children have made some amazing Easter themed toys with cams mechanisms that move. We have also been outside enjoying the sun in PE, the children are getting really skilled at playing in attack and defensive positions. In RE, we have discussed and produced some thoughtful work on the Easter Triduum and Mrs Wood did a lovely session all about ‘The Stations of the Cross’. Have a lovely Easter Holiday with your family and friends.

 I hope you get lots of chocolate Easter Eggs!!

 Miss Gravili.


Online Safety - 31st March 2021

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 1:11pm

Internet Safety

This week we are having a look back at our wellbeing week and how we express ourselves online. Below you will find a guide on Expressing yourself safely online and a guide to using Youtube. 

We have also included the #wakeupwednesday guide from on RecRoom. This is a new online platform with an age rating of 9+. We haven't yet seen any of our children use this platform but it is always good to be informed on new developments.

Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.


Online Safety - 24th March

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 12:22pm

Thank you to all who joined our Online Safety platform last week. To join, simply follow the link below and follow the instructions provided. 

We all have an important role in keeping our children safe in an ever growing online world.

Below you will find three new guides on WhatsApp, Fortnite and a Share a Smile online, linked to last week's Comic Relief theme.



Year 5 Home Practice 26th March 2021

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 10:59am

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 26th March 2021

Palm Sunday 2020: What is Palm Sunday? How to celebrate it? - Time Bulletin

A big well done to all those who completed their Home Practice last week. As you know, every Friday It will be posted on our class blog (school website). It will always be reading (reading journal), spelling and some Sumdog challenges. Please work hard to complete your home practice, it really makes a difference and helps to reinforce what has been learnt at school.

A fantastic week of learning Year 5, you have worked very hard. In Maths, we have continued our work on decimals. The children have been enjoying our new novel, Room 13 by Robert Swindells. It’s not too scary, yet! We have also looked at story structure in preparation for writing spooky, short stories. In Geography, We have learnt about the different geographical features of North America. It was great to hear that some of the children had visited some of these fascinating places, so we had a great discussion in class. The Year 5/6 Athletics Competition went really well and everyone participated to the best of their ability.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book, look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find more information.

Y5 book changing day is Friday. Although, some children may change books at different times, so always bring your book bag into school every day. Remember to sign when you have finished a book, it makes it much easier to issue new books.

I have introduced a ‘Reading Journal’ to the children. They are familiar with this from previous year groups. At the front of the journal, there are activities for the children to do using their current book or one they have just finished. They may choose an activity, complete it in their journal (best presentation and handwriting!) and colour/highlight the square to show they have done it. The children must complete one activity per week.

The first few ‘Reading Journal’ activities have been very good and show me that the children have a good understanding of the text they have read. They are also beautifully presented. Well done, keep up the great work!


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on the equivalence of tenths and hundredths and times tables practice. We will have a mixed times tables test every Monday/Tuesday.


The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words (different from the spelling test words below).

Please learn these spellings for next Thursday (1.4.21): If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult.

We are investigating the Year 5/6 Spelling List.

sincere           stomach           symbol               thorough            vegetable                 

sincerely        sufficient         system               twelfth              vehicle      

soldier            suggest            temperature        variety              yacht        

Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on the perfect tense.

For our DT project, we will be making Cams mechanisms and toys next week (Easter theme). Please could you bring either a cereal or shoe box into school. 

Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.

Year 5 Home Practice 19th March 2021

Date: 17th Mar 2021 @ 4:47pm

Year 5 Home Practice Friday 19th March 2021

Friday 19th March: Red Nose Day » Elmwood Junior School

Home Practice is back! Every Friday I will post your Home Practice tasks for the week on our class blog (school website). It will always be reading, spelling and some Sumdog challenges. Please work hard to complete your home practice, it really makes a difference and helps to reinforce what has been learnt at school.

A good end to our second week back together Year 5. Let’s keep working hard and following the Golden Rules, all the time! In Maths, we have learnt about negative numbers, Roman numerals and decimals. The children have finished Deathwood Letters and we are moving on to our new novel, Room 13 by Robert Swindells. We are also looking at short stories in English and the children have already written some of their own spooky stories, which were very scary! In Science, we made rockets out of paper and launched them with straws. We measured how far they flew and thought about the forces at work. Our new topic in Geography is – North America. We have learnt about the countries and the different climates of this interesting continent. We had a great discussion in RE about the ‘cost of giving’ and young carers in society. It was great to see you in red today, wearing red noses and telling fabulous jokes! Well done Year 5.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book, look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find more information.

Y5 book changing day is Friday. Although, some children may change books at different times, so always bring your book bag into school every day. Remember to sign when you have finished a book, it makes it much easier to issue new books.

I am introducing a ‘Reading Journal’ for the children. They are familiar with this from previous year groups. At the front of the journal, there are activities for the children to do using their current book or one they have just finished. They may choose an activity, complete it in their journal (best presentation and handwriting!) and colour/highlight the square to show they have done it. The children must complete one activity per week.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on decimals and times tables practice. We will have a mixed times tables test every Monday.


The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on compound words (different from the spelling test words below).

Please learn these spellings for next Friday (26.3.21): If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult.

We are investigating ‘wh’ words.

wheeze         wharf           whinge           whippet            wheat                 

whinny          whelk            whimper        whiskers           whistle        

white            whacked        whisper         whiff                which         


Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on adverbs.


Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.

Online Safety

Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 2:44pm

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at St Oswald's.

Here you will find a range of resources to keep your child safe online.

We have teamed up with National Online Safety to provide resoures, guides and training for all our staff and parents.

Below you will find a link to enrol to at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

We will also regularly post guides for social media and gaming platforms as they become more commonly used by your children.

This week you will find guides on Children's Mental Health, TikTok and Gaming Streamers and Influencers

Fabulous Friday 5th March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:49pm

Fabulous Friday 5th March 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

Image result for vanelope cartoon jumping for joy

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity – Play 'On The Run' game (documents below).

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it!  

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and a lovely weekend. I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. If you want to bring your Home Learning book in to show some of your favourite pieces of work, that would  be great.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 4th March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 4th March 2021

World Book Day 2019 - Co-op Academy Swinton

Good morning Year 5, I bet you all look great in your costumes. Enjoy the day and remember to upload your photos onto Seesaw. Write a message about your favourite book and say why it is so good. You could win a ten pounds book voucher!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or one you have just finished. Write a book review to say why you enjoyed this book so much. Draw pictures of the characters or setting. I have included a worksheet to help you (documents below). Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


Read Alice Spode (documents below). This is another Cautionary Tale. Do you think it is by Hilaire Belloc? Why not? (He died in 1953, long before texting was possible!).

Look at how the poem fits the structure of other Cautionary Tales:

1. A brief description of the foible and hint of consequences;

             2. A particular time where the foible causes terrible events to unfold;

             3. The reaction of others/the moral stated.

Make annotations on the poem to show these three sections.

Identify other features that make this poem fit the style of Hilaire Belloc. Notice in particular the rhyming couplets and the use of phrases from other Cautionary Tales e.g. ‘chief defect’ and ‘I shall now relate’

Display and read Cautionary Characters (documents below). Can you think about other modern-day characters that could be added to this list?

Use the Character Challenge and invent a modern-day character who could be included in Cautionary Tales.

Write a poem about your character in the same style as the other poems we have read.

The date and title are:

Thursday 4th March 2021

Can I invent a modern-day character who could be included in Cautionary Tales and write a poem?




For your mental starter, work on your Maths Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Counting in 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s and 100 000’s. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I count in 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s and 100 000’s?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.




We have come to the end of our topic – The Shang Dynasty.

Follow the link below and have a go at the quiz online.

Today I would like you to write your own quiz for one of your family members to complete about The Shang Dynasty. On a sheet of plain paper design a fun and colourful quiz sheet with great questions to ask someone (remember question marks!).

You can use questions from the quiz you have just done, then think about what you have learnt during this topic and write more questions of your own.

Trim your quiz sheet down and stick it into your exercise book or write it directly into you book.

The date and title are:

Thursday 4th March 2021

Can I create a quiz sheet about The Shang Dynasty?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Click on this link for your Music lesson:

Plastic cup, pencil case and contents, home items.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March 2021

World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity. Our mission is to  give every child and young person a book of their own.

Good morning Year 5, I hope your costumes are ready for tomorrow and you are reading, reading, reading! Above are the books you can get for World Book Day. Some of them look really interesting and the authors are great. Katherine Rundell is one of my favourites, she has written some super stories.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or one you have just finished. How did the story make you feel when you were reading it? Explain your answer. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


Enjoy re-reading Matilda by Hilaire Belloc (documents below).

What poetic features do we look for in a poem? Answer - including key terms such as rhyme, rhythm, couplets, alliteration, unusual vocabulary, metaphor & simile, personification, repetition, hyperbole, stanza.

There is a list of poetic language for you to look at (documents below). We have covered most of these in class, but if there is anything you are unsure of, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary.

Using the poem – Matilda, search and annotate the text for any of these poetic features (use your highlighters, coloured pencils, little arrows and notes like we do in class – there is an example in the documents below - poem annotation, but it is a different poem!). You can trim this annotation work down and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight into your book.

Look through - Matilda Questions (documents below), answer these in your exercise book.

Please also read the poems – Henry King and Algernon by Hilaire Belloc.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Can I annotate a poem to find poetic features and answer questions about the text?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter work on your Maths Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Cube Numbers. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I understand and find cube numbers?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.





We will start our new topic next week when we are back in class.

Today, I would like you to research a famous scientist that interests you. It could be a scientist from the past or from the present.

You might want to investigate and research a scientist that is involved with the mission to Mars and the Perseverance that you looked at last week.

Create a fact sheet/poster about your chosen scientist and share all the information you have researched. This can be written straight into your exercise book or typed, trimmed down and stuck into your book.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Can I research a famous scientist?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Bonjour tout le monde!

Here’s the breakfast song to start us off:

Today we are going to say whether we like or don’t like food items. Then we’re going to recap how to use articles. In English, articles are ‘a’ or ‘the’ for singular nouns. ‘A’ becomes ‘some’ for plural but ‘the’ is used for singular or plural in English.

A sausage – some sausages.

The jelly - the jellies.

In French, as you know, nouns can be masculine or feminine so there are two words for a and the:


Masculine singular

Feminine  singular

Plural (masculine and feminine are the same)



Un   (un)

Une   (oon)

Des (day) = some



Le   (luh)

La    (la)

Les (lay)


Download lesson 6 with audio:

Work through, saying whether you like or don’t like each item. When you get to slide 8, notice whether the food items are masculine (blue background) or feminine (red background). You’ll need this information later. After slide 9, write the date in French and the learning objective in your book:

Can I give my opinion of foods and use the correct form of the definite article (le, la or les)?

Read slide 10 then write out the 3 sentences using the correct form of the definite article ‘the’ : le, la or les. Check you answers and correct them if necessary.

Challenge: Can you write your own sentences saying what you like and don’t like, using these as a model?

Très bon travail! Marci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March 2021

World Book Day: Cassie Chadderton puts ambition to create “generations of  readers” at the centre of bold new vision — FMcM

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all doing lots of reading this week and enjoying your books. I love reading so much that I often have a pile of books waiting to be read, just as soon as I finish my current one! A huge well done to Georgina, who also had her story read out by the Mayor of South Ribble! We have some great author's in Year 5! Check out the World Book Day website, there are loads of fun activities and ideas,


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Draw a picture of one of the settings described in the book. Label everything in the picture using words and phrases that the author used. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


We have finished our work on non-fiction and will now do some poetry – Cautionary Verse by Hilaire Belloc.

Read Matilda - Missing Words (documents below). This is the start of the poem and there are words missing. Can you suggest what the missing words might be? Write the start of the poem in your book and fill in the missing words with ones you think will fit. You can check when you read the whole poem next.

Read Matilda – the whole poem (documents below). What sort of poem do you think this is? Is it serious or comic? Why do you think that? What might go on to happen? Answer these questions in your book.

Which vocabulary should you check? (souse, frenzied, score) Find out the meanings of words you are unfamiliar with and get a better understanding of the poem. List new words in your book with a definition (a dictionary will help you here).

Click on the link below, follow the words as you listen to a spoken performance of the poem:

Think about what makes this an effective performance, e.g. the pace, the careful pronunciation of ‘tiptoe to the telephone’, the increased pace as the fire-brigade arrive, the change in tone for ‘Maltilda’s House is Burning Down’, the use of punctuation and line-breaks.

Practise saying the phrase ‘tiptoe to the telephone’ and try to find other phrases to practise in particular.

Look at the poem - Matilda again and practise reading it aloud just like the example you heard.

Remember the ways to enhance performance, e.g. use of volume, tone, actions and sound effects.

You could annotate the text to help you remember, e.g. underline emphasised words.

Record yourself reading the poem Matilda (performance poetry) and upload it to Seesaw for me to see or perform it for someone at home.

Please read the other poem - Jim by Hilaire Belloc and the information that tells you a bit more about who Hilaire Belloc is (documents below).

The date and title are:

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Can I read and understand a poem and perform it?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter work on your Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Square Numbers. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I understand and find square numbers?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.




Have a go at these PE activities. Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Games Skills – Golf Rolling:  

Health Related Exercises, Circuits 3 – Super Strength:   


Use the link below to log into

Please work through the lessons in order.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:47pm

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021

World Book Day 2021 - National Awareness Days Calendar 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. The sun was shining and it felt a lot like Spring! Only one more week of Home Learning until we are back together. You have all done so well, so keep trying your best for this final week. It is World Book Day on Thursday; we can all dress up as our favourite book character at home and at school. Think about what you will be wearing, maybe, something you wore last year, something new or something you have put together and made yourself. You can upload a photo to Seesaw and send a message about your favourite book, telling us why it is your favourite. You could win a ten-pound book voucher! A huge well done to Bella who is also going to have her story read out by the Mayor of South Ribble (Facebook Wednesday 3rd March 4pm). I will look forward to hearing that.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Design a new front cover for your book. Don’t forget the title and author! Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


Read ‘Cycling Helmets A & B’ (documents below).

Compare the texts, which is easiest to read and why (text is identical)?

Think about the importance of organisational features (numbered/bullet points, brackets, adverbs, imperative/bossy verbs, labelled diagrams and more).

What organisational features will you choose to use in your writing today?

This text combines explanation and instruction features and your writing should too. I have included the key features of instructions and explanations to help you (documents below).   

Today you will be writing a guide for your chosen mode of transport.

Use your plan from last Friday’s lesson to help you. It should be easy if you have got a detailed plan!

You can write this straight into your exercise book.

The date and title are:

Monday 1st March 2021

Can I write a guide using organisational and presentational devices, adverbs and brackets?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter spend ten minutes on your Sumdog Challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Prime Numbers. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I understand and find Prime Numbers?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.

Lighthouses – Answers:

All three lights will be off after 5 seconds.

All three lights will next come on together

after 120 seconds.


 Follow the link below, watch the tutorial clip and have a go at drawing a friend or loved one. Then, make them into an installation that you can keep forever!

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Today you will be learning about - The Last Supper and the Eucharist in Mass (documents below).

Please read through the lesson and think about the answers to the questions. Then you will answer those questions on the worksheet provided – The Last Supper and Eucharist Questions (documents below). Please trim it down and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Monday 1st March 2021

Can I answer questions about The Last Supper and The Eucharist?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Fabulous Friday 26th February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:46pm

Fabulous Friday 26th February 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

Image result for jumping for joy

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity – Hundred Square Challenge (documents below).

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it!  

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and a lovely weekend.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 25th February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:46pm

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 25th February 2021

Image result for jesus lenten images for children



Good morning Year 5, I hope the Lenten Promises are going well. Remember Lent is a time to do things for others. What kind thing will you do today? A big thank you to everyone at home who is helping you with your learning. You are all doing so well and I know you are trying your best, just as though you were in school, because I am seeing such a high standard of work on Seesaw. This makes me smile and feel very proud of you. Even better news, we will all be in class together again on March 8th!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Before you finish the book, write down your predictions for the ending. When you have finished the book check back and see how accurate your prediction was. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Look at ‘Transport of the Future’ (documents below). Choose a mode of transport that you would like to write a guide about.

Think about these questions: What if they became available tomorrow? How might different people feel about them? What issues might arise?

Read and remind yourself of the the features of instructions and explanations (documents below).

Choose an audience for your guide, considering their needs (children, teens, parents, technophobes, older people etc.). This will help with your planning later.

Today you will be PLANNING a guide to a futuristic form of transport, which will include both instructions for use and explanations as to how they work.

You will find two planning sheets (planning grid/planning notes 2 - documents below). Either, trim them down and stick into your exercise book or copy them straight into the book.

The date and title are:

Thursday 25th February 2021

Can I plan a guide for users of my invented form of transport?




For your mental starter, I would like you to complete you Maths Sumdog challenges.

Work through the PowerPoint – Prime Numbers (documents below) and complete the tasks as you go along. The answers are provided within the slides, so please write your own answers in your exercise book first, before you click to check them. The answers pop up quite quickly so be sure to write them down before you click again!

The date and title are:


Can I find prime numbers?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Recognise multiples of 6, 8 and 10.

Explain methods and reasoning.


Spot the shapes 2 – Answers:

1. There are 11 triangles.

2. There are 17 squares.


Click on the link below - What are oracle bones?

Watch today’s lesson and complete the little activities. Then, read the information sheet about oracle bones and answer the questions (documents below, Oracle Bones - Questions). You may print out the worksheet, trim it down and stick it into your exercise book or write the answers straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Thursday 25th February 2021

Can I answer questions about oracle bones?

If you are feeling creative, you might like to have a go at drawing your own oracle bones and write on them using Ancient Shang characters (symbols). You will find a worksheet with oracle bone writing (documents below).

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Click on this link for your Music lesson:

  • 2 bowls and pencils.
  • Pencil case and contents.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:45pm

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021

Fairtrade - Lancaster City Council

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are well and doing lots of reading. You could recommend one of your favourite books to a friend. Perhaps, phone them and have a nice chat to see how they are. You might also like to write a list of books you would recommend to someone in Year 5 and we can talk about them when we are all back in school. Not long now! It is Fairtrade Fortnight, so I have included a sheet with activities that will help you learn a little bit more about Fairtrade (documents below). You might also like to visit the website. There are lots of things to do and learn and even a competition if you are interested,


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or one you have just read. Draw a cartoon strip of the main events of the story. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Read through Explanation Features (documents below). This will help you with your writing today so you know what to include when writing an explanation.

New technology often requires instructions for use and explanations of how it works.

Have a look at the Baby Cage pictures (documents below) What do you think when you see these pictures? Find out what a patent is.

Today you will be writing and performing explanations of genuine patented products (in the style of Dragons’ Den pitches).      

Have a look at the patent designs (documents below), choose one and write a three-minute presentation (pitch), explaining how the inventions work.

MEDIUM/HARD: Include adverbs for opinion (cleverly, easily, clearly, amazingly, etc.) in addition to cause and contrast. Remember to use brackets if necessary. Include all the key features of an explanation text.

I have included a worksheet (Dragons' Den Worksheet below) to help you with this. Stick it into your exercise book or you can write straight into your book. 

On Seesaw, there is an example of a piece of explanation writing that could be used as a pitch. This is what I would like you to do. Then you can read it out and pitch your product, good luck!

The date and title are:

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Can I write an explanation to present (pitch) a patented product?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter do this counting activity 3. I have alson included the answers for activities 1, 2 and 3 for you (documents below). Please spend ten minutes on your Maths Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Common Factors. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I find common factors?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Visualise 2-D shapes.

Explain methods and reasoning.

Shape Puzzle – Answers:


Click on the link below, read and follow the lesson as it progresses. Make sure you watch the video clips as well.!24322&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AN7So9-0MfgKb_Y

Do the task on slide 6. You may print it out or copy it directly into your exercise book. If you are unsure there is a good example on slide 9 that will help you.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Can I compare reversible and irreversible changes?

Exciting and Additional Science Work

This week something very exciting has happened in the world of Space science.

"Touchdown confirmed" - there is a new robot on Mars!

This video is an animation of how scientists planned the landing, not footage of the real thing, but it gives a really good idea of the successful landing.

Amazing, isn’t it?!

Perseverance’s mission is to look for signs of life on Mars. Scientists have to model their investigations on Earth because obviously they can’t nip to Mars. They form hypotheses (good guesses) based on what they can learn here.

So, they have researched life forms on Earth that live in extreme habitats. They are called extremophiles. There are extremophiles living in Antarctica, in volcanic ash and lava and deep under the sea where there is total darkness. There is also life in Yellowstone park hot springs and in a river called Rio Tinto in Spain which is very acidic.

If life can exist in these extreme environments on Earth, maybe it can also exist on Mars?

Write the date and title:

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Can I research the possibility that there is life on Mars?

Your first job is to research Extremophiles on Earth and write a paragraph explaining what you have found out.

Now use the ESA kids website to research what scientists think about the Possibility of life on Mars.,cannot%20exist%20on%20the%20surface.&text=If%20Mars%20was%20once%20warmer,exist%20beneath%20the%20frozen%20surface.

Use this link to find out about Perseverance and write a paragraph about its mission. Why do you think it is called Perseverance?

Finally, what do you think? Will Perseverance find evidence of life on Mars?

You can use the underlined words/phrases as sub headings.

Well done. Keep an eye on the news for the latest developments 211 million km away!

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Here’s a song to welcome you back to French learning.

Click here and download lesson 5 with audio.

Today’s lesson starts with a recap of time and moves on to describing what you have for breakfast.

Play the audio clips on slide 2 and see if you can write down the missing word. You can check your spellings on the next slide.

Qu’est-ce que tu manges? What do you eat?

Je mange … I eat Je bois…..I drink. Du, de la and des all mean some. Du is used for masculine nouns, de la for feminine nouns and des for plural nouns.

Work your way through, repeating all the words. Listen to the song on slide 21 and see if you can understand. Then, write the date in French in your book and the learning objective:

Can I read and understand a French text?

Read the text on slide 22 and answer the questions in English. Check your answers afterwards.

Bon travail! A la semaine prochaine!


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:45pm

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Image result for lent for children

Good morning Year 5, hopefully you have settled back into your Home Learning routines. Have a look at this picture, see if there is anything you could do for someone else today. I am going to pray for my family. Unfortunately, I cannot hug a friend at the moment, but I will save that for a time when I can! Maybe you could choose one to do each day during Lent and colour them as you do it. I will include this in the documents below if you would like to print it out. Perhaps you could design and draw your own version of this and include other good things to do!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Draw five thought bubbles and write what the main character might be thinking at different stages in the story. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Read the opening of ‘A Guide to Using Twitter’ (documents below).

Spot any brackets in the text.

The brackets are used to mark off extra information in a text in a noticeable way (this extra information is called parenthesis).

Look at the PowerPoint – Parenthesis, slides 2 to 6 (documents below). Explore parenthesis and challenge yourselves to decide where brackets should go.

Other punctuation could be used to mark off the extra information: commas or dashes.

Commas are a subtler form of parenthesising and dashes are used in informal writing.

Ask someone at home to play this game with you (it should only take ten minutes). Each player needs a separate game sheet to pass around (documents below – Bracket Game Sheet or copy it onto a sheet of paper).

As in the parlour game Consequences, you take turns to add to the story, with extra information in brackets (there is an example in the documents below – Bracket Game Examples).

At the end of each turn, players fold over the sheet to hide what they have written.

Unfold the sheet when it has been completed and read it out. It will be funny!

Now, write out one of the scenarios in your exercise books, correctly punctuated.

The date and title are:

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Can I explain how brackets are used and use them correctly to add extra information?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter complete this counting activity 2 (documents below). Write your answers in your exercise book with today’s date. Please do your Maths Sumdog challenges for ten minutes.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Factors. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I find the factors of numbers?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Use a symbol to stand for an unknown number.

Explain methods and reasoning.

All Square – Answers:


Have a go at these PE activities. Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Games Skills – Continuous Battleships:

Health Related Exercises – Circuits 2 – Healthy Hearts:


Use the link below to log into

Please work through the lessons in order.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:44pm

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Image result for lenton promises

Good morning Year 5 and welcome back to another half term of learning before Easter. I hope you all had a great week off and enjoyed time with your families and doing the things you like to do best of all. Hopefully, it will not be much longer until we are back in class together. I am really looking forward to seeing you all and catching up on any news you have to share with me. A huge well done to Jack Beetham, who had his faraway story read out by the Mayor of South Ribble. It was an excellent story. As it is now Lent, I would like you to think about your Lenten Promises. To help you I have included a little worksheet (documents below). Please post these on Seesaw for me to see.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Draw an outline of your favourite character. Write down all the different roles they play in the story inside the shape. For example, father, friend, villain, hero etc. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


Before half term we were investigating words instead of said. A lot of you have already tested yourselves on these spellings, but if you have not, please ask someone to test you today. Remember to put a mark out of fifteen.

laughed          questioned       suggested          quizzed          muttered

joked             queried            screamed           mumbled        whispered

chuckled         remarked        pleaded             grumbled        bragged

This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Re-read ‘How Escalators Work’ (documents below). It is a good example of an explanation text that we read before half term.

Look at the language features, including tense, formal vocabulary (e.g. surface, internal) and use of technical terms (e.g. drive gear).

Briefly look at the use of brackets (more on that tomorrow).

What does this text explain to us? It explains how escalators work.

We could use this to answer the question ‘How do escalators work?’.

I will show you how to briefly summarise the key facts of this text in note-form. You will find this on Seesaw and this is what you will be doing today.

Have a look at ‘Research Questions’ and the website (documents below and link).

Choose one that you would like to find out more about.

Research questions are numbered in order of reading difficulty (EASY:1 → HARD:12).

  • Today's task requires you to answer one of these questions by reading an explanation text, making notes, and presenting information to someone.


The date and title are:

Monday 22nd February 2021

Can I use the internet to answer a question, make notes and present my explanation?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter, complete this counting activity 1 (documents below – cut and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight in to the book). You could colour the squares for part 2. Please spend ten minutes on Sumdog.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Multiples. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I find multiples of numbers?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve a problem by organising information.

Visualise 2-D shapes.

Sleigh Ride – Answers:




Follow the link below, read all the instructions and have a go at drawing your own sound creature. Be as creative and imaginative as you can!

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Today you will be learning about - The Passover (documents below).

I have included a worksheet to help you – The Passover Seder Plate (documents below). Please trim it down and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Monday 22nd February 2021

Can I name the foods on the Seder Plate and what they symbolise?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Dance Week Performance 2020

Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 3:52pm

Fabulous Friday 12th February 2021

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 10:34am

Fabulous Friday 12th February 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

Disney Is Life – Censor This!

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity – What is My Number? Think of a number between 0-100. Someone asks questions to try and work out what the number is. Questions must have a yes or no answer. For example – Is your number odd? Is your number prime? Is it greater than 50? Try larger numbers.

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

Pancake Day/Ash Wednesday/Lent - These important days are coming up next week, so I have included a Lent Calendar and some fun activities to do (completely optional).

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it! 

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and even more ‘Fabulous Half Term Holiday’.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 11th February 2021

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 10:33am

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 11th February 2021


Image result for cartoon children dancing


Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. Thank you so much for posting your fabulous work on Seesaw. I really enjoy reading it and can tell you are learning and working hard, so keep up the great effort. I have got a wonderful class and I really cannot wait until we are all back together again in school. Have a good day!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or one you have just finished. Imagine you are an agony aunt/uncle in a magazine (someone who gives advice and helps people with their problems). Write a short piece of advice to the character having problems in the story you are reading. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating words instead of said. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (22.02.21) which will be after half term, but if you would rather do it before then, that’s fine. If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

laughed          questioned       suggested          quizzed          muttered

joked             queried            screamed           mumbled        whispered

chuckled         remarked        pleaded             grumbled        bragged


Today we will be learning about explanations and how to write an explanation text.

Instructions tell you how to do something. They instruct you!

Explanations tell you how something works. They explain how or why something happens (not to instruct, the purpose is different).

Look again but more closely at adverbs for cause and contrast on the Adverbs PowerPoint- slides 2 to 4 from yesterday (documents below).

  1. Read ‘How Escalators Work’ (documents below). What type of text is it? – Explanation.

While reading this, notice adverbs for cohesion; there are more for cause and contrast than with the instructions.

  1. Try to find the adverbs for cause and contrast in the text, underline them with a different coloured pencil or highlight them (see documents below for answers).


Adverbs - Cause: therefore, thus, consequently, as a result.

Adverbs – Contrast: however, meanwhile, nevertheless, instead, yet.

Next, read ‘How Alexa works’ (documents below). Your task for today is explained on this worksheet (blue bullet points).

The date and title are:

Thursday 11th February

Can I use sentence structure, adverbs and commas to write sentences that are clear?




For your mental starter, I would like you to work on your Maths Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Multiples of 10, 100 and 100. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I find multiples of 10, 100 and 1000?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve a problem by organising information.

Visualise 2-D shapes.


People in the crowd – Answers:

There is no precise answer, but pupils can

compare their estimates and discuss how

they arrived at them.



Click on the link below for your next lesson – Who was Fu Hao?

Read the information about Fu Hao’s Life. Using the facts and information you have learned, create a leaflet about Fu Hao’s life and the important things she did. Make your leaflet interesting, colourful and remember to illustrate it.

This is how to fold your paper to make a leaflet. Number 3 is the back of your leaflet so you can glue here and stick it into your exercise book.

Image result for gate leaflet

The date and title are:

Thursday 11th February 2021

Can I create a leaflet about Fu Hao’s Life?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Click on this link for your Music lesson:

There is also a worksheet to fill in about songs and how they make you feel – Music Worksheet (documents below). This can be trimmed down and stuck into your exercise book with today’s date.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Numbers and Place Value to 1 000 000.

Spelling Challenge: Maths/Science Vocabulary. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 10:33am

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021


Image result for cartoon children dancing

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are well. Your instruction writing was great yesterday, a big well done to you all. Remember to spend some time learning the dance that Mr Mears has put on our website (Gallery section). It would be lovely to see some of you dancing on Seesaw. I can imagine Year 5 are super cool dancers!! Don't forget to spend time on Sumdog, there are always challenges for you to do. The challenges at the moment will last for two weeks, so you could do a bit during half term if you want to. Stay positive and hardworking, you will have a week off soon.smiley


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or a fact book. Draw a spider diagram/mind map (example here) to show what you have learnt from your story or fact book. You can illustrate it with mini-pictures like the example. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating words instead of said. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (22.02.21) which will be after half term, but if you would rather do it before then, that’s fine. If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

laughed          questioned       suggested          quizzed          muttered

joked             queried            screamed           mumbled        whispered

chuckled         remarked        pleaded             grumbled        bragged


We have been learning about instructional writing.

What do you think good instructions are like? Think back to your card games on Monday. Can you identify key features that helped?

Briefly remind yourself about the features of instructions – Do you understand these terms: imperative verbs, adverbs, listing (numbered/bullet points), person and concepts of audience and purpose.

We can use a features list, like a checklist to evaluate instructions.

Today you will read and compare a range of instruction texts, thinking about structure & language and answer questions about this in your exercise book.

Today’s Work: ‘LeapPad Instructions’; ‘Aeroplane Instructions’ & ‘Thinking about Instruction Texts - Questions’ (documents below).

Read the LeapPad and Aeroplane Instructions then answer the questions in full sentences in your exercise book.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Can I read and identify features of instructions, find information in a text and evaluate instructional texts?


For your mental starter play the game – Hit the Button. You can choose which skill you would like to work on today.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Divide by 10, 100 and 100. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I divide by 10, 100 and 1000?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Count larger collections by grouping.

Give a sensible estimate.


Albert Square – Answers:


Today in Science we will be learning that changes of state are reversible.

Click on the link below, read and follow the lesson as it progresses.!24321&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AMc0EIbHa0qg7J0

Have a go at the investigation on slide 5 – Observe and describe changes of state by investigating melting chocolate.

Print out slide 7, fill it in and stick it into your exercise book or copy your work straight into your book.

Slide 10 shows a good example of a completed piece of work and slide 11 gives some more information when you want to review what happened in the investigation.

Enjoy a bit of left-over chocolate as a reward for being great scientists!

The date and title are:

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Can I observe and describe changes of state?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Today we are going to finish writing our sentences about the planets, if you didn’t finish last week. (We ran out of time in school!) Then we're going to copy them out onto a triorama. You’ll soon see what one of those is.

First, let’s listen again to the planets song because you might be able to pinch an idea for a sentence from the song. Slow the playback speed down to 0.75 to help you hear the words more easily.

You can always come back to this if you want when you are writing.

Now go back to last week’s French home learning PowerPoint (Blog Weds 3rd February) and find the slide with the flowchart - Je décris les planètes.

Use this to finish if you haven’t yet written one sentence for each planet. Now look at the next slide and read those sentences. Can you add any extra detail to your writing using these ideas? Please don’t just copy but, for example, you could find out how many moons one of the planets has and add it to your writing using the model: Elle a …... lunes. Put the number as a word in the gap. (Elle here means it but planète is feminine so we use elle.)

Please now check your writing using the flowchart. Have you used the correct word order by following the arrows? Remember, colours and most adjectives go after nouns.  Now watch this video for how to make a triorama.

You are going to redraft your writing now onto a triorama. Follow the lady’s instructions about where to put your picture (of the planets and colour the sky black) and your wonderful French writing. Then glue the flap underneath as she shows you and sit back and admire your work! If you’d like to drop your finished work off at school when you come to change your reading books, I’ll add it to the display after it has stayed in quarantine for 3 days. I’d love to see them!

Très bon travail et à bientôt!


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Numbers and Place Value to 1 000 000.

Spelling Challenge: Maths/Science Vocabulary. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
