Our blogs
Year 6 Friday 24th September 2021
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 4:15pm
Welcome to the first of the Year 6 weekly blogs.
Well done to all the pupils for completing the first few weeks of Year 6. They have all been exceptional in transitioning into the routines and getting used to the expectations of this new year. Congratulations to everyone for receiving a leadership role, whether that be as school ambassadors, sports captains, eco team, reading ambassadors, school council, science ambassadors or digital leaders. Also, Year 6 created a short story targeted at a younger audience and had a super time reading them to Reception.
This week in Year 6:
- We have improved our place value knowledge in Maths through identifying, comparing and estimating whole numbers and numbers up to two decimal places.
- In English we are reading ‘Aladdin’ by Phillip Pullman. The children have enjoyed writing as the various characters, showing that they understand how they might be thinking and feeling. We have recently planned our own version of the sequel, ‘The Return of Jafar’.
- In Geography, we have begun our new topic 'Mountains', searching atlases and maps to find the longitude and latitude of various coordinates.
- For RE, we have also begun our first topic of ‘Loving’ and how God’s unconditional love can affect our lives.
- In PE, invasion games is our theme for the next 5 weeks, focusing on improving our throwing and catching skills and starting to develop advanced tactics to give an advantage for the attacking team.
- In Art, we have used the Apple version of PowerPoint, Keynote, to create some brilliant self-portrait art.
- In Music, we have been learning to use the Boomwhackers to various songs.
- In French, we have learnt to introduce ourselves with things we like, starting with, ‘Je me presente’. We have listened to a French pop song, ‘Papoutou’ and tried to decipher what it was about.
- In Science, we revisited the classification key about trees and improved the vocabulary of them. We also became ‘research biologists’ investigating different plant groups: mosses, ferns and conifers.
Home Practice all relates to this week’s learning. These are the tasks needed to be completed:
- Reading – You all have a Home Reading book for Year 6 so reading every night for 30 minutes is essential. You also have a Reading Journal/Diary that must be used for the title of the book and any reading challenge chosen.
- The days when you can change your reading book are:
- Monday – Roller Coasters
- Tuesday – Big Dippers
- Wednesday – The Waltzers
- The days when you can change your reading book are:
- Spellings (words ending in ly) which will be looked in detail from Monday:
- really, hardly, happily, finally, suddenly, angrily, safely, truly, carefully, frantically, slowly, rapidly, reluctantly, swiftly, enthusiastically
- Sumdog challenges:
- Times Tables x3 / x6
- Place Value Week 3
- Spellings (ly words)
Around school, teachers have noted how you are respectful, polite and shown considerations for others – a great start as the ambassadors of the school.
Year 3 Friday 24th September 2021
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 1:12pm
Welcome to your Year 3 Blog.
Here you will find out about all the fantastic learning we have been doing throughout the week and see your home practice for the coming week. This will help your children with all aspects of their learning. We will set weekly spelling and maths challenges with the focus on regular practise of key skills.
We have enjoyed reading The Twits in English and have done lots of amazing writing. We have been focussing on using exciting words in our sentences.
In Maths we have been learing about ordering, partitioning and counting three digit numbers. Everyone showed great persistence and resilience with their learning this week as it did get tricky. We have set a Sumdog challege to consolidate the skills taught in class. Do a little maths practice everyday to make all our new learning sticky!
In History we have been learning about the Stone Age. Everybody has loved this topic so far, lots of us have already learnt lots of facts from books we have been reading at home.
In our Science we studied lots of different rock types and explored how different rocks have different properties. We also looked at what rocks were used for during the stone age.
Home Practice
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Remember, your books can be changed any day so remember to pop them into the red box.
Here are your spellings to practise this week. We will have a spelling test on Tuesday. These Spelling rules are also on your Sumdog Spelling challenge to help you practice. The words will be different but the rules will be the same. Remember our rules for past tense verbs.
walked talked clapped wrapped breathed described halved partied worried floated
For your maths challenges this week we will be practising our numbers to 1000 and your times tables. Make sure you complete these challenges before Thursday. Good Luck!
Practise the following skills for Maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick. Click the links below to access the games. We will have a tables test on Tuesday.
It was lovely seeing so many of you at our Meet the Teacher meeting on Thursday. We hope you found all the information useful. Below we have attached the slides from the presentation. Don't hesitate to contact the school office with any questions you might have.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 1 Friday Blog 24th September 2021
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 10:12am
Welcome to your first Year 1 blog!
All the children have settled in so brilliantly. Well done, everyone! Thank you for sending the Summer Scrap Book in with your child- we will look at every single one of them.
This week we have been listening to the story of Dogger by Shirley Hughes.We have been writing sentences about the story and making posters to find Dogger. In our Phonics we have been learning the long oo sound as in roof and the short oo sound as in look. We have been reading as well.
In Maths we have been doing lots of counting up to 20, forwards,backwards and from different starting numbers. We have also been investigating ways to make 10 and writing our numbers correctly. We have been ordering numbers to 20.
This week we celebrated the International Day of Peace in our collective worships. We talked about how we can be peaceful. In R.E. we have been learning about how we care for our families and how God cares for us. In P.S.H.E. we have been discussing how we belong to different groups.
We looked at photographs of buildings in Longton and talked about all the different things in our locality. We are going to have a good look around when we are outside.
We have really enjoyed our P.E. outside practising our fundamental skills, hopping,skipping and jumping. We had a great time learning French with Mrs Quilliam and Music with Mrs Winter.
We had a lovely Golden Assembly with Mrs Wood where we celebrated another super week of learning. We will take a photo the children who receive an award and post it in the Year 1 gallery each week.
Thank you for attending the Meet the Teacher meeting. If you couldn't attend, the presentation is attached to the Year 1 blog.
Please read for at least 10 minutes every night and sign the diary. We will change the books on a Friday.
Practise counting forwards and backwards from 0 to 20. Start at different numbers, count fast and slow, make it into a game.
Sumdog Challenges this week are...
Maths - 1 more and 1 less
English - Recognising and having a go at writing Tricky Words.
Meet the Teacher information Year 6
Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 4:25pm
Hello and welcome to Year 6.
Thank you to all those who made it to the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting but for those who could not, please have a read through the slides attached to this blog.
Any queries, please get in contact with the school via email or phone and we will be happy to answer them.
Look out for our first blog of the year on Friday 24th September.
Mr Mears
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 2:12pm
We have enjoyed our second week at school. We introduced morning jobs with lots of funky finger activities.
We have explored being outside making nature faces. We have been reading the colour monster goes to school this week and thinking about all our different feelings.
Mrs Wood was shocked how amazing we were in our first Golden Assembly too.
Well done Reception.
Date: 14th Sep 2021 @ 11:55am
With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas.
Self image and identitiy
Online relationships
Online bulllying
Health, Well-being and lifestyle
Online reputation
Managing online information
Copyright and ownership
We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.
To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.
Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 3:36pm
Wow! We have all settled into school really well and have completed our first week of school.
Well done to all the children in Reception for coming into school by themselves, making new friends and joining in all the new routines.
Have a look at some of the things we have been up to.
Date: 3rd Sep 2021 @ 5:32pm
We are very excited to welcome our new Reception class to St Oswald's. Here is a sneak peak of our Reception classroom. Have a look around and see some of the lovely learning areas we have ready for all your super learning.
Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 12:42pm
We would like to thank each child and parent for all the warmth, memories and learning that we have shared this school year. We have both found this year extremely rewarding and the children have been fantastic, each and every day. We wish them all the best as they transition into Year 3. Thank you to all the parents and carers for the support you gave during lock down, it can’t have been easy. Finally, a huge thank you for all of our wonderful gifts, we really appreciate your generosity.
We hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday. Have fun and stay safe.
Mr Ingram, Miss Bennison and Mrs Woof.
Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 11:58am
Wow! What a fantastic year we have had!
All of Reception have been amazing, all year round and we will miss you all a lot!
We hope you have a lovely summer holidays and continue your love for learning into Year 1.
We have enjoyed a wonderful final week together in Reception and here are some photographs to remember it. :)
The Seesaw accounts will continue to work over the weekend and will be deactivated at 12noon on Monday.
If you wish to download any pictures you can by using the 3 dots icon in the bottom left of all posts and selecting the share or save option. Your child's account will continue next year in school and their learning posts will be shared through our school website.
Thank you for all our lovely gifts and contiuned support over the whole year.
From Miss Collinson, Mrs Robinson. Mrs Maguire-Dorr and Mrs Cliffe
Date: 15th Jul 2021 @ 12:50pm
Welcome to the final blog of the year!
First of all we'd thank you all so much for your amazing support throughout the year. We also wish to pass on our appreciation for your very generous gifts.
This week we have had a mini football tournament and a karaoke party in the marquee. We really enjoyed the final Golden Assembly altogther as a school for the first time this year.
It's been an amazing year of learning and also challenge. Your children have been a delight to teach and their amazing attitudes have made us smile daily.
Over the Summer...
Continue to read and access the home learning on our school website and Sumdog.
The Seesaw link on the reports will continue to work over the weekend and will be deactivated at 12noon on Monday.
If you wish to download any pictures you can by using the 3 dots icon in the bottom left of all posts and selecting the share or save option. Your child's account will continue next year in school and their learning posts will be shared through our school website.
We wish you a very happy and safe summer holiday and look forward to seeing everyone again in September.
Date: 12th Jul 2021 @ 7:59am
Reception really enjoyed their first trip to our local park. As part of our topic 'Journeys' - We made road maps, drew out our own journeys to school and spotted any local shops we could see along the way.
What a fabulous way to end our week.
Year 3 Home Practice 9th July 2021
Date: 10th Jul 2021 @ 6:31am
We have had another wonderful week in Year 3! Even though we are starting to get tired and are looking forward to the summer holidays, everybody is still working their socks off!
We have been doing some tricky dividing in Maths but have all done so well! We are getting near the end of Toro Toro now; it is very tense as the Spanish Civil War is happening in the part where we are up to.
We did some videos on Apple Clips on Friday. A group of us did our videos about being safe and kind to each other online – it is so important to behave in a nice, polite, and kind manner online, just as you would face to face.
We absolutely LOVED watching the Year 6 children in the marquee. They treated us to a viewing of their Year 6 performance – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We couldn’t stop smiling throughout.
Home Practice for 9th July – 16th July
The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Times Tables
There will be no times tables test this week. We will continue to practise the Year 3 times tables in class – 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10. Some children are also starting to learn some of the Year 4 times tables too. Please keep practising your times tables on Hit the Button.
Times Tables Challenge: 9th July – 16th July
Year 3 Competition: 9th July – 16th July
There will be no spelling test this week. We will be practising some of the Year 3 spellings in class.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 9th July 2021
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 4:27pm
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 9th July 2021
A great week year 5, the highlight was Sports Day. What a great afternoon! You all did so well, make sure you have another look at yourselves on St Oswalds TV (You Tube). We enjoyed watching the Year 6 production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That'll be you next year!! Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the football.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening.
Remember to complete your ‘Reading Journal’ task. Colour/highlight the square to show you have done it. Complete one activity per week.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on times tables and division facts.
There will be no spellings next week.
Have a great weekend. Come on England!!!
Miss Gravili
Year 6 Home Practice - Friday 9th July 2021
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 4:11pm
Welcome to our penultimate Year 6 blog. This week has been very busy:
- We completed filming our Leavers music video. Please see our YouTube channel, St OswaldsTV, later on today, to see it.
- Year 6 had a fantastic time performing the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory production for the infants, juniors and parents. You can see this video on our YouTube channel too.
- We were very lucky with the weather for our Sports Day, where everyone worked hard and supported each other throughout. This video is also available to watch on our YouTube channel, posted on Monday 5th
- Furthermore, we have been started preparing for the Leavers assembly and discussing our time here over the past 7 years. We cannot wait to see the parents again next Wednesday 14th July at 1.30pm.
As next week is the last week, these are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading
- Finish your reading book from school as we are in the process of collecting them all.
Monday 12th July is the Borwick Hall trip. Do not forget to check the kit list of what you need, but the main things are:
Old clothes to wear for most of the day (as they may get wet or dirty)
A spare pair of clothes (as you will probably get wet and need to change)
Sun cream (in case it is hot)
Water bottle
Any medication you need.
Cannot wait to see you all on Monday and don’t forget that IT’S COMING HOME this Sunday!
Year 4 HOME PRACTICE 9th July 2021
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 3:57pm
Year 4
Home Practice 9th July 2021
Another super week in Year 4! We made ‘stop motion’ videos in computing. First, we practised making a video and worked out how to make it more successful – making sure we kept the ipad still and our fingers were out of the way before we took the picture! We then made our final films and are extremely proud of what we have achieved. We also finished our World Ocean Day pictures using felt tips, plastic wallets and cut out shapes. Our finished artwork looks very effective and shows what the ocean should look like without pollution! In Maths, we continued to investigate equivalent fractions using fractions walls, ‘pizza’ pieces and Cuisenaire. In addition, we refined our mental and written division strategies. In Science, we used a sound box to compare different materials and how effectively they muffled sound. We also managed to squeeze in our Year 4 sports day on Wednesday afternoon – make sure you check out the video on the website!
Keep up the good work Year 4!
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
Times tables
There will be no times table test next week. We will however be practising our tables and division facts in school each day. Please use ‘Hit the button’ to practise your tables at home. The link is below:
There will be no spelling test next week. We will however be practising the some of the Year 3/4 spellings each day in class.
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 2 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths challenge – multiplying and dividing, including multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100
- A multiplication facts competition
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Year 2 Home Practice - 9th July 2021
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 3:45pm
Year 2 are having a brilliant final summer term. This week we managed to watch Year 6 take part in their final Sports Day. We made sure to cheer and clap for every race. In English we started our new story, Alice in Wonderland. The children wrote some very creative pieces and even managed to write their own adventure story. In Maths, the children started a tricky topic. We have been learning all about time. Keep practising to tell the time at home and have a go at the challenges set on Sumdog. We had a great time watching the Year 6 perform Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, they’ve clearly worked very hard and everyone gave a fantastic performance.
Please could we ask all children to bring in a bag for life for next week so that work books can be sent home. We also have another show and tell session on Friday so bring in your treasured possessions. We hope you all have a great time on Sunday…IT’S COMING HOME!
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday so please remember to bring in your book bag.
Reading resources:
Here is a useful link for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS
Next week’s spellings are all about words ending in -tion
A spelling list will be sent out on a Monday with book bags and the spelling list will be available to practise on Sumdog. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz on Friday.
Sumdog Challenges
Multiplication – x2, x5 x10 and x 3 tables
Maths – Time
Spelling Quiz – Words ending in -tion
Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
Have a great weekend! COME ON ENGLAND!
The Year 2 team
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 12:39pm
Welcome to your weekly blog!
We have had a brilliant week of learning again!
We have continued with our writing about "Where the Wild Things Are". We described the island and we wrote about how to look after a Wild Thing. Some great ideas and discussions. We can tell everyone is trying hard to improve their writing.
We have been applying our maths skills and knowledge all week with our maths games. Super explaining everybody!
We watched some more sports days and were really impressed with how everyone took part.
On Thursday we had a real treat when we watched the Year 6 children perform Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We were blown away by their singing and acting. It was an amazing show! Look out for the video on our website.
We have enjoyed making cards for the members of staff who are leaving. Evryone took care with their pictures and shared some kind messages.
Please make sure all the reading books are in by Wednesday as we are collecting them in for the Summer break.
Well done to everyone who is continuing to practise their spelling and maths learning on Sumdog. The training features will ensure your children are practising skills they need to work on and this will help prepare them for the Year 2 curriculum.
This week your maths challenge will be on simple multiplication and your spellings are compund words we have met in class this week.
Next week, the children will spend a morning in Year 2 with their new teachers. Miss Bennison and Miss Gravili would like children to bring in their favourite book for an activity. Thanks!
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week!
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 2nd July 2021
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 4:11pm
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 2nd July 2021
Year 5 had so much fun participating in the ‘Tough Kidder’ event this afternoon. They sang, danced and got very wet! It was lovely to see them cheering the other classes on and helping out. Our RSE sessions went very well. The children were so sensible and grown-up, they asked good questions and enjoyed learning new things. In Science, they took part in a live lesson about planets and learnt about friction. It was really good to see real scientists at work.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening.
Remember to complete your ‘Reading Journal’ task. At the front of the journal there are activities for you to do using your current book or one you have just finished. Choose an activity, complete it in your journal (best presentation and handwriting!) and colour/highlight the square to show you have done it. Complete one activity per week.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on converting between units of measure.
Please learn these spellings for Friday (9.7.21): If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult.
We are investigating silent letters.
participate stretched surprise climbing knock
knowledge hedges whistle different known
designed cupboard wrestling environment should
Have a lovely weekend Year 5.
Miss Gravili
Year 6 Home Practice - Friday 2nd July 2021
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 3:56pm
Welcome to our Year 6 blog. This week we have continued to practice the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory production adding in movements, songs and a percussion team – it’s starting to come together; just one more week to wait! This Friday was a welcomed return of the PTFAs ‘Tough Kidder’. With amazing weather, the whole school had a great time, especially the Year 6s who managed to drench any nearby teachers with their water guns (see the pictures in our Year 6 gallery).
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have continued our learning of algebra by forming expressions using numbers and letters.
- In English (and PSHE), our Wonder novel has taken us to Jack’s perspective who has got himself into trouble with the headteacher. We then used the author’s clever writing style to act the scene.
- In PE, we have had our final practice for Sports Day and our class have divided into Sports Captain groups to help run each year’s Sports Day.
- In Music, we rehearsed the play, adding in the songs and a percussion team to accompany the production.
- For Science/PSHE/RSE, we learnt what happens physically, socially and emotionally as we grow into young adults.
These are the days when you can change your reading book:
Monday – Dodgems
Tuesday – Roller Coasters
Wednesday – Big Dippers / The Waltzers
These are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading – With only a few weeks left, please keep reading for a minimum of 30 minutes every day. Try to change your book, just one more time before we finish.
- Sumdog challenges:
- Mix times tables (200 correct answers needed):
- Keep practicing these! They will help you massively in Year 7.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 3:42pm
This week we have had our very first sports day. It was amazing, all the children took part and crossed over the finish line in each race! WELL DONE RECEPTION - Watch the video below for all the action!
We have been reading Rosie's Walk in literacy this week and we have had a go at writing the whole stroy by ourselves. In Maths, we have been learning about capcity. Thinking about full, half full and empty containers.
We have started to paint our clay models and we will hopefully bring them home next week when they are complete.
Year 3 Home Practice 2nd July 2021
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 3:31pm
What an exciting and fun week in Year 3.
We had our Sports Day on Thursday, and on Friday was Tough Kidder. The best bit was definitely the slip and slide, everybody took part and had such a great time!
We have also been very creative this week, we have painted the clay that we made about the ocean and creatures that live in the sea.
We are still really enjoying our class novel Toro Toro. We have also been making up stories about what the teachers get up to in the summer holidays.
Home Practice for 2nd July – 9th July
The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Times Tables
Please practise the 3x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.
Times Tables Challenge: 2nd July – 9th July
Year 3 Competition: 2nd July – 9th July
Your spellings this week have the prefix mis-. This creates words with negative meanings or the opposites of positive words.
Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 8th July. Make sure you practise every night. Your times tables test will be the 3 times tables.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 12:44pm
Welcome to your Friday blog!
We have had a super exciting week!
We started a new story called 'Where the Wild Things Are'. We looked hearing about their wild rumpus! We wrote our own stories using our own ideas.
Here is a link to the story.
In Maths we have been using what we know to solve problems. We have been playing games which test our number facts and our strategic play!
On Tuesday we had a great time at our sports day. Our positive attitude and determination shone out. The photos and the video are on our class page. We have also watched the Year 3 and Reception's sports day. We waved our French posters to encourage everyone.
We have been taking great care when painting our under the sea clay models. They look great! We will send them home on Monday.
We all had great fun taking part in the Tough Kidder event. Thank you for supporting this by sending in your sponsor money. The video will be on the Year class page this evening.
Next week we are looking forward to watching Year 6 perform Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
And finally, Next Monday we will send out your child's report. This year we have included a QR code which will link you to your child's school Seesaw. On this you will see lots of pictures and videos of all the learning we have done this year.
Scan the code using your Seesaw Family App (from lockdown) by clicking the icon in the top left and select +Add child's account. This will be available until the end of term (16th July).
Have a lovely weekend!
Year 2 Home Practice - 2nd July 2021
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 12:35pm
Today the children took on the Tough Kidder challenge and they had a fantastic time. Everyone gave 110% and they certainly earned all your sponsorship money. On Monday, we took part in Year 2 Sports Day. Again, the children had a fabulous time with everyone giving it their all. Year 6 and Year 5 were there to cheers us on. You can see the pictures from Tough Kidder in the gallery section on the Year 2 page. The video for Sports Day is underneath this post and on the St Oswald’s YouTube page. A week of fantastic sporting achievements, well done Year 2!
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday so please remember to bring in your book bag.
Reading resources:
Here is a useful link for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS
Next week’s spellings are all about the /zh/ sound spelt s
A spelling list will be sent out on a Monday with book bags and the spelling list will be available to practise on Sumdog. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz on Friday.
Sumdog Challenges
Multiplication – x2, x5 x10 and x 3 tables
Maths – Fractions
Spelling Quiz – /zh/ sound spelt s
Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
We hope you have a great weekend in the sun.
The Year 2 team
Year 4 HOME PRACTICE 2nd July 2021
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 11:39am
Year 4
Home Practice 2nd July 2021
Another fabulous week in Year 4! We have painted and ‘glossed’ our clay sculptures - they look absolutely brilliant. In History, we completed a passport as if we were an Angle, Jute or Saxon and had arrived from either Denmark or Germany. We chose a name and occupation and described why we had come to England. In English, we continued reading Bill’s New Frock. We acted out part of a chapter, looked at the features of a playscript and then wrote our own script. In Maths, we investigated equivalent fractions creating our own fraction wall out of strips of paper. We also enjoyed watching Year 3’s sports day and experimenting with our ‘string telephones’ in Science.
Keep up the good work Year 4!
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next week, on Wednesday (7th July 2021). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately?
You can also practise your tables playing ‘Hit the button’. Select the times tables or division button and then the table that you want to practise. This is an excellent way to practise your tables. Either type in ‘hit the button’ (the game is on Top Marks) or use the link below:
The spellings this week all have the prefix ‘sub’ or ‘auto’. A prefix is a group of letters that are added to the beginning of a word, and change the meaning or make a new word. ‘Sub’ means under or below and ‘auto’ means self controlled or about yourself (eg autobiography). The spellings are on Sumdog this week and they will be tested next Thursday (8th July 2021).
automatic autograph autocue autopilot autobiography
automobile automatically submarine subway submerge
submit subdivide subheading subordinate
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A spelling challenge based on the spellings above
- A maths challenge to help with our understanding of equivalent fractions
- A division facts competition
Please make sure you log on and have a go!